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Member Since 14 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active Aug 31 2024 07:54 PM

#561735 Show Yourself V3.0!

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 12 August 2014 - 06:39 AM

I haven't posted of picture of myself since 2011.. time to post :3 this is what I look like:




Quickly! Run before I break the computer/phone screens!






EDIT: wow that gif was much larger than i thought it would be


anyway here are some selfies i took trying to convince tumblr i was a disney princess










spoiler boxes are against my religion

#561155 Top 5 Hottest Girls in Narusaku.com

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 11 August 2014 - 10:20 AM

In response to Fenris's topic http://www.narusaku....ic=13997&page=1 and FoolishYoungling's topic http://www.narusaku....007#entry560470 I have decided to create this similar topic about the hottest girls on this site. This list is non-negotiable and if you think I'm wrong, reconsider cuz I'm not.


The list is


1. KonaKonaFan


2. Ashtyn


3. I am Ashtyn


4. Ashtyn is KonaKonaFan


5. KonaKonaFan is me


6. tumblr_na4tixdhbA1tcidsso1_500.gif


Agree with me below!



#559779 Taliban Interview Goes Wrong (Viewer Discretion Advised)

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 08 August 2014 - 05:56 AM

No. I wasn't saying that at all. I'm talking about real world stuff. Politics especially. People just refuse to let racism die, and the 'racist card' is so overused people are just starting to not care about being called a 'racist', myself included. Say anything bad about Obama, you're automatically a racist. Speak out against a different colored person, you're a racist. Yet someone does something to a white guy...nothing happens. 


The people not letting racism die are the racists, not the victims of racism. And if someone does something bad to a white guy, I DO notice people get up in arms about that. I think you're exaggerating about the Obama/POC thing. That should say "Say anything racist about Obama, you're automatically a racist." Cuz... you are. (If you wanna discuss this, PM me. Don't wanna derail the thread.)

#552866 Naruto end game couples

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 25 July 2014 - 08:52 PM



Yeah, can we talk about this? Because until recently I forgot how cute they were.

#544729 How Do You Feel About Fanservice In Anime?

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 09 July 2014 - 06:02 AM

If a girl is trying to fight or be serious I hate it. If they are just... there? Well as a guy I love it. I mean.... what should I say? "Ew girls revealing their bodies is not right!!!" No... I'm a guy. >.> But I do hate it for the reason I mentioned earlier. Like with Rebecca from One Piece. She has a sad background and fights for good tough reasons. But then she has 99% of her body showing. WHY!? Her whole character is about "protecting herself" but she has... no armor on... just little plates of clothing barely covering on her "obvious" regions. Why do that?


Well, it's not so much that girls shouldn't reveal their bodies (of course, people can choose how revealing their clothes are and no choice is wrong), it's more that pointless fanservice is objectification, which is, like I said gross and gratuitous. There's isn't anything wrong with someone finding a girl's body attractive, as long as you're respectful about it to real life females and, for fictional females, recognizing objectification for what it is.


And I totally agree about the armor thing. Do manga and comic creators think people only go for the boob and vag regions when attacking?

#544336 anyone think a petition to keep the series going is a good idea because i am...

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 08 July 2014 - 01:49 AM

Oh god no.

#541601 Let's talk about Sexism

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 26 June 2014 - 07:42 PM

Now you are being mean. Blatant sexism would be me saying go back to the kitchen and have a baby. Did I say that? No.


Also one question.


According to your profile you are an 18 year old american female. Please explain to me just how you personaly suffer from male oppersion day to day. Just face it. Me being a male is completely irrelevant since you at this point are just as oppressed as I am.


That's not the only way one can be blatantly sexist?


People tell me constantly that I need to scrutinize the way I look in order to please men. One thing I heard constantly growing up was that I shouldn't wear certain clothes or do certain things because, "boys don't like that!" That's the mentality I was preconditioned to believe. That I exist for male pleasure, even when I was only nine years old. Society tells me everyday that I need to remove my body hair, pluck my eyebrows, stay skinny, cover up my boobs and ass, no wait, don't cover up your boobs and ass, you don't have control over your own body, WE do. 


I was raised to believe that women should always be submissive to their husbands, whether they want to or not. I was raised to believe that my opinions aren't as important as the ones coming from men. To this day men always interrupt and dismiss my opinions, and I know it's not just me, because I see it happening to other females too. I was raised to believe a woman can't be president, or a pastor, or the head of a house. I was raised to believe that I need to eventually get married and have children with a good Christian man. I was raised to believe I was less than men.


