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#844060 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Atheck on 16 June 2015 - 07:04 PM

Funny because when considering SD, they made it sound like that problem is still ongoing since Naruto must become Hokage to fix it.

Oh well.


How can that be considered true reform from the inside of the family when you're needing an outside political entity to impose these changes to the system? It doesn't change the hearts and minds of the clan members or make them want to enact new policies for the benefit of their own people. For that matter - isn't it undermining the authority of the clan leaders when you have outsiders meddling in their affairs? I'm guessing Kishi didn't think this through when he first made Naruto give that promise to Neji.   

#844028 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Atheck on 16 June 2015 - 05:31 PM

I personally don't care about Neji or his issues. Why should a resolution to the Hyuga subplot be advocated for and lamented over when you have many, many other subplots regarding other characters and conflicts that were left abandoned to rot by Kishi's incompetence as a writer? They're little more than a raucous afterthought which needed Pierrot to shoehorn in a movie for since Kishi believed them to be too irrelevant for an in-depth role in the original source material. 

#843221 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Atheck on 14 June 2015 - 05:11 PM

Well I just hope those zealots can extend the same courtesy to all other pairings deemed as "fanfiction" too - that includes NaruSasu, KakaIruka, and the various other lust filled relationships they choose to draw and write for. It would be hypocritical to single out NS and SK for those specific reasons while these other fictitious pairings are permitted to stay and remain supported.   

#839537 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Atheck on 07 June 2015 - 12:55 PM

Sakura: remember when you said you loved me? its because you didnt want to lose to him


naruto: oh like how you loved sasuke because you didn't want to lose to ino? kitten you


Not only that - Ino and everyone else who was "in love" with Sasuke would qualify as terrible women according to Kishimoto's logic for having moved on to other people. Where's the outrage at Ino shifting her attractions over to a boy who did nothing more but give a specious compliment that was the opposite of how he truly felt about her? She's "loved" Sasuke for far longer than she ever knew Sai. If Ino is truly committed to those feelings then she shouldn't be pining after some boy whom she knows even less about than Sasuke. And what happened to Sasuke's drooling female fanbase? If they want to be considered righteous and honourable women then they'll suck up their own selfish impulses and agree to become part of Sasuke's harem for propagation.  

#839512 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Atheck on 07 June 2015 - 12:39 PM


Remeber, she under contract to voice act which is not a breach of her contract.


I truly wish someone would call her and the other voice actors out on their contradictory statements and observe them as they flounder while trying to formulate some kind of explanation. 

#838680 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Atheck on 05 June 2015 - 08:09 PM

Once again, more emphasis on the old generation in a film that's supposed to be shifting the limelight over to the mutant spawn. I suppose Kishi and the animation teams were too cowardly to invest entirely on the "new generation" gimmick so they're turning to established popular faces to strengthen the chances of financial success and a sizable turnout. 


As expected, no Sakura in sight. It's too much to expect her having any pertinent role in the film, but she's practically been phased out of all promotional material, period. Still, there's a chance Pierrot will try to shoehorn in that vile succuba of theirs into material since they're deluded fanatics who would sacrifice the dignity and quality of their most important animation work for a few extra minutes of rendering high definition images of Hinata falling to the ground.  

#835892 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Atheck on 02 June 2015 - 08:23 AM

a few ss fans think sakura will die in the movie, which will bring sasuke and salad closer.


I wouldn't even put it past kishi to do it, since he already tried it once with neji.


I hate to say it, but death would be a favourable alternative to what the majority of SS fans desire between those two. It would be good to see Naruto and his spawn bonding as well through the death of Hinata. That's being too optimistic, however. 

#834304 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Atheck on 31 May 2015 - 07:22 AM

i remember hearing people saying "hinata>suckera!" for that. that ticked me off XD


sakura made an antidote for a custom poison

she saved kankuro


bet you my left ear hinata wouldn't be able to do those  XD my gosh some people


Well if you consider "The Last" to be credible evidence, which I don't, then Hinata would supposedly be up there with the strongest entities in existence. To those people, Sakura is just a lowly girl who sheds tears at the drop of hat, has an irrational "love" for a man who abused her in every sense of the word, is incapable of helping herself whenever she's put on the spot, and was ultimately unable to surpass her mediocre teacher. Unfortunately, I can't say that they don't have a point since Kishi really floundered with her. 


At least this can be used as a learning experience to never follow any works of Kishi's again. He's a false idol with an absolute dependency on editors for his works' success. 

#833470 Should Sasuke Have Died?

