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There have been 45 items by digifruit (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#419020 The WII U!!!!!

Posted by digifruit on 05 December 2012 - 02:57 AM in Gamer Lounge

my brother got one recently; we kind of skipped out on the past couple generations of consoles, so catching up on the backlog of gamecube/wii titles in the meantime while waiting for future wii u games kind of justified the price of being an early adopter I guess.

if you guys have any hands-on questions I guess I can try to answer them as best I can, but I haven't really used the wii u all that much yet. I've only played the new super mario game so far; it's definitely fun but nothing revolutionary though, just same old side-scrolling platforming.

#417210 Happy Birthday Tsu!

Posted by digifruit on 12 November 2012 - 07:09 AM in Party Central

happy birthday, tsuchan~


Posted by digifruit on 10 November 2012 - 05:42 AM in Party Central

Happy birthday, Sakuchin~! Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!

#414912 Use an e-book reader? Get your fanfic fix!

Posted by digifruit on 17 October 2012 - 09:02 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

fanfictiondownloader also works well, though it's a piece of software that you download to your computer rather than web-based like flagfic

though, I prefer to just skip that whole process altogether and just read straight from the mobile version of fanfiction.net on an ipod touch, and hopefully the chapter that I'm currently on will be long enough that I can still read while being away from wifi. Even when I'm at home though, I don't read fics on computer anymore, lol

#409790 K-dramas?

Posted by digifruit on 06 September 2012 - 10:01 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

I watch k-dramas every now and then, and I usually really enjoy the first half of a series but I never seem to be able to make it through to the end for whatever reason, so I have a bunch of unfinished dramas sitting around, lol. You're Beautiful was one of the few that I did watch all the way to the end; I enjoyed it, was a lot of fun, but my preferred pairing didn't happen, so I felt bad for Shinwoo, lol. And I enjoyed the J-drama version of To the Beautiful You (Hana Kimi), so maybe I'll check out the Korean version

The drama I have the most fondest memories of is Delicious Proposal, way back in 2001 when I had to rent dramas on VHS from the local Korean market, lol. It's a romantic comedy cooking drama and was the breakout roles for actresses Son Yejin and So Yoojin. The drama I'm watching now, Personal Preference, also stars Son Yejin, kukuku

The actress I'm in love with right now though is Lee Minjung, lol

#407974 The H&E Dictionary!

Posted by digifruit on 28 August 2012 - 05:42 PM in Fun Cafe

JoHamSandwich (kuya) - resident lovable kitten-starter. Sometimes likes to have a pickle in his sandwich

Rick (Bonta-kun) - resident beloved leader; follow him, kittenes. Sometimes likes to have his pickle in a sandwich.

#399418 Warning to All Fanfiction Writers!

Posted by digifruit on 17 July 2012 - 10:26 PM in Writing Discussion

I haven't really read any fics in a while, but the ability to sort by favs or reviews does pique my curiosity in exploring stories that are popular in fandoms that I've otherwise been too lazy to sort through.

A story with a very large number of reviews doesn't necessary speak to the quality of the story, but its popularity over time.

I generally tend to use the average number of reviews-per-chapter or number of total favs as a measurement of a story's popularity rather than the total number of reviews... but maybe that's just my bias as a oneshot author lol xD

#390760 Show Yourself In Motion!

Posted by digifruit on 31 May 2012 - 12:57 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

"Don't Say Lazy " - Houkago Tea Time

"Houki Boshi" - Younha

#389554 Show Yourself In Motion!

Posted by digifruit on 21 May 2012 - 11:41 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

"Poker Face" - Gumi

"I Can Take Off My Panties" - Kagamine Rin biggrin.gif

#381053 .digifruit//BLOG

Posted by digifruit on 10 April 2012 - 10:06 PM in i-Blog

.digifruit//BLOG: Observations on fiction writing

I've been writing fiction for about twelve years now, and hopefully I've at least grasped a basic elementary understanding of the art by now. So I guess I'll jot down here in my blog every now and then some observations about fiction writing in general, whether it be novel or fanfiction, that I've picked up over the years.

I don't really believe in there being any real set of "rules" for writing (or art in general for that matter); perhaps there are flexible guidelines, but I'm not a big fan of having hard-and-fast rules for something abstract and subjective like art. BUT, there's always a but, there is one thing that aggravates the kitten out of me, and the quality of the story generally suffers a lot when authors do it, so it might as well be a rule.