I hear everyday that, ew, gays are gross, but lesbian porn is hot! I hear everyday how that one girl is such a slut for sleeping with a few guys, and how that guy is such a stud for doing the same. I hear everyday that girls have the responsibility to dress so that men don't look at her and let his mind wander. I hear everyday that this one woman who voiced her opinion is a stupid whore who deserves to be raped. 


People tell me I should be glad that guy looked at me creepy, after all, I should be grateful for the attention. They tell me that those boys harassing me for my looks are just messing around, don't worry about them. People tell me that I am sexist against men for the crime of being a feminist. People tell me, be nicer, hate doesn't end hate, but throw nary a single word at the oppressors.


The message I get, simply, is that I, a 18-year-old American female, am less than men.


Don't you think for a second that you are just as oppressed as me. This was just a window into the life of a female. You will NEVER understand what sex-based oppression is like. Never.

#541584 Let's talk about Sexism

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 26 June 2014 - 07:09 PM


Listen buddy. For future refference, when debating with someone try to avoid "guessing" anything about your opponents character because you will be wrong, and its ussualy forfeit of an argument. Its simililar to the old: "You loose when you start correction your opponents grammar" rule.


For starters wise guy im 17. And you missunderstood half my arguments.


What I said was if people are qualified and fit to do something they should do it. BUT if you are a 5 foot blond with 6 inch heels and 2 inch manicured fingernails and cant open her pickle jar than she is probably not qualified for physical labour and should fine a line of work more suited for her. This was a pretty extreme example but you can all imagine the type right?

And what I said regarding children was that if the family has enough one income then one parent should stay at home. It is better for the child to have a present parent than to be constantly swithching babysitters or kindergartens.


Also you dont know anything about my education so dont even go there. But I will endulge you. Gender equality is what was achieved by the original feminist movement and is being halted by the modern one. Nobody is going to say that women should vote or have jobs. And the feminism movement allowed them the option.

What modern day feminsim is doing is demanding for women to do it. Women are frequently being told by other women that they have failed in life they dont have an office job and be yelled at by some boss figure. They have convinced themselves that being a stay at home mom is a disgrace


@Broken Figurine


I agree with most of what you said. As a matter of fact I was gonna include matriarchy in my original argument but it kinda got lost in it:D

But to be fair if we were to put a man and woman in a gladiator colloseum and have them duel to the death via melee who do you think would still be alive to walk away. I mean even the old gentelman code that says dont hit women probably has its origin in some ancient incident.


Back to the millitary thing. Have you ever seen stargate SG1? That show has some good female characters. Well one of the mains is Samantha Carter. And that is a women you would want to have covering your back. So dont think I would judge it completely by gender.


Please, male, please tell me what has been and is being achieved by feminism. I am sure you are an expert on the subject, since it involves you oh-so much.


But for real? The fact that women can vote and get jobs is ONE victory. One. And it's not the only thing feminists have always fought for. But, of course, I wouldn't know anything about that, being a female and a feminist and all. 


Jeez, I was going to be nice in this thread, but in the face of such blatant sexism.... I can't.

#541415 Girl asked to leave KFC because scars were scaring people

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 26 June 2014 - 10:11 AM

I know this is in bad tastes, but...



Jesus, dude, if it was in bad taste, why would you post it?

#541414 Let's talk about Sexism

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 26 June 2014 - 10:07 AM

I can't help but feel this thread spawned off my manga quitting one. I've also ignored the cheap shots at me up until now but after the "absurdly stupid" comment (mods pls wru with this crap) I feel the need to say something. Especially since I don't go around calling other people ABSURDLY STUPID for their opinion I think I'm due my 2 cents. Here he go.

Masashi Kishimoto is an extremely EXTREMELY successful artist. He's managed to create of the most successful, longest spanning mangas of all time. Yet for all his success he still cannot seem to create a decent female character. None of them are good and anytime they contribute anything of value it's promply overshadowed by a male's achievment that the female cannot hope to live up to. Typically, the achievement made by the male is the result of what we've affectionately come to call "asspulls" (Sasuke I'm looking at you) or he was "given" the power at virtually no cost. Usually by some greater MALE power.

Since everyone seems to think I'm just butthurt, let's go ahead and have some mini postmortems of the females in this manga. shall we? We'll start with the most loved/hated.

