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There have been 147 items by peanutbutter126 (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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Posted by peanutbutter126 on 23 September 2012 - 08:13 AM in News and Announcements

Whoa, eight years old! I think I've only been here half the time! Happy birthday, H&E!

#412063 Naruto 602

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 19 September 2012 - 09:59 AM in Latest Releases

Now this is why I'm not comfortable with the idea of Obito willingly turning over to the dark side. It's like watching Naruto go bad ): I just can't see it. Please handle this well, Kishi!

#410838 Naruto 601

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 12 September 2012 - 05:49 AM in Latest Releases

... TSUNADEEEEE shamefulcry0js.gif

This chapter is depressing. For some reason I always thought of the Obito/Tobi thing as a... borrowing Obito's body situation. So when it was revealed that Tobi actually was Obito, I just thought 'well, something must've happened after he died'. It slipped my mind that he might have survived (if that's what Kishi is going to show us) and gone over to the dark side himself (an idea I don't like!). These last few chapters are making me want to go back to when everyone was a genin and life was dandy...

#406823 New computer and monitor resolution

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 20 August 2012 - 01:49 AM in Tech Help

Unfortunately don't have it :/ It goes straight from 1680 x 1050 to 1280 x 1024.

#406701 Fall 2012 Anime Line- up

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 19 August 2012 - 03:41 AM in Otaku Square

Lots of stuff I want to check out this season! Jormungand 2, definitely. I've been waiting to have a taste of Little Busters for a while and Code Breaker looks interesting. I'm a school-life anime glutton so Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun and Suki-tte Ii na yo are also on the list. Shin Sekai Yori has a very vague synopsis but the poster catches my eye XD

#406618 Greetings~!

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 18 August 2012 - 10:46 AM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

Nice to meet you too! Welcome on board biggrin.gif

#406181 New computer and monitor resolution

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 15 August 2012 - 11:45 AM in Tech Help

I just bought a new desktop computer today (yay!) but there's one problem that I hadn't seen coming (not so yay)...

I have a 4 year old Dell monitor from my first computer. I think it's a 19 inch. When I hooked it up to my new computer, I noticed that everything was very... small. The text, icons, taskbar - everything made me squint. It made sense when I checked the resolution - after all, it's on 1680x1050 (recommended setting) on an old and not exactly big monitor. I figured everything would be fine after I lowered the resolution... aaaaand was wrong >.> All the other resolutions looked very stretched and enlarged; the only one that looks proportional is 1680x1050. I've enlarged the text and icons to 125% through one of Windows' settings, but it's still causing me quite a lot of grief - the text is miniscule when I open other programs, like Steam! The size of everything isn't exactly consistent and I'm pretty sure it's not doing good things to my eyes.

I've used this monitor for my old desktop, and after the desktop died had it hooked up to my laptop's display for the past few months. On the old desktop, the resolution was 1024x768 and everything was very snug and comfortable. On my laptop, which has a recommended resolution of 1366x768, the display distorted a bit but having a quick play with the resolution solved the problem. Problem is, I can't do anything about how the monitor is behaving to this new computer and staring at that small text is literally giving me a headache :/

I did a bit of googling and it seems that the problem might have something to do with the monitor and graphics card being incompatible or something. I don't know how to check the monitor's native resolution (though if I took a guess, I'd say it was very good at 1024x768 actually, after a bit of research I'm starting to think it's 1680x1050... and now I'm confusing myself @_@), but I know the graphics card is an AMD Radeon HD 7450. The computer is a HP Pavilion, 3rd gen Core i7.

Soooooo. Are there any settings I can fiddle with to fix this problem? If not, does that mean I should get a new monitor? I'm praying there's an easy solution out there...!

Since I'm sure I did a terrible job explaining, I took some photos of the monitor at different resolutions (not sure if they help though) XD


I have no idea what I'm doing. Any help is greatly appreciated! biggrin.gif

#405977 New Moderator Policy & New Mod

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 14 August 2012 - 07:44 AM in News and Announcements

Congrats tricksie! You're gonna be great biggrin.gif

The policy is a great step. I joined this forum for the fandom, but I stayed (well, ghosted about) because of the community xD Thanks for everything you've done so far, mods and admins! th_glomp.gif

#400522 FFXIII Versus Canceled!!! it's official and it's NO joke

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 21 July 2012 - 07:12 AM in Gamer Lounge

I really hope this is just a rumour! ... But my hopes are down since Square Enix haven't simply dismissed the claims immediately. I was very interested in the characters and setting - Noctis and Stella gave off more character depth than I've seen in other FF trailers (and I was rooting for some sort of star crossed lovers thing XD)

