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#844073 Naruto Gaiden 700.7

Posted by Strangelove on 16 June 2015 - 07:46 PM

I think the hint goes wayyyyyy back...










In other words, in Kishi's views on women are simple.


They only care about boys and not studying, they are selfish and annoying, they only fall for the elite cool guys, they don't have a chivalrous spirit, and they only sole purpose is to make babies...


Yeah, that is why I am glad that this whole manga is going downhill...it's ethics were so messed up.

#842168 Naruto Gaiden 700.7

Posted by Strangelove on 12 June 2015 - 12:37 AM

Oh my god why is this happening to characters I love?


Listen, I know I made a thread that was 'blaming Sakura' when I was frustrated at fans making her out to be a horrible person for the crime of being with Sasuke, but I think we should all agree that everyone is coming into this story from a messed-up and contrived position. Sasuke and Sakura are both referring to each other as spouses, and Sarada as their daughter. They're avoiding the reality of their situation. Naruto who should really be more in the loop has failed to do something as simple as 'remember' that Sarada wouldn't know about her father. Sakura had the opportunity to speak to Sarada truthfully but yes, she chose to address it by recklessly destroying her own home (because we needed to find that photo of course!) and living some sort of a lie.


There is a big plot hole being dug and we're still waiting for the answer; whyyyyy? Why are they hiding this information? Why are they avoiding the topic? Why the rift between friends? It goes beyond plausibility. All these little complications coming together means that Kishimoto needs a big explanation for them and why the characters feel justified in their decisions. All the 'red herrings' if they are in fact that being built around Karin being Sarada's mother means that again, we need a big, contrived reason for why all the 'evidence' is false and how Sakura maintains she's still the biological mother... 


In either scenario; Sakura being the mother and Sakura not, her behaviour suggests that she at least thinks of herself as one. Yes, her raising Sarada does make her a mother and unless she was absolutely horrible, Sarada's reaction (granted in the heat of the moment) is really callous. Finding out your mother is blatantly lying is difficult; but she's saying "why would she help" this woman who is currently in the hands of the enemy. Karin may be your mom (if this story is to make any shred of sense) but you don't know her. You do however know, and if you're anything worth it as a character, love the woman you're refusing to help. 

I wasn't annoyed as some of you by Naruto's reaction, though he should have approached Sarada with far more kindness, but maybe it's the urgency of the situation--Sakura is still being held in the hands of the enemy. It's Naruto's attitude and policy with Orochimaru I take fault with--and he is being fair in reacting about Sasuke's potential infidelity. It tells me that he didn't know the truth about Sarada, which means this seems to be entirely the couple's secret.


It would make a lot more sense to me if Sasuke had Sakura under a genjustu, as horrible as that is--because that might explain her shifty behaviour and inability to properly answer questions... and even though she's supposed to be great at them, it's still the sharingan. Then again, would it last twelve years? I don't know that it's possible. Likelier, there's something about Sarada (probably being the special snowflake Uchiha-Uzumaki mix) that puts her in danger so they don't want it public knowledge that Karin is the mother. Maybe there's some sort of prophecy involved with her--I don't know, but if Sarada's life would potentially be in danger then it could justify an absolute avoidance... but then why wouldn't Naruto know about it either?


It is so difficult to try and come up with reasons, and if there's anything I want is that in the end, this dumb marriage between Sasuke and Sakura is over. I don't need her ending up with Naruto, I just hate seeing this facade of a relationship continue. Sakura's biggest flaws revolve around Sasuke. Maybe when this is resolved Naruto can realize the heavy burdens she's been under and they can work on being better people and friends together. Just not... this.


You want to know why...why this rift among friends, why this sad story with Sarada...you really want to know why.


Is because of Princess Hinata, she took Toneri's eyes, and trapped everyone in an IT.

#840671 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Strangelove on 10 June 2015 - 04:01 AM

If Sakura married Naruto it would have been a happy and healthy marriage. They would treat each other as equals. And their kids would be the cutest.


At this point in time...It doesn't really matter. What mattered was the butchered story, and even if Naruto ended up with Sakura, the manga I believe will have the same problems it is facing right now. Completely butchered story to make us feel sympathetic to the NH SS kids...except to me that is not sympathetic, both Bolt and Sarada strike me as whinny brats.


Hey Sarada instead of complaining about your real mom, how about you show some appreciation for the mom you have had for over 12 years of your life?


