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#478659 Naruto: The Ending

Posted by Greed-Sama on 26 June 2013 - 04:30 AM

This is all a genjustu used on the Sandaime by Itachi to show why killing all of the Uchiha is a terrible, terrible idea. 


Edit: Itach...i don't even know. I must be overworked. 

#478658 Shingeki no kyojin

Posted by Greed-Sama on 26 June 2013 - 04:27 AM

Hells. Yeah.




Eren/Mikasa is where it's at. 


Or you know...Hoperai.


Lolwot? Hoperai? Sounds like a Pokemon :B

My sig. Hope/Lightning 

#478597 Shingeki no kyojin

Posted by Greed-Sama on 25 June 2013 - 06:44 PM

Me too!!

But honestly I've never shipped anything before narusaku, so this is only my secone, plus I dont ship them as hard as narusaku!!

Yeah. I don't ship NaruSaku at all anymore. 


Eren/Mikasa is where it's at. 


Or you know...Hoperai. 

#477956 Shingeki no kyojin

Posted by Greed-Sama on 21 June 2013 - 07:34 AM



Hell yeah! : DDDDDD

#477910 Encouragement for Writers

Posted by Greed-Sama on 21 June 2013 - 12:22 AM

My point was...and I wasn't talking about essays of any sort, since I normally write fluffier with essays. My point was that metaphors and smilies are cliches that are hardly ever fresh. While the point of the author is to paint a clear, vivid description of the scene, it should be done in a manner that is simple. Authors use these long complicated sentences when sometimes a simple, concise sentence is all it needs. 


Two different ways of writing: 


Naruto slid his underwear down. Past his knees. Past his shins. He pulled one leg out, and then the other. He smirked at the expression on Sakura's face. She held a look of curiosity and apprehension - brow furrowed, eyes darting away every couple of milliseconds. Cute. 


But you can make clear, concise sentences still carry detail. In fact. Short sentences can carry pacing with it a lot better. Yeah, I'm looking at you Hawthorne >.> 

#477277 Naruto 635

Posted by Greed-Sama on 19 June 2013 - 08:41 AM

then go read something else



I used to love this manga. But it really has become a convoluted story that offers nothing to characters anymore. Orochimaru changing? That's sooo stupid. 

#476208 300: Rise of an Empire

Posted by Greed-Sama on 13 June 2013 - 11:30 PM

*looks carefully* I-I think...Oh, yes. Eva Green in a naughty scene. Doesn't get much better than that.  :lulz:

#475961 E3 2013!

Posted by Greed-Sama on 13 June 2013 - 02:11 AM


Why does the new xbox is called" one"? Because it's" one" piece of crap lol :fan:


No, it's called the Xbox One because it only does one thing. TV. 

#475353 Final Fantasy XV

Posted by Greed-Sama on 12 June 2013 - 08:00 AM

Snow was rad. His Big Damn Heroes return mid game is the moment I felt the game got off its ass and finally got interesting, not to mention being one of my favorite CG scenes in the series. Sazh was a close second. Fang was pretty cool too.


Everyone else I didn't like for various reasons. Hope annoyed the piss out of me just about every step of the way. Lightning wasn't far behind - the moment I started disliking her was when she knocked the hell out of Snow for next to no reason at all - even if she improved later. Vanille I'm iffy on; I didn't like her for most of the game until it became very apparent it was all a shield to hide her pain behind.


I could go on for hours about the things that really bugged me about XIII, but I'll just say that I hope XV does not make the same mistakes.


And I can give people credit for saying they dislike certain things. It was by no means a perfect game, and yes, it got off to a slow start. I remember I bought it back in 2011 and didn't get past Chapter 2 until 2012. But then I did and things got interesting. 


Hope was an annoying character to me, for the longest time. But then I thought about it. I'm not sure what else a 14 year old kid would do in that type of situation but act really annoying. I mean, he's not a soldier. He's an adolescent. Someone...who has hormones and a bunch of terrible things happening to him. I can forgive him for his early game. He got his act together. Snow was awesome. I love Snow to death...(it's not because I love Troy Baker, I swear) 


I just don't understand how people call it a terrible game. It's not. I find that FF fanboys like to be dramatic when it comes to downing XIII, and while FFXIII-2's story was something to be desired. The combat was much, much, MUCH more enjoyable. 


Edit: However, I realize that this isn't an FFXIII thread. 


OT: I do think FF XV looks incredible and is the main reason I'm getting a PS4. 

#475219 Final Fantasy XV

Posted by Greed-Sama on 12 June 2013 - 02:11 AM


Lightning and Fang are my all top favorite characters of XIII hands down.


Unpopular opinion incoming. 


1) Lightning

2) Hope

3) Snow

4) Fang 

5) Sazh

6) Vanille 


That's a list of my characters for FFXIII. They were all good, IMO, though sometimes I hated Vanille and wanted to generally strangle her. But the characters were all fleshed out. They don't have to be likable to be considered good. God knows that shouldn't be a requirement. 

#475216 Final Fantasy XV

Posted by Greed-Sama on 12 June 2013 - 02:01 AM

Oh, HELL NO. :sakura:

I second this...Like all over the place. The FFXIII soundtrack was so good that I payed for the entire thing. But FF fanboys are going to hate on XIII for all time for some silly reason. Those who say the characters aren't good, needs to take a real look at what good characters are. 

#385480 the chornicls of narnia

Posted by Greed-Sama on 29 April 2012 - 01:14 AM

*facepalm* The Chronicles of Narnia were a series of books before they were movies. There are many books. Not just three.