If it's not a rumour, I hope that the game material doesn't completely fade away, and that they carry on some characters and elements on to future projects. They're spending a lot of time on FFXIII, making sequels. I'm way out of the gaming industry loop but from a simplist point of view, I would only work on one project at a time. Ideas, brainstorming and sampling are fine, but I wouldn't announce a game six years in advance, slowly pick it at while I release sequels for another game, and then let abandoning news spring in after so long :/

#397002 Naruto 592

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 04 July 2012 - 09:38 AM in Latest Releases

Well, it's nice to see that Sasuke's finally going somewhere not in the general direction of 'senselessly mad revenge'. This chapter made me a bit sheepish because it reminded me that I had forgotten a lot of characters XD Anko, Suigetsu, Juugo, fake-Madara... where's Karin again? I don't even remember if we saw more of her after Danzou. Hard to keep track of everyone in this war.

#396710 They finally found it! The 'God Particle' =D

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 03 July 2012 - 12:51 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

I have a fascination with news that actually relate to things I learned at school. I remember learning about the Higgs boson in physics last year, so it's very interesting for me. Science is a profound and scary field xD

#396485 What if the manga ended with no couples?

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 02 July 2012 - 04:39 AM in Naruto General

I actually wouldn't mind. It's strange but I actually came to like NaruSaku through fanfiction before I began looking for it in canon. If the manga resolves the pairings but poorly (which I don't think Kishi would allow), I'd rather there be no pairings. But knowing Kishi, any pairings should be fair. It'd be nice to end the pairing wars. Then again, those pairing wars are probably going to be the ones that keep the Naruto fandom buzzing for the longest after the manga has ended. We'll just have to wait and see what Kishi gives us!

#395491 Naruto 591

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 27 June 2012 - 12:52 PM in Latest Releases

I liked the Tsunade and Dan part. I'm not so worried about her dying anymore, because before this chapter it certainly looked like a Kage was going to die. Well, what with Madara releasing himself, a Kage may still die... I guess I didn't want Madara to just disappear with the jutsu but having him release himself is really overpowering an already ridiculously overpowered character :/ Looks like we need Naruto after all.

#394925 The Legend of Korra: Avatar Korra

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 24 June 2012 - 06:08 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

I'm glad it's not a season cliffhanger. Amon and Tarrlok's story was a nice touch. I did feel like Amon had quickly become human and weak in ten minutes though, but that's the problem with creating villains behind masks. The mask rather than the person becomes a villain most of the time. Tough balance!

I think it's true that LoK is more pairing oriented than ATLA was. Frankly, Mako is not my favourite character and some of that is due to his treatment of Asami/Korra, but I also think people are being too hard on him. You'll miss some of the show's awesomeness focusing on the pairings too much tongue.gif Asami/Iroh would be nice to see though!

I really want to see more of the old Gaang. Can they please give us a flashback episode solely devoted to them in their adult years? I miss Toph arg.gif

I'm a bit out of the loop these days. Anyone mind telling me when the next episode is? XD Are they taking a break for a bit or launching straight in from next week?

#394316 Oi! The Fresh Meat is speaking!

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 21 June 2012 - 03:28 AM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

Hello! Welcome to the boards! There are plenty of opportunities to debate here biggrin.gif Hope you have fun!

#394149 Naruto 590

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 20 June 2012 - 10:32 AM in Latest Releases

Gosh Itachi, I didn't know you were that corny! Always breaking expectations tongue.gif

I enjoyed this chapter, even though nothing really happened. It was nice to see a bit more of Shisui and what he did. I like that we know Fugaku and Mikoto's last words now, and what they thought. Still, feels strange to see Itachi so emotional this chapter XD

Now to see the deal with Madara. And I still want to know who's behind that mask.

#394147 What Is Your Blood Type Personality~

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 20 June 2012 - 10:19 AM in Fun Cafe

QUOTE (Kim @ Jun 20 2012, 08:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Okay let's see what it says about me:

Hmm perfectionist.. check., sensitive...check, bag of nerves.... check. laugh.gif Hehe looks like my blood type is the most common. happy.gif

Haha, my blood type is slightly more common than yours tongue.gif O+ My mum mistakenly told me it was the rarest when I found out. It was funny because both my parents were O, so I had be one too and if I wasn't there was going to be trouble laugh.gif

Also, forgot to mention that it's interesting how Shauna thought about anime and manga character blood types in making this thread. It's so true haha. There's usually info like blood type, star sign, birthday, hobbies, favourite food etc. in databooks, and you don't notice that these facts probably shaped a bit of the character's personality in the background. Well, except for Naruto's favourite food.

