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#523943 674 raw

Posted by Dkey on 22 April 2014 - 10:26 PM

Is it sad that we are actually having more fun wondering what Sakura and Obito are going to talk about than the actual fight with Madara? Just asking.


I for one am kinda bored of all the fighting. I would just wish for Naruto to uppercut Madara cold and finish the fight so the story would move on. Are all the pages released in this raw or we still have 3 pages not seen?

#523868 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Dkey on 22 April 2014 - 12:00 PM

I don't see why NH/SS fans do such sad things:-

Let them be. Please don't link from other sites unless you want to discuss it. Not much to discuss about hate.

#522897 Naruto 673

Posted by Dkey on 16 April 2014 - 06:12 AM


#516747 Naruto 666

Posted by Dkey on 26 February 2014 - 12:21 PM

I liked this chapter.


And am wondering about a possible NS moment but I just know that Naruto will ruin it like he did so many before.

#509985 Naruto 661

Posted by Dkey on 15 January 2014 - 11:47 AM

It seems no one is predicting the fact that Sakura will pick up both Naruto and Sasuke almost dead bodies and smack them so fast and hard that their atoms will weld shut and a new being will appear . Narusuke or Sasuto haven't decided on the name it.

#507331 Naruto 658

Posted by Dkey on 17 December 2013 - 09:31 AM

Early release huh?


more like early late release

#503635 Naruto 654

Posted by Dkey on 08 November 2013 - 11:04 PM

Then Obito's only possibility is to die. How is irrelevant and if he dies as Obito and not Tobi ( or the Juubi's Jinchuriki as he liked to call himself).


But still,


On one hand if Obito lives or dies after this conflict is over he isn't relevant to the story because most likely Sasuke's part will come to play and it will be a completely different story, but on the other hand it does offer a bit of hope regarding the effectiveness of what redemption and forgiveness means. Yes he did all those awful things but still in order to break the cycle of hatred is to stop hating at one point and if people would stop hating him for his wrongdoings it is a step forward in that direction.


Yes it's an idealistic and almost ireal way of seeing things, but honestly Kishi can get away with it because a) it's a children's story and b) if he could bring a new and effective way of solving wars and old hatreds then the guy would be eligible for a Nobel peace price.

I don't think he really needs to go the realistic way out.

#501764 Naruto 652

Posted by Dkey on 25 October 2013 - 12:18 PM

I am so sorry, but I have to do it.

That's what Rin said last night

#496603 Naruto 648

Posted by Dkey on 26 September 2013 - 06:12 PM

the idea of Sasuke using Juugo as a senjutsu source was speculated back when it was revealed that only senjutsu can hold on to Obito's abilities.

And frankly it's better that it's a temporary upgrade because I don't see it matter to much against the fight with Naruto.


Unfortunately Kishi needs to bring new abilities every major fight and now we have Naruto with his senjutsu and kyuubi combined attacks but what's next for him. Or if he has something new. Then again the Sasuke Naruto fight can be done only by attacking chidori with Rasengan. That could crumble a few mountains.


I see Sasuke participating as opposed to Hashirama because of the generations thing. It's their generation time to shine. Maybe even fix the mistakes of the past.


And as for the flashbacks and possible theme of this volume I think this is the winning theme for this one mistakes of the past or something relating to the shinobi world.


Thou everyone is talking about Sasuke and Hashirama's flashback but no one noticed Obito's comments about regrets. Anyone have a thought on that.

#496533 Naruto 648

Posted by Dkey on 26 September 2013 - 09:15 AM

The 1st Raikage does give off that vibe of a 70s black guy from actions movies, rocking that afro-stache combo. I bet he got all the ladies.
Funny enough, the 2nd Raikage makes me think of Mr. T who was prevalent in the 80s. Do you think Kishi made a pattern to black stereotypes through the decades? Does that mean the 3rd symbolizes the 90s and the 4th the new century?
Nah, it's probably just a just a coincidence with the first two.

some say the 1st raikage is jimi hendrix.

#495814 NH Parallel to LS

Posted by Dkey on 23 September 2013 - 02:39 PM

Kishi wants to please the NH fans too! by simply trolling them and they think its real XD
Kishi should win the best author trolling of the year
If you ask a japanese dude which couple is more likely , he would answer you NaruSaku, i think NH was born when fillers hinted it xD

kishi isn't trolling anything. It's all fanmade this hype for her.

#495733 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Dkey on 23 September 2013 - 12:02 AM


The humor did have a much better flow in the beginning of Part 2, but that's because in the beginning there was more room for calm moments between battles. Ever since the War arc started it's been one battle after another with little rest in between and the one with Obito has been going for over 80 chapters. To compensate the lack of humor that arises between moments of rest Kishi decides to insert them in the battles themselves in order to prevent the story from getting too serious for prolonged periods of time.


There was a some humor inside battles during Part 1, but those were explained as Naruto messing up due to his childish nature and inexperience as a ninja. Now that he's older and dependable it looses a good amount of it's fun if Kishi goes back to that same formula with Naruto at Part 1.


There were no funny moments during the Pain invasion, as it should've been given the situation, but then again it only lasted about half a year. On the other hand Naruto has been going against Obito for almost 2 years, and that's not counting the previous battles during the war. At some point the fans might get bored of so much seriousness and so Kishi attempts to compensate with funny moments in the battles themselves.