So what is this one aspect of fiction writing that will unfailingly make me cringe? Well, I'm not much of a critic and mostly just enjoy stories for what they are, so it turns out to be not actually related to an author's technical skill level or anything. It's actually something that authors of any skill level can trip over, and I've definitely been guilty of it at times myself. And that is this:

As an author, you should try your best not to stick your nose into the story.

Well, what the kitten does that mean? Well, here are a few examples.

First, and probably most obviously, is something I won't even bother going into since it's been beaten to death already, so moving on.

Second is something that even pro authors are guilty of, so this I'll talk about. JK Rowling of Harry Potter fame once mentioned that she was in a sh*tty mood while writing the fourth or fifth book and had been tempted to kill Ron off on a passing whim because of it. Well, personally I'd think the story would've been much more interesting if Ron had died, but that aside... whatever kitten that goes on in the author's real life shouldn't affect what goes on in the story without a good reason and proper plot/character development. I'm not saying that you shouldn't use your real life feelings as an inspiration or basis for your story (in fact, you should), but if you let your at-the-moment feelings drive the story or, even worse, overlay your at-the-moment feelings onto your characters without in-story development for it, the reader is generally left going WTF. If you want to write about your at-the-moment feels, then go write some emo poetry or something to get it out of your system before resuming work on your story.

Third is plot/character development. Just because you want the story or a character to go in a particular direction does not particularly mean that your characters want to go in that direction (by virtue of their motives, characterizations, whatever). So if you stick your nose into the story and force the plot down a particular path when your characters have no reason to go down that path or want to go in an entirely different direction, then the reader is left wondering if the characters (and the author by extension) actually have any common sense.

A corollary to the above third point is shipping. Just because you as the author want two particular characters to get together doesn't mean that you have the right to stick your nose into the story and force the ship along. Your own feelings towards the ship may make you impatient to really get it chugging along, but you should take the time to properly develop it. Don't have a stoic character like Sasuke suddenly get all clingy just because you want a ship to happen, it's bad form. An acceptable exception to this is probably "off-screen" development; you can have your ship magically develop during a time skip, or perhaps start the story at a point in time when the ship is already established.

Fourth is omniscience. As the author, you are omniscient to everything going on in the story, but that doesn't mean that your characters are omniscient. If you insert your omniscience into your characters in order to drive plot or character development, the reader will once again be all WTF. It's fine to have your characters know stuff that they have no business knowing if you use it as a one-off joke (ie, when anime characters sneeze when someone is talking about them behind their back), but do not use it to drive important stuff like character interactions or plot development.

Fifth is masturbatory writing (figuratively, not literally). It's okay if your reader identifies or perhaps even proxies themselves with your characters, but it's generally a bad thing if YOU as the author do it while you're writing the story. It's fine to model a character off yourself; in fact, it's actually a good idea, since you probably got a good grasp of the character already, but it's generally a bad idea to take the next step and actually proxy yourself onto the character. Just because the character is modeled off of you does not mean that the character is you. Hell, even if the character isn't modeled after you, even if you just like the character a whole lot, don't live vicariously through that character. Do not forget that, otherwise a kitten ton of bad things can happen, such as turning your story into wish-fulfillment masturbatory writing purely for the gratification of your own ego and self-satisfaction ala Twilight. Well, I guess masturbatory writing is fine and dandy as long as you keep the story to yourself; no one wants to read your literary jizz, kthx.

There's a lot more, but you probably get the idea by now. Sticking your nose into the story you're writing generally results in bad things happening.

#379437 The Keepers: Music Edition

Posted by digifruit on 05 April 2012 - 04:05 AM in H&E RPG-town

Character: Ayla "Sad Girl" Woodard
Song: Piano Sonata no.14 mvt.1 ("Moonlight" Sonata)
Artist: Beethoven

Character: Resh
Song: Piano Sonata no.17 mvt.3 ("Tempest" Sonata)
Artist: Beethoven

Character: Gwen
Song: Piano Sonata no.23 mvt.3 ("Appassionata" Sonata)
Artist: Beethoven
Appassionata --Click here to view--

Character: Gabe
Song: Piano Sonata no.26 mvt.3 ("Les Adieux" Sonata)
Artist: Beethoven

#378216 .digifruit//BLOG

Posted by digifruit on 31 March 2012 - 10:43 PM in i-Blog

holy kitten, touchscreen guitar synth! I hella want one! wow.png

It's already being used by korean electronic rock band LED Apple. Their touchscreen DJ emulator is hella cool too