Posted by Atheck on 30 May 2015 - 06:37 AM

I prefer the visibly detached, yet still morally conscious Sasuke that lead Hebi. You could say that it was sort of the high point of his character. He was driven - pulling himself away from the shackles of Orochimaru's tutelage to fulfill his life's ambition of killing Itachi to avenge his clan. There was a consistency to his actions then and his fights were, admittedly, some of the more interesting during that time period (Itachi vs Sasuke remains as one of the top fights in the series for me). His personality, while certainly ambiguous due to some of the choices he made like attempting to kill Team Kakashi and joining Orchimaru, still held a certain degree of rhyme and reason.


It was afterwards in later arcs that Sasuke appeared to be flailing along from one target and moral perspective to the other. Kishi just didn't seem to be capable of keeping him on a set course of action. Perhaps that's why the execution of his final redemption seems so underwhelming. We were lead to believe that his thirst for vengeance had driven Sasuke to the point of almost no return where only Naruto could get through to him, and that it would have to be him who helps steer Sasuke away from the self-destructive path he was on. But then comes Itachi, followed up by Hashirama who handled the most difficult parts of his psychopathy that turned him from a genocidal madman to an autocratic revolutionary who believed that he was helping everyone and was willing to work with them to achieve the goal of saving the world instead of slaughtering everyone in his wake as his earlier self would have done. 


When you actually think about it, all Naruto really did was put on the finishing touches to other people's handiwork. All that hype back in the Kage Summit about being Sasuke's last anchor to sanity was nonsense. Then you have the utter lack of accountability to his crimes which I suppose Kishi thought could be swept under the rug with no remorse or sincerity truly given for the people he's murdered and the terror he's caused.  


Yeah... In hindsight, I do kind of wish he could have died. I'm not sure when exactly it would occur, but it presents a more favourable alternative than the crap we actually got.


The only scenario where I could possibly see Sasuke surviving is if he's actually judged for the crimes he committed. It would have to be written very appropriately for it to be convincing. Like he willingly turns himself into the Alliance forces to be judged by an international military tribunal that results in him being incarcerated, reflecting upon his crimes for the rest of his life while personally carving his eyes out and offering them to the nations as an act of penitence and assurances that he'll never take up a blade again. 

#822683 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Atheck on 14 May 2015 - 10:26 PM

So... Has anyone scene this poll yet? Both sasusaku and naruhina are in the top ten.




It makes sense. Both relationships originated from benighted idolisation for people whom these childish girls revered yet knew nothing about. If I could provide my own contributions, InoSai and ChoKarui would be up there as well, though not quite as high. The former was based upon little more than Ino taking the unused seconds when first prize was seized from her. It might as well be classified as loveless perversion for the Sasuke lookalike's body. As for the latter - well it's simply an unjustified throwaway that spontaneously came from nowhere to create a lovechild for the spin-off. The taste it leaves isn't quite as bad, but I still don't care for ChoKarui neither. 

#819686 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Atheck on 09 May 2015 - 04:18 AM

It's over, yay 
No resentment, we just have different POV's

Oh believe me, every time I've posted in debates before I quiver from either apprehension or anger - not sure which. It's just an involuntary bodily responce. Part of me tries to be as respectful as possible, but the other half contains this irrational anger that just makes me want to slap my forehead.

#816553 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Atheck on 04 May 2015 - 09:04 PM

I've somewhat lost my old enthusiasm for Dragonball. The new material is somewhat uninspired. It rehashes age-old concepts like Super Saiyan transformations while introducing just the minimal amount of fresh new content. And the scope of relevancy has retracted so much that everyone with the exception of Goku and Vegeta are little more than contrivances to demonstrate how powerful the new threat is - even Gohan and the Saiyan children have been stricken from list of viable warriors who could challenge the next antagonist. It's reminiscent of the final days of Naruto where the only characters who held any weight were Naruto and Sasuke. 

#814273 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Atheck on 01 May 2015 - 11:32 AM

Well I suppose a hollowed-esque sensation in your head isn't a good or neutral emotional responce. This just about bastardises the old established parallels completely. 

#809051 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Atheck on 24 April 2015 - 05:47 PM

Guys wtf is this?!




Why is this important to anyone? Revealing Kakashi's face serves nothing else but to assuage the silly curiosities of an old and pointless question. 

#805186 How Kishimoto could have made Sakura popular

Posted by Atheck on 21 April 2015 - 02:22 AM

Eh... I can't see why Sakura would need chakra scalpels. Why focus on precise disabling of internal organs when your enhanced strength can inflict enough damage to kill someone in one blow? She should have continued to expand upon her skillset by acquiring some genjutsu and possibly learn a few elemental ninjutsu for long-ranged purposes. Incorporating some of the more technical martial arts aspects of Guy and Lee's taijutsu could also benefit her a lot. Just imagine Sakura with a celestial gates and Byakugou combination. A maintainable 7th gate onslaught with her war arc strength would put Sakura above nearly all of the Akatsuki members and Kages.