Hey Bolt, instead of complaining that your dad doesn't spend enough time with you, how about you thank him for the actual time he seems to be spending time training you. Oh and hey...instead of giving that lunch to Sarada to give to your dad, why didn't you bring it yourself to your dad...you know since you complain he doesn't spend enough time with you.


Hey Saspuke, you have a cellphone...and an eagle...effing use them.


Hey Naruto, you have clones...effing use them!


Hey Sakura you are an Uchiha clan member...if housing is a problem...move to the Uchiha mansion...

#838524 Naruto Gaiden-chapter 700.6

Posted by Strangelove on 05 June 2015 - 03:11 PM

Would Sasuke do this for Sakura? :zaru:


i laugh every time I see that...It is so Out of Character but for a reason.



Yeah I also hated when people compared Sasuke to Vegeta...that is like comparing Edward Cullen to Alucard.


But if you still believe they are similar...then here are some reasons. Why some reasons...well hopefully in the future someone who is planning to write a story, or draw a manga uncovers this forum, and it teaches that person on what he or she should avoid...so here we go.


1. Vegeta had more character development


2. Vegeta was a real go getter, while Sasuke was more of "I AM UCHIHA! NOW GIVE ME POWERS!"


3. Even though they are both arrogant. Vegeta's arrogance came from the fact that he is a space prince of an extinct race of space pirates who conquer other planets. Sasuke's arrogance comes from. "I AM UCHIHA! I AM IMPORTANT!


4. We actually see Vegeta train...I don't remember seeing Sasuke train, although I do remember seeing something akin familiar in part 1.


5. The manga tried to show how cool Sasuke is, which in turn had the opposite effect on making us hate him even more. The anime tried it as well, by giving him this soft cool music whenever he had his moment...this made it even worst. While Toriyama on the other hand showed what a bad person Vegeta was, and why we shouldn't like him. (Killing off an entire Namekian village) Yet this had the opposite effect, and we began to like Vegeta even more. This in turn caused Toriyama to replace Piccolo with him as the main rivalry.


6. Vegeta was not all about revenge. He said it himself during the final fight with Kid Buu...he killed for the sheer pleasure of it. For the thrill of the hunt.


7. Hey..I know some people don't like Vegeta and Bulma, and would prefer Goku and Bulma...but heck...Vegeta and Bulma actually had development. In the android saga he didn't give a rat kitten as to what would happen to his blue hair wife (wait...was it even mentioned they got married?)...in the Buu saga he was broken up about her dying, that it is what made him swallow up his pride.


8. I could just ramble on and on and on about this.


9. He squashed bugs dead.


10. He was haunted by the ghost of a comrade he killed...

#838135 Naruto Gaiden-chapter 700.6

Posted by Strangelove on 04 June 2015 - 08:52 PM

Naruto and Sasuke have gone the Gohan route...

 The Gohan route?


More like the Yamcha route.

#836336 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Strangelove on 03 June 2015 - 01:02 AM

LOL I just watched the new two TFS episides of DBZ and it was so funny I mean one line I think I like best is when Cell punches Piccolo and just moans in pain before blasting a hold in his chest then throwing him in the water, well for all of you here is how it would go down for Hinata.


evil bad guy: So any last words before I kill.


Hinata Naruto kun, *Get a large hold blasted in her chest and thrown into the sea*


evil bad guy: Yeah I thought you'd say that


evil bad guy: Oh Hinata she died that way she lived




evil bad guy: nope sucking



Riiiight <3


Or a conversation within Boruto and Naruto after he is trained by Sasuke.


Naruto: Wow Boruto, you sure grown strong.


Boruto: That's right Old Man, and you wouldn't believe by how much. You see, while I was training with sensei, I looked deep within myself and...


*What Naruto is hearing right now*: Blah blah blah blah,,.pride....blah blah...changing the world...blah blah blah...super ninja...blah blah blah.


Boruto: And through all of that, I have ascended, that's right I have reached a whole new level. Do you hear me Crappy Old man, I AM FINALLY STRONGER THAN YOU!!!!


Naruto: Neat :D


Boruto: F**** YOU!!!

#833355 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Strangelove on 30 May 2015 - 01:13 AM

LOL .. very BAD news for Kishi and SP because Le Monde is "one of the most important and widely respected newspapers in the world" - Wiki



You know Clash in the Land of Snow, The Lost Tower, Blood Prison, Road to the Ninja and Bonds.


But do you recall...the most pathetic movie of all.


