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Member Since 14 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active Aug 31 2024 07:54 PM

#535920 Most disturbing fanfiction you ever read?

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 07 June 2014 - 05:02 PM

^ LMAO..


I did accidentally read one fic about that. That was one trippy experience.


Probably the same one I'm talking about. Is it the one where the hat inverts itself and... you know?

#535884 Do you believe homosexuality is a choice?

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 07 June 2014 - 01:42 PM

It might be a little rude, but it's true. In Washington D.C I was taking a photo of one of the attractions (I believe it was the Lincoln Memorial) I lost balance, tripped, and accidentally collided into a guy. I faced him, said I was sorry. He snorted meanly and glared at me and said "Never...EVER touch me again."  


I didn't say they're all bad, but the ones I've run across give the others a bad name. First impressions last the longest after all.


I've had encounters with homos at work and touring around other places. I've been around enough to make an assumption I think.



1. You just met this guy, how do you know he was gay?


2. As others have pointed out, your experiences with gay people, or apparently people you assume to be gay? Don't paint an entire group of people.


3. "Homos"? Seriously? 


4. No one has been around long enough to make those kind of assumptions, bud.


@Darth Krypt Perhaps she's bi?


EDIT: Guess I haven't answered the topic question.... I obviously do not believe it's a choice. 

#533048 Konohakitten's artwork

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 29 May 2014 - 04:25 AM


#532286 No matter what pairing occurs, there will be a losing girl

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 27 May 2014 - 06:52 AM

Haven't read Naruto in a while, but I was skimming this thread and...ugh. I mean, "losing girl"? Come on. The female characters don't have to be with someone in the end in order to have a happy ending. In fact, it should be a byproduct of their happy ending. How about, Hinata gets rejected by Naruto, but is fine with it/gets over it because she grew a spine and became a stronger person? Or, Naruto and Sakura end the manga having a very meaningful relationship with each other... as friends who have been through a lot together. Those are all good happy endings that doesn't require a relationship upgrade! So, uh, can we not put stupid expectations on female characters?

#478657 Naruto: The Ending

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 26 June 2013 - 04:21 AM

SakuIno becomes gloriously canon.




a girl can dream cant she ;-;

#466457 Heaven & Earth 2.0! [New Features Listed]

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 25 May 2013 - 06:54 PM

Oi, FINALLY. This redesign was a long time coming.