#374852 Appreciation Thread

Posted by digifruit on 19 March 2012 - 08:44 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Jo - Do you know why fireflies give off their glow? It's the males and females calling out to each other. However, every once in a while, a male will attract another male. Jo, I have such glowing appreciation for you. pictureem0.gif

#373937 The Keepers: Music Edition

Posted by digifruit on 14 March 2012 - 11:57 PM in H&E RPG-town

Character: Winny
Song: Love Class
Artist: Mighty Mouth
Step one, don't hold back the L-word, say it twice a day. Step two, anywhere and everywhere use formal manners
Step three, text every now and then, forget email, write a letter with a pen --Click here to view--

Character: Resh
Song: Home
Artist: Tablo feat. Sora
"The useless emotions that dirty my heart are covered with dust"
Happiness was unfamiliar to me, I disliked unfamiliarity --Click here to view--

Character: Barrett
Song: Take Me to the Top
Artist: D.Essex
Cuz it's lonely at the top
Looking into my eyes, burning into my fire --Click here to view--

#372706 The Keepers: Character Bios

Posted by digifruit on 08 March 2012 - 05:21 PM in H&E RPG-town

Character: Sol Amander
Real name: Sol Taeyang Choi
ESPER number: VF-17
Age: 23
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Gray
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 135 lbs
Ability: Equivalent exchange transmutation
Preferred Weapon: Glock 17
Misc: An on-and-off member of Barrett's Keepers mercenary group

#371591 The Keepers: Music Edition

Posted by digifruit on 03 March 2012 - 10:13 PM in H&E RPG-town

Here, have some fruit of fate

Character: Axel / Cecilia / Trisha
Song: Pieces of You
Artist: Epik High
Notes: "Even the sight of your back to me, growing smaller in the distance; I do love you"
For that short time, you were my world --Click here to view--

Character: Axel / Cecilia / Trisha
Song: One More Time, One More Chance
Artist: Yamazaki Masayoshi
Notes: "I'm always searching, for some fragment of you to appear somewhere"
Even though I know you couldn't possibly be there --Click here to view--

Character: Axel / Cecilia / Trisha
Song: Let's Promise
Artist: supercell
Notes: "Even when the end comes along, don't cry, smile properly"
I don't want to see you sad, after all I love you --Click here to view--

#371458 The Keepers: Music Edition

Posted by digifruit on 02 March 2012 - 11:33 PM in H&E RPG-town

Character: Elissa
Song: Fan
Artist: Epik High
Notes: The story of a batsh*t crazy girl and her psycho obsession with a man who doesn't love her back

Character: Elissa
Song: Shake
Artist: Evia
Notes: uh... yeah... sweatdrop.gif

#371119 The Keepers: Music Edition

Posted by digifruit on 29 February 2012 - 08:51 PM in H&E RPG-town

Character: Ayla / Gabe
Song: Bonds
Artist: Orange Range
Notes: "We gently blend into the same color though we're apart"
We may be apart but I still feel your kindness --Click here to view--

Character: Ayla / Gabe
Song: Diamond Crevasse
Artist: May'n
Notes: "I was able to come this far because you were here"
Now I want to be stronger --Click here to view--

#370924 The Keepers: Music Edition

Posted by digifruit on 28 February 2012 - 10:37 PM in H&E RPG-town

Character: Ayla / Barrett
Song: My Dearest
Artist: supercell
Notes: "So everything that makes me whole, now I'll offer it to you"

Character: Skadi / Horrow
Song: I'll Teach You :3
Artist: supercell
Notes: "Here, say ahhh... Yeah, right, as if I'd ever feed you" :3
The more I think of you, the more I want to troll you" :3 --Click here to view--

#369853 The Keepers: Music Edition

Posted by digifruit on 23 February 2012 - 01:16 AM in H&E RPG-town

Character: Gregor Shamaelala
Song: Yakety Sax
Artist: Boots Randolph
Notes: Instrumental, no lyrics

Character: Barrett
Song: 9th Symphony
Artist: Beethoven
Notes: Let's blow kitten up! Burn! Mwahahahaha!!!