Sakura. This poor girl cannot catch a break. She manages to achieve the same medical/combat status as the Hokage of Konoha and right when she starts to feel decent about herself "I think I caught up to them..!" She's promptly rendered useless and returns to cannon fodder status. For all she's accomplished, the girl can't even maintain her own footing now and has to rely on her teacher to save her even though she technically outranks him in terms of jutsu and combat status. All of her achievments are attributed to her off-panel and we never even catch a glimpse of her working to accomplish the Byakugo or Yin Seal. We got a Deus ex Machina version of "Oh. I guess THAT'S why she''s been useless for 200 chapters.."

EVERY SINGLE THING she has done to contribute positively in the war, minus a pep talk, has been done off panel or was immediately invalidated. I.E. Her promptly needing to be saved by Naruto and Sasuke after punching out the Juubi fodder. Her needing to be saved the 3 times after that. All of her training? Off-panel. Remote Healing? Off-Panel. Would it have killed Kishimoto to put it in perspective how much she was contributing? No. Would it have detracted from the story to have the reader realize how HUGE the alliance is and how AWESOME it is that Sakura can heal them all at once? No. Did he do this? NO. Any little bit of this would go miles for her and it never happens because Kishimoto doesn't want it to.  We clearly needed more frames of Sasuke staring pensively off into the wind instead so everyone knows how bad-ass he is.

Hinata. At least Sakura gets thrown a bone every now and again because she's a "main" character. Hinata's character is, in my opinion, disgusting. There is barely a redeemable quality about the girl. She lives in a world of ninja and tries her best to be one but she can't accomplish a damn thing except get beaten within an inch of her life. She is, quite literally, a housewife masquerading as a ninja while pining after the main character with every fiber of her little being. Are there any thoughts about how Hinata needs to get better? Nope, Naruto. How about mourning her cousin? "Oh pls Dead Neji save Naruto!" Her friends and team are being gobbled up around her and what is Hinata thinking about? I wonder.

At least Sakura was given an independent thought process. Hinata wasn't even worthy of that. Literally, every function she performs revolves after obtaining a male character's love. Period. Oh, but Kishi did give her those cool Lion Fist things for no reason that's kinda neat, right guys? Wait, what do they do? Oh. That's right...nothing.

The things that get's me the most about Hinata is people like her. And when you ask why this is what they say. "She's pretty. has big boobs, loves Naruto." Yeah, cause that's all a woman needs, right guys?

Karin.  So, is she her own character or just Tsundere Hinata? Because I can't frigging tell. Can't fight? Check. Get's crap beat out of her for a dude? Check. Pines after her love interest and would walk blindly into traffic if he told her to? Check. Oh, but she has big boobs and got mad at Sasuke for five minutes when he almost killed her that one time. That's worth something right? Just kidding, let's watch her forgive his cold-blooded attempt on her life for absolutely no reason at all except plot. SMH. If Hinata doesn't even have an independant thought process, Karin doesn't even have a BRAIN.

Kaguya. She's only been around for a few chapters but I'm already going after her, and with good reason. She's what absolutely blew me over the edge. Here was Kishimoto's chance to redeem himself. After 600 chapters of creating, fodderizing, manupliating and abusing his female characters he finally debuts the final villain....AND IT'S A FEMALE! My excitement was over 9000. Alright, well Madara is gone, let's see what she can do!

...Wait, ok. So the only reason she's here is because Black Zetsu has been setting it up for hundreds of years? Ok. Well, that kind of sucks, I was hoping she would have some motivation or something or a plan or plot. Maybe TALK a little. ...She's crying. Wait, what the hell? Why? She's here to own the world! She's gonna take on Naruto and Sasuke at the same time! WHY is she crying?? Ok, whatever. Maybe she'll get over it and we'll see some awesome stuff. *Sexy Justu Punch In Face* OH FOR f**cks SAKE. *BURNS MANGA*

To put it in perspective, let's look at what characters had to do to even LAND A HIT on Madara. He was nigh invincible. Untouchable. Tsunade barely scratched his surface and by the end of it she ended up bisected and the other 4 Kage were in ruins. Gai had to GIVE UP HIS LIFE to get a hit onto Madara. 8 Gates. What do you have to do in order to get a hit on Kaguya?

