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Member Since 23 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 24 2020 01:06 PM

#490818 If There was no Naruto anime or filler episodes do you think NH would even ex...

Posted by kidNinja on 02 September 2013 - 04:04 AM

That's a very good question.

I know anime takes advantage to showcase Hinata, which sadly connects to NH since at times it's confused with love and acknowledge, but they have been pushing NS sky rocket for a while. Heck, I wonder who's pushing it worse, Fairy Tail or Naruto. Anyway, back to this. It's really hard to say but I do think it will be much less than now.

In the anime, everyone got a head start with Hinata in episode 1. Granted Sakura appeared in episode 1 too but the problem is that because Hinata appearing earlier, people mistakes episode 3 to be love center episode, since it's dealing with Team 7 center. That said people think they are dealing with romance anime like stuff they get in Toonami/adult swim. Therefore, they assumed that Kishi would go complex on romance, which in reality it's only in Team 7 and Sasuke pretty much say "kitten this." So have not been early appearances, I think the fans would be lower than now. In fact, I don't blame filler as in those filler episodes from filler of hell, rather blame the placement of the canon mix with filler to cause confusion.

In Shippuuden, they improved it much better, though there are some problems. That said if they kept it normal as manga, none of this outbreak war would have happen.



What pairings are FT pushing too far? I don't really care for any of them save for Gajeel x Levy

#471472 NaruSaku Moments You Wish Happened?

Posted by kidNinja on 01 June 2013 - 10:35 PM

Sakura getting jealous when seeing Naruto with another girl. She has only been shown getting jealous twice in the entire series (once in Part I and once in Part II) and both times, they were filler. Regardless, I loved it!





We need jelly Sakura in the manga!!!! Esp in the instance its a big misunderstanding regarding Naruto and said girl. (i.e. turns out he was just giving a tour of the village as opposed to Sakura thinking he's taking the girl out on a date)

#468015 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by kidNinja on 28 May 2013 - 03:42 PM

I honestly think NS week and 631 was just a coincidence. SS is most likely only doing this in an effort to have the same thing occur but it will be funny as hell if no SS moments occur in the manga while this is going on.