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Darth Krypt

Member Since 02 Apr 2011
Offline Last Active Today, 09:07 AM

#873903 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by Darth Krypt on 03 September 2015 - 02:25 PM

Knowing Luffy he will turn all of them down. Frankly I don't want them to tag along with the strawhats every single arc. The dressrossa arc was too messy with too many characters. Not to mention half of the main crew were missing half of the time. The alliance will definitely come back for the final war but I'm not sure about the next few arcs. We need more focus on the crew itself especially the next arc which I guess will be the return of Jinbei against Big Mom.

#812214 Nisekoi

Posted by Darth Krypt on 28 April 2015 - 10:44 AM

Nisekoi will reach 1000 chapters when they are 40 years old. Raku and Onodera will work in the same company. Raku will still swoon over Onodera and they will have this "moments" where they almost confess to each other before *insert stereotypical manga romance interruption*.  There is female colleague who is actually Raku's childhood friend who, surprise surprise, also holds a key. She is madly in love with Raku and frequently proposed and smother him with love because the character who usually does that died of an incurable illness 20 years ago. Chitoge moved back to America because she cannot handle anymore of the kitten of Raku's lack of balls because those 2 spherical objects were actually locked inside a chest and the key was given to yet another one of his mafking childhood friends. 

#808621 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by Darth Krypt on 24 April 2015 - 10:46 AM

4th gear is definitely an interesting take on the power and it does work out. I really like it. The question remains, what's the drawback?


Not being able to move like Chopper after monster point. Gear fourth definitely puts a lot of strain to the muscles. So Gear fourth would be a last resort move only.

#757419 I could have been O.K without Narusaku if it was Done Right

Posted by Darth Krypt on 11 February 2015 - 11:49 AM

Well, the title pretty much applies to any story anyway. Not just Naruto.

#720093 Underrated andd Underappreciated Manga/Anime

Posted by Darth Krypt on 31 December 2014 - 12:09 PM

What is hipster?


Someone who denounces anything that is mainstream and popular. The kind of people who knows a  band before it came out on radio. 

#650231 Manga/Anime recommendations

Posted by Darth Krypt on 08 November 2014 - 01:58 AM

So, I started reading One Piece..


Is it worth it to ship NaLu or is it as unpredictable as naruto in terms of relationships?


I need advice. i'm 0 - 2 in pairing wars and i dont think i can stand another loss T_T


EDIT: I do like the story, and will read it to the end  (i think) , i just want a word of caution or a warning


EDIT2 : i do recommend Sword Art Online, or my favorite Griasia No Kajitsu , either the Visual Novel (M rated) or the Anime (T - Rated)


One of the reason One Piece is great (to me) is there are no pairings. Anyone saying Luffy and Nami had some romantic interactions must be reading another manga because I don't see it. Luffy treats everyone as a very close friend and thats it. OP is about friendship. The only kind of romance OP has is the adventurous and heroic kind. 


Which is good because it doesn't split the OP fandom apart so badly like Naruto did.

#644691 The Future of Heaven & Earth.

Posted by Darth Krypt on 06 November 2014 - 01:37 PM

Now that we have that idiotic ending out of the way, I hope the negativity that plagued this site recently will follow suit.

#574839 The Multiversal Gaming Thread

Posted by Darth Krypt on 04 September 2014 - 11:28 AM

ME! Wow I didn't expect anyone in this site to have played the persona series. I've been waiting for a character reveal for Persona 5 since forever. I hope they release more character designs soon. TGS is coming so I expect a lot of reveals then.

#543936 Naruto or bleach

Posted by Darth Krypt on 06 July 2014 - 06:49 AM

That's a hard choice because both of them suck now. But I'll choose Naruto because Bleach is so bad now.

#543935 Did ANYONE know about this?

Posted by Darth Krypt on 06 July 2014 - 06:48 AM

Everything in Naruto is based on Japanese mythology. All the Uchiha move names are based on Japanese gods. Orochi was a 9-headed snake killed by Susano-O. And much more.

#533707 Kaiden and Gideon's moms blog

Posted by Darth Krypt on 01 June 2014 - 05:02 AM

Happy belated birthday!

#531658 How will you react *IF* Naruhina becomes the final pair?

Posted by Darth Krypt on 23 May 2014 - 05:43 PM

Facepalm and move on with my life.

#527506 Howling at the Moon

Posted by Darth Krypt on 10 May 2014 - 10:45 PM

Is the person who I think it is? If so then yes, I too wonder from time to time what she's up to right now. You think she still visits this site?

#524674 Luffy on the New York Times Cover

Posted by Darth Krypt on 25 April 2014 - 06:26 PM

I can not talk about the creativity of One Piece, although the few chapters I have watched did not seem so creative to me... like in "original" (it was nothing I had not seen before). If we mean creative like in "weird", sure (not that it is necessarily a bad thing, mind you).



Well OP takes quite a lot of time to be really good. Before the crew enters the Grand Line, I could say its just an above average manga/anime. Suddenly a strong person from the Grand Line trashed a member of the crew and we get to see that the enemies the crew has faced all this while pales in comparison to the people in the Grand Line, which is the crew's destination. Its like a taste of things to come and personally that point was where my interest for OP skyrocketed. And I wasn't disappointed once the crew entered GL because the story keeps getting better and better. 


Point is, if you don't have the patience or time to invest in a long story, then OP is not for you. But if you do and want to follow the Strawhat crew along their adventure into a big, vast and rich world Oda has created (which takes a lot of time to explore hence its long running) then hop aboard their ship and sail to the Grand Line.


Also, if you think the art is "cruddy", then that's unfortunate. If you really can't enjoy the story because of the art then there's no point forcing it but personally I think you're missing out.

#523309 Nisekoi

Posted by Darth Krypt on 18 April 2014 - 04:15 AM

It started out very well then it started to drag. There were like 50 chapters with no story development. Killed the series for me. It could be so much shorter and sweeter. Anime-only viewers just hope they don't do the same to the anime.