Yes. I've noticed that because of the setting squeezing some funny moments is a bit anticlimactic. Look at what Naruto did before combining his Sage chakra with Kurama's chakra. He forgot to go Sage mode.

The only decent and really funny moments in the manga was during the Hashirama Madara flashbacks and when Minato's question in 631.

The others and here I include Karin's behavior are kinda bad jokes and Kishi is seriously trying to force humor in some situations.

How will it look if now Naruto will trip over an overgrown branch after the last panel in this chapter.

#495073 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Dkey on 19 September 2013 - 09:37 PM


Funny enough, FT had potential to spark a pairing war on Naruto's scale, but Mashima chickened out. I wouldn't be so surprised if Kishi gave him advice:


Mashima: Kishimoto-sensei, what are you doing, calling this late?

Kishi: Hiro-kun, for the love of god, do not try to make a LOVE TRIANGLE!!!

Mashima:  What are you talking about, sensei?

Kishi: I'm talking about NaLi vs NaLu!! I just read your newest chapter (198), and I hope to god you're not going to make the same mistake I did!!!

Mashima: What's wrong with that?

Kishi: What's wrong?? What's wrong??!! What's wrong is how you're severely underestimating fandoms!!!

Mashima: Seriously??

Kishi: Go and check the wretched hive that is called the interwebz and call me the next morning. Type in Narusaku and Naruhina and show me what you get.

*next morning*

Mashima: Ok, sensei you were right. I'm seriously regretting it now.

Kishi: Good, now you have to figure out a way outta this mess.

Mashima: Well, trolling always works...

Kishi: You've been to Kubo's haven't you?


Awesome dialogue.

But why is Kubo titled the king of trolling in manga?


While I understand the whole context about pairing war wanting to pull a twist on the event, it doesn't excuse the direct of the chapter. For 615, I waited to see any follow-up for it, and to be honest, there was none until 633 which turned out to be a friendly interpretation. Here's the thing about pairing war that is misguided. A pairing related moment must be direct and not ambiguous. I would have take it have it not he made 631 the way it is. 615 I waited because Naruto never got anything different from before and so, I was right. Everything is a pass. Here's my view:


615 was a moment to wait for a follow-up


631 was a moment that can't and shouldn't be altered.


615 is not a desperate attempt to see it differently, though you can go too deep to make it seem desperate. 631 is already self-made, so any different turn will be desperate because Minato compared her to Kushina for a great reason. Last time I checked, they got married, not remain good friends. This isn't me talking as a shipping fan, this is me talking as a general reader who sees how it is written and what I see is the obvious. The sad part is that we are getting close to the status of "Ok, it's endgame. I'm done" for NS because it just need one push and it's the only one that is in good status. NH is in normal status but now closed. SS is in caution-to-danger status.


The funny part is that when it's done, all of our arguments would be dropped for other pairings. For example, to me, anime covered 573 yet I don't feel the same as before, thinking Hinata wants love and will win by holding hand after the war for the first time. It's not just because it has happened, but it's because the mind is now in the track of where the story is truly telling. I remember when the critic's book was released, many didn't understand why NH is in enlightenment, not love with NS/SS/others. While I don't buy the idea from the book, I do buy it from the original source, the manga. That said it's almost time to get the mind straight and if there are people in denial, like today, just let them be and just enjoy it with others that feels the same.


I agree. Most of the time people rage/jubilation over one chapter or one moment. Yet the thing is one needs to have patience to see where that moment is heading.

615 came with a pretty powerful romantic basis.

Afterwards comes 631 and shakes that all up.

I saw this a lot in Beelzebub between the rivalry of Hilda with Aoi but that rivalry needs to emphasized while in Naruto there is no Sakura Hinata rivalry.


If something as big as those 2 chapters come for either of the 3 big pairings then again we have to see which of them will get a follow up.


As for the pairing fandom in general...........we are horrible people. They take the Hinata is on the last page as proof, we speculate that because the chapter is about regrets and that Naruto shared his heart to everyone including Sakura then it foreshadows a moment in the future. Instead of following the story as it goes we seek pairings everywhere.


As for NS, I think it's very safe. Minato's comment weighs a lot, and it isn't to out of context for it not to be true.

#494913 Naruto 647

Posted by Dkey on 19 September 2013 - 08:05 AM

Don't know if she did see anything special and I'm going with the idea of she being more sensible than others with Naruto's feelings.


Let's say this sharing of feelings was done by talking in a neutral space with K9 when Naruto would have talked about his loneliness she should've knew better about it and could sympathies more than the others.


Either that or she got scared, or anxious of what was Naruto feelings.


And regarding her safety, and what happened this chapter.

We had Rin who died to protect the village.

Kushina was willing to sacrifice herself for the village, and in dieing to protect Naruto she kinda did the same thing.

Now sakura comes with that I will die fighting.

Yep there's a lot of proof that she could be in danger. Especially if she finds a way of healing some of the shinobi that barely survived the God tree emergence. ( like Shikamaru)

#494027 Naruto 646

Posted by Dkey on 17 September 2013 - 07:26 AM

Guys I know you don't want to see it, but you better prepare yourself. There's a reason that Hinata appeared in the last page of chapter, either she had a role this chapter or she will the the next. But I'm actually thinking it could be Naruto protecting Sakura too, well have to wait,

prepare for what? Im so sick of the naruto fandom i dont care where the story goes and what happens to the fandom anymore.