Character: Damion
Song: Wings ~You are the Hero~
Artist: Oshio Kotaro
Notes: Instrumental, no lyrics

Character: Skadi
Song: Summmertime
Artist: Charlie Parker
Notes: Instrumental, no lyrics

Character: Horrow
Song: Jack in the Box
Artist: Depapepe
Notes: Instrumental, no lyrics

Character: Reaver
Song: Hunter's Moon
Artist: Andy McKee
Notes: Instrumental, no lyrics

Character: Ayla
Song: Haku
Artist: Vanilla Mood
Notes: Instrumental, no lyrics

Character: Resh
Song: The Fire Cadenza
Artist: Lawson Rollins
Notes: Instrumental, no lyrics

#369642 The Keepers: Music Edition

Posted by digifruit on 21 February 2012 - 08:28 PM in H&E RPG-town

Character: Resh/Ayla/Barrett
Song: One
Artist: Epik High
Notes: Resh hunting Ayla, Barrett being Ayla's literal savior, and Ayla being Barrett's figurative savior, all while racing against Damion's ticking clock
Your hand set the world on fire; time is tickin away --Click here to view--

Character: The Jack of Knives, on human nature
Song: Killer's Montage
Artist: Dynamic Duo
Notes: The Jack's musings on how he doesn't even have to lift a finger to kill because the world is already a montage of killers
Murder, murder, murder, kill, kill, kill --Click here to view--

Character: Barrett, on how the ends justify his means
Song: Gloomy Sunday
Artist: MC Sniper
Notes: No matter how dirty his methods, no matter how much blood stains his hands, no matter how much he's damned himself to hell, he knows that justice is always by his side
The sky is always by my side --Click here to view--

Character: Axel, on being a rock'n'roll man
Song: Rock Over Japan
Artist: ARB / HHH
Notes: "Welcome to rock'n'roll night, welcome to rock'n'roll fight~"
I'm just a rock'n'roll man~ --Click here to view--

Character: Resh, on stalking Ayla (or Barrett, on stalking Damion)
Song: Escape
Artist: Enrique Iglesias
Notes: "You can run, you can hide, but you can't escape MY LOVE"

#367067 The Keepers: Character Bios

Posted by digifruit on 05 February 2012 - 09:09 PM in H&E RPG-town

Character: Axel Otol (Deceased)
Real name: Axel Orimura
ESPER number: RX-78
Age: 23
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Gray
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135 lbs
Ability: Space manipulation
Preferred Weapon: Glock 17
Misc: Keeps a perpetually unlit cigarette in his mouth and prefers to keep it that way, so he'd be a little wary around a certain trigger-happy pyro
character design --Click here to view--


Character: Cecilia Dunois
ESPER number: IS-22
Age: 23
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 105 lbs
Ability: Localized rejection of fate; space manipulation (from Axel)
Preferred Weapon: Glock 26
Misc: Graduate student and Second Lieutenant at the US Military Institute of Technology; used to be a researcher for the ESPER program but quit and moved on to studying plant biology instead. Holds onto a beat-up old lighter but has no memory of why it's so important to her.
character design --Click here to view--


Character: Trisha Rockbell
ESPER number: YF-19
Age: 23
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 110 lbs
Ability: Memory manipulation
Preferred Weapon: Glock 19
Misc: Has a sixteen-year-old sister named May. Unable to support themselves in this broken world after their parents had passed away, Trisha had volunteered as a test subject for the ESPER program for the generous pay.
character design --Click here to view--

#365293 Leo's Blog of Love

Posted by digifruit on 26 January 2012 - 03:21 AM in i-Blog

QUOTE (Phantom_999 @ Jan 25 2012, 06:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Err Not encouraging him are you tongue.gif

Nah, I'm just thinking that if he makes all the same mistakes I made and learns from them, he'll someday become as cool as me cool.gif

#365225 Leo's Blog of Love

Posted by digifruit on 25 January 2012 - 11:33 PM in i-Blog

lol, Leo's casanova shenanigans remind me of how I used to be back when I was his age cool.gif

#365224 Soup of the Day

Posted by digifruit on 25 January 2012 - 11:30 PM in i-Blog

QUOTE (Miss Soupy @ Jan 23 2012, 03:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Five Years Later

Her tears are stinging in her eyes when in a moment she feels she is no longer quite there. Instead, she is some years later. They both wear less white, he seems less sad too. They go to school together and sometimes they even trade lunches.

Some nights they look at the stars. Maybe in silence, maybe she chatters quietly. The moon is whole and all is at peace, and she can’t help but think it is perfect.

But then she blinks, and comes back to herself. That future is gone, and all that remains to comfort her is a still settling pile of ash.

More soup! biggrin.gif