Naruto the Last Movie, always loosing ratings by his critics.


And if you saw this movie premiere, you would even say it blows.


All of the other movies, usually laugh and call it crap.


That is because poor Last, knows nothing but defeat.


On one weary December Day, The Last came to play.


And just when the movie made its premiere...Oh look there comes a huge plot hole!


Then all the other fans shunned it, and continued on their lives


Naruto the Last Movie...It is time to say goodnight..


Blood Prison: Alright let the hate begin.


Bonds: Alright alright, tell me if you heard this one...The Last movie went into the theaters...and it died...


The Lost Tower: Uhmmm it is...pretty funny...Alright I have one, Okay so the Last and Studio Pierrot walked into the theaters, and the ticket salesman said. "Sorry sir, we don't sell tickets to your kind around here. Studio Pierrot said "What you got something against clowns?" Then the bar tender said. "NO! I got something against failures.


Road to Ninja: HA! I got that. Hold on, hold on...stop...just let me try. The Last was so bad, it was so bad, that it was beaten in the box office by something with the plot equivalent of Twilight. Because Twilight was sooo bad...and the Last must have been that much worst to be beaten by something so easily...beaten by me...uhhhmmm shut the hell up.

#832760 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.5

Posted by Strangelove on 28 May 2015 - 10:43 PM

We should make a game out of this manga.


We would call it.





The game in which we look at inconsistencies in a chapter. The first one to find them all...wins.

#832647 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.5

Posted by Strangelove on 28 May 2015 - 07:27 PM

The fact this story got so destroyed by a pairing war, just goes to show you that it really had nothing else to offer.

#829469 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Strangelove on 24 May 2015 - 02:21 PM

Do you guys think both naruto and sakura regret their choice now? .Naruto thinks he what sakura told him about his love for her is because of rivalry with sasuke is right, he thinks he can forget about sakura and love hinata. While sakura thinks what she feels for sasuke is true love, she thinks be with sasuke is everything she ever dream of and she will be happy. Both were wrong, they think their decisions is for the best of them, think they will be happy. Naruto busy being hokage and always eat cup of noodles/ramen. I think its an excuses, he knows when he can't bring himself to love hinata, whenever he close or see her she reminds him of his love for sakura thats why he keep working he thinks it can make him forget but i think chapter 4 gaiden prove it that naruto can't forget about old days. Sakura still enduring miserable life alone raising child, in debt, sick, sad waiting for sasuke, she still thinks the day will come when sasuke come home and they could be happy family, if she see sasuke RAISED his sword [Kusanagi Sword one of the legendary weapon] againts her only daughter what is her reaction?


Do you guys think if both naruto and sakura have a chance to travel back and redo/undo thinks they will accept it? or they gonna choose to stay as they are right now?


12 years...too late for regrets.

#828464 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Strangelove on 22 May 2015 - 02:33 PM

I got to say, the anime makes Boruto hair look pretty weird...it looks bouncy...


The large eyes, the weird round face...he looks like...he looks like a white version....of Huh? Uhhhhh :sad: :arg: :cry: :cry: :cry:






#821632 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Strangelove on 13 May 2015 - 03:37 PM

You know what would fix this story...?


A good ole fashion round of Demon God Dumplin.

#819034 Masashi kishimoto will be going to comic con in new york city

Posted by Strangelove on 08 May 2015 - 12:02 AM

Good, when is that event.


I need the date, so that I can mark it in the calendar and remind myself not to go to New York on that day, to avoid all the NH fans that are sure to go there.

#819033 Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage - Chapter 2

Posted by Strangelove on 07 May 2015 - 11:58 PM

who cares at this point. the series was ruined a long time ago. kishi is just attempting to ride fan service


There is no real point to this story, other than creating new fans, and bring in MERCHANDISING!!!


Because at the end that is all that matters...merchandising. Character development? pffft, Smart writing? to hell with that... Deep and emotional characters that you can grow fond of? How about we instead give you Hinata a bland character that has no purpose to the story whatsoever, other than being the meat that attracts the young boys, as she reinforces every racial stereotypes an adult in puberty may have about Asian women.

#815962 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Strangelove on 03 May 2015 - 10:14 PM

So Sarada is a sensor type...I don't buy it...It is probably another Uchiha hax that is meant only for Sarada.


Don't fall for it NS. He only wants to create false hopes, in the hopes people buy more merchandise, only to turn it around at the very end.