Simple. Just distract her feeble female mind with a sexy jutsu. *BAM* I just...I couldn't even take it seriously. It wasn't funny. It's was stupid and offensive beyond all reason. Do you seriously think Madara or ANY OTHER male villain would have been distracted for 2 seconds by a sexy jutsu? Do you think Naruto would have been able to nail Madara with a hit like that with a sexy jutsu?

The answer is no. Kishmoto has debuted his final villain and it's a female. And he's promptly fodderizing her because it's all he knows how to do to female characters. Hopefully time will prove me wrong but it hasn't for 600+ chapters and I doubt it will. 

Hopefully what I'm saying makes more sense to a lot of you now.




This is not only a problem with Naruto, but with anime overall. The males are the useful ones, the females are the supporters. I mean, as far as female-empowering manga/anime, we have Sailor Moon, and.... and.... and.... we have Sailor Moon....

#541412 Why I'm done with the manga.

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 26 June 2014 - 09:59 AM

Kishimoto does not have to write according to what most of you want to see, he does not want his work to be predictable else it won't be any fun at all. Besides, whats wrong with some sexy jutsus? When I saw what Naruto did to Kaguya it made me laugh real hard, and I agreed to what Kakashi said, that he is the most unpredictable ninja ever. Kishimoto made the most unpredictable thing happen, who ever had thought that Naruto would be able to trick Kaguya with his childhood jutsu (sexy no jutsu). I think it went very well, after all that war and just fights, something different was not a bad idea. Anyhow, it can't be denied if you're fed up with something, there is almost nothing that can convince you. Good day.


Media affects the way people think, especially young people, whether you like it or not. I think it's safe to say a lot of young people read Naruto, and when they see the problematic elements in the series (that people have been criticizing for years, and are not just prevalent in Naruto, but in a majority of anime and manga), it becomes normalized in their mind. As such, it is 100% valid to criticize Kishimoto's work, whether he's "writing what we want to see" or not.

#541409 Let's talk about Sexism

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 26 June 2014 - 09:29 AM

I don't think anyone's saying that sexism towards women doesn't matter or doesn't exist. I know I'm not, at least. I addressed it in a part of my post because I feel it important to point out the hypocrisy of some who claim to be for equality yet clearly are not.


Feminism itself...there are tons of different takes on it even among those who do support equality. Some prefer to reject the label altogether in favor of egalitarian specifically because of uber vocal hypocritical feminists that they don't want to be associated with. I can kinda understand that, though I don't do that myself. I have referred to myself as a feminist more than once and don't plan to stop.


You're right, no one is saying that outright. But when a person reacts to the discussion of the systemic oppression of women with indigence, that's the message that it gives off. The common accusation that feminists just want to be more powerful than men have existed since the dawn of feminism, even before women could vote, so I really don't take the claim that feminists don't really want equality seriously.   

#541403 Let's talk about Sexism

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 26 June 2014 - 08:59 AM

Guys... when .sushi said that there is no sexism against men, she didn't mean that men face no hardships. Sexism is based on a social system of oppression. One can be prejudiced against men, sure. But don't for a second think that men somehow don't have the upperhand socially. They do. 


When someone says, "I think women are treated unfairly!" and people respond, "You're just trying to bring men down!", it's... really telling.

#539074 Fifty Shades of Grey: The movie

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 19 June 2014 - 04:22 AM

Hollywood has been making popular books into movies for a long-ass time, for better or for worse. This really isn't anything surprising or new. However... I'm really interested in what this film will do to the NC-17 rating, since pretty much no mainstream films have attempted the rating since Showgirls, successfully at least. I might see the movie out of curiosity? I mean, I'm not embarrassed by the fetish stuff (it's all romanticized anyway), and this movie MIIIIIIIIGHT have the potential of making film history, especially since the 50 Shades of Grey book made young adult novel history. I mean, it'll be awful either way, but still.

#536177 Most disturbing fanfiction you ever read?

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 09 June 2014 - 03:49 AM

One was written in Russian and had Sakura gang-raped and brutally killed in the Forest of Death. The author really hated the heroine, that's for sure.

The second story (in English; found on ff.net) featured a psychotic preteen Sakura who tortured little Naruto. After a graphic process of mutilation she tried to finish the poor boy off.


I never read a fanfiction that contains rape. Never. In some cases, it's used to shame and degrade female characters, like the example you gave. In most, it's used as an insultingly lazy plot device so that a character can become more sympathetic in a "lik dis if u crey everytim xxx" kinda way. Either way, ew.