#394142 What Is Your Blood Type Personality~

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 20 June 2012 - 08:36 AM in Fun Cafe

I recently found out I'm an O+ from donating blood happy.gif Let's see... Creative, kinda. Confident, maaayybeee (depends what). Popular... not much of a socialite but I guess I get along with most people haha. Oh, but I like to be the centre of attention sometimes! I'm the strange kid who fits right in being cuddled, pinched and wow'd at by relatives (maybe because they tend to say stuff like 'wow, you grew!'). I don't think I'd ever get into drugs or alcohol but I do get addicted to things very easily. I'll be addicted for about a month, and then I'll slowly grow out of it. And years later I'll look back and think back to all my phases XD

#394141 The Legend of Korra: Avatar Korra

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 20 June 2012 - 08:26 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

Late to a thread on an awesome show (among a mountain of other things) but since I'm on the boards for once, how can I NOT declare love to LoK? rawr.gif

Okay, I admit there was a point where I actually put LoK on hold, around ep 5, but then things started picking up and I was hooked all over again. I watched the last season of ATLA between episodes because for some reason I never got to finish XD SUCH. A MASTERPIECE. psst kriiiisskkkk, remember allllllll those years (okay, not really that many) when you made me watch ATLA properly? 8D /shot

So far, I really like Bolin. He's a nice guy. I wasn't so sure about Asami at first but she's definitely grown on me (the race cars convinced me. oh, and the kick-assery). And after the latest episode? I was on deviantart for hours digging up Lin and Toph fanart shamefulcry0js.gif

Haven't had time to read the thread at all but glancing through Abel's post, I have to agree that I seem to like ATLA better. Doesn't mean I'm unsatisfied with Korra - rather, I like the shows in different ways, because they're different shows, after all! ATLA was fun yet at the same time action-packed, intense and at times dark - I'm still impressed by how they managed to balance different audience themes. There's way more of LoK to come so it wouldn't be fair to compare them seriously at this point, but I bet LoK will be epic in its own way biggrin.gif I'm really glad the producers gave us LoK. Love people who answer to fans!

And another reason why I love LoK? Because I am remembering what it's like to become emotionally attached to something longer than finished 12-24 ep anime arg.gif

#375523 Chapter 579

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 22 March 2012 - 09:42 AM in Latest Releases

Dr Snakes? Oh Itachi XD

And I never suspected Karin as an Uzumaki. Did not see that one coming o.o

#370790 narusaku or sasusaku

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 27 February 2012 - 11:25 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I'm pretty sure this can just be merged with the debate thread. This question has probably been pounded to death over there.

But it's a no from me. Not likely to happen. Sakura is a lot more compassionate, and smarter, than people give her credit for. She's not that whimsical.

#370789 Spring 2012 Anime Line-Up

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 27 February 2012 - 11:22 PM in Otaku Square

Again... Thomas the Tank Engine? o.o

I'm surprised about Hiiro no Kakera. Wasn't expecting it to be adapted into an anime in so near a future. I haven't played the visual novel myself but from what I hear it's pretty good, so I hope the anime does it justice happy.gif Definitely going to be watching Fate Zero S2 as well. The first season was slow but it also left me vying for more. I hope it just means they saved all the action for S2.

Hyou-ka caught my eye because of the art but I'm a bit wary about it after reading the summary. I was expecting a school slice of life so I got excited (maybe because the art reminds me of Hanasaku Iroha). Mysteries aren't really my thing. I'll probably still give it a shot when it comes out.

#365133 Naruto 571

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 25 January 2012 - 11:39 AM in Latest Releases

Oh wow. I like how calm and collected Naruto looks. Bit dubious about Naruto being able to counteract all the bijuus with one move but at this point I'm just going to take whatever comes. I haven't been so excited by the Naruto series in a long time biggrin.gif

#364482 Most Frustrating Situations in Games

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 21 January 2012 - 12:03 PM in Gamer Lounge

1. Dying when you haven't saved - absolute bane of my existence shamefulcry0js.gif
2. Having a game's plot twist spoiled - most of the time, it's the reason I'm playing the game! I flee at any sign of spoilers but it still happens sometimes
3. Getting killed while doing a move you didn't mean to do - what can I say... I'm clumsy
4. Beating a game and getting a lame ending - disappointment galore sad.gif
5. Having to deal with terrible voice acting in an otherwise great game - I come to revere good games and I kind of get 'protective' of it, glaring at anything that threatens its awesomeness

#364034 Naruto Chapter 570

Posted by peanutbutter126 on 19 January 2012 - 07:48 AM in Latest Releases

Whoa, this is going to be hectic. Go Kurama! rawr.gif