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There have been 17 items by SasuIno.NaruSaku (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#832773 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.5

Posted by SasuIno.NaruSaku on 28 May 2015 - 11:46 PM in Latest Releases

Kishimoto stay trying to one up Toriyama. Sasuke is like another Vegeta. Lmao  :chuckle:

#812537 How Kishimoto could have made Sakura popular

Posted by SasuIno.NaruSaku on 28 April 2015 - 05:11 PM in Naruto General

Let's see how Kishimoto could of increased Sakura's popularity is :


- He have get rid of her love for Sasuke Uchiha . 

- Made her and many other female characters have better development . 

- Made her realize her strong obvious feelings toward Naruto Uzumaki .

- Should of Never put her with Sasuke , her develop as a character dropped drastically . 

- Kept her as a Main Character , instead of replacing her to a Side Character .


Please let me know if I must anything else . 

#811126 What would your plot of The Last be?

Posted by SasuIno.NaruSaku on 26 April 2015 - 10:26 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

It's very late for me to write this but I'm going to anyway . The movie would be the longest Naruto movie ever created . 




Plot : The ninja world is in peace for some time until the main villain of the movie Toneri Otsutsuki shows his face . His objective is to achieve the Tenseigan and Ashura + Indra Chakra from Naruto and Sasuke also to control the Biju . Orochimaru also seeks this power as well to destroy the leaf village . Toneri first intrudes NaruSaku and SasuIno's double date challenges Naruto , He then steals Naruto's Rikudo Chakra  . Later Orochimaru tries to fight and steal Toneri's power and Tensaigan but is stopped then later immoblized by Sasuke . Sasuke and Toneri Battle it out . It's a stalemate and Toneri takes Sasuke's power as well . Later on in the movie Toneri takes Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka hostage because he realize their feelings toward these women and to lure Sasuke and Naruto into a trap . Naruto tries to chase after them but Sasuke forces him to stay back and They both head to the Hokage mansion and discussed their motive to get them back . Naruto and Sasuke leaves with friends Hinata , Kiba , And Shikamaru as their squad leader captain . One of Toneri's men guide the group to the moon . Toneri sends his puppets down to Earth to prevent anyone else from interfering with his motives , They leaf shinobi dealt with them . Once the group arrives on the moon Toneri invites them to Dinner they briefly eat dinner until Sasuke's hatred overwhelms him and attacks Toneri . Toneri tells Sasuke to calm down and Toneri's walks them outside . Shikamaru realizes that their on the moon and it's heading towards Earth . Sasuke fights Toneri this time with his Rinnegan . Sasuke tells Naruto to stay back . Shikamaru and the others find Sakura and Ino . The try and break their cages but cannot . Sasuke injuries Toneri with his Mangekyo powers and Susanoo . Toneri then uses his Tensaigan Chakra mode and regenerates himself . Naruto tells Sasuke to stop the Moon from destroy the Earth . Naruto then fights Toneri . He overwhelms Kurama at first then Naruto fights Toneri in Biju mode . Sasuke saves Sakura and Ino then teleports them to where Shikamaru and the others our . He uses his space-time jutsu teleport to the Hokage Monuments . Naruto and Toneri's battle continue , Sakura and the other watch from a distance . Toneri from chakra to create a jutsu and throws it at Naruto swiftly dodges it and it cuts the moon in half . The jutsu starts hurling towards earth . Sasuke jumps into the air and use his Perfect Susanoo Flame Control Arrow . A massive explosion then occurs above the leaf village . Sasuke shields the village with his Susanoo . Sasuke teleports to the 5th Hokage's mansion . They briefly talk and Sasuke heads to the moon . Sasuke teleports in front of Sakura and the others . They immediately greet him . Naruto tries and convince Toneri to quit and this not the right way . The group watches from the distance . Toneri ignores Naruto and charges Naruto . Naruto forms a Tailed Beast Rasengan and attacks Toneri . Naruto Kills Toneri . He quietly mourns over Toneri's death . Naruto and the others take the portal back to Earth . Sasuke and Ino remain . Naruto and Sakura kiss brief before heading behind of the group . Sasuke and Ino talk briefly . Sasuke kiss Ino on the cheek . Ino then replies to this by kissing him . They then teleport to Earth . 

Theirs credits then it goes to NaruSaku's wedding . Sasuke and Ino are attending the wedding along with Naruto's other friends . 

The moive ends with Naruto as hokage of course and Shinachiku tackling him unexpectedly , and both Shinachiku and Hanami hugging him . Sakura laughes at this and takes a picture . 





SubPlot / Backstory : Hagoromo and Hamura stories are revealed . Both Naruto and Sakura spend alot of time together . Naruto also learns more about Sakura's parents and her life . Naruto later reveals his feelings toward Sakura directly and Sakura is still question her feelings toward Sasuke . Sakura later on in the movie realize that it was Naruto who complimented her forehead and her beauty they end up kissing . Sasuke would reside in the leaf he would also leave occasionally on his Redemption trip , He went with Ino on his redemption trip . Ino learns about the Uchiha Massacre , His family and what Sasuke life has been since . Sasuke also develops his friendship with the village and its people . Hinata accepts Naruto's feelings toward Sakura and moves on to later become a clan leader . 





Romance : The romance would resolve mainly with NaruSaku or SasuIno vs. SaiIno . I still haven't dediced .

Anyways , Naruto obviously still have strong feelings for Sakura . Sakura would have still have some feelings for Sasuke but also having grown feelings for Naruto . Naruto and Sakura spend alot of time together and Sasuke doesn't leave the village and strengthens his friends especially with Team 7 , Team 10 etc . Of course he doesn't have any feelings toward Sakura other than friendship . There will be conflict between Sasuke and Sai for Ino's affection . Ino feelings for Sasuke developed drastically mainly because of Sasuke's acts of kindness. Ino early on in the movie becomes jealous and envious toward the girls going crazy over Sasuke . Sasuke aslo becomes jealous of Sai spending time with Ino . Their confict between Sasuke and Sai . NaruSaku and SasuIno go on a date before being intervened by their date . The duo later save Sakura and Ino . Naruto and Sakura ended getting married with Sasuke , Ino , Team 7 and other important people attending . NaruSaku kids are Shinachiku Uzumaki and Hanami Uzumaki .

#809335 Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage - Chapter 1

Posted by SasuIno.NaruSaku on 24 April 2015 - 11:35 PM in Latest Releases

Lmao This kitten is funny . It's also pure trash . This is what NH and SS fans deserve from what they desire . 

#798058 Describe the Naruto series in "two words"

Posted by SasuIno.NaruSaku on 09 April 2015 - 07:04 PM in Naruto General

Needs improvement !

#798056 Should Sasuke Have Died?

Posted by SasuIno.NaruSaku on 09 April 2015 - 07:01 PM in Naruto General

No he should of never married Sakura . He despised her the majority of the series until chap 699-700 . 

#780877 Naruto Storm 4

Posted by SasuIno.NaruSaku on 16 March 2015 - 06:10 PM in Naruto General

There is a thread for it :D

here: http://www.narusaku....showtopic=14834

Thanks .

#780876 Naruto Storm 4

Posted by SasuIno.NaruSaku on 16 March 2015 - 06:10 PM in Naruto General

Am I ready to see 699 + 700 animated? No, I am not.


Lmao same . I just only want the game because I like Sasuke other than that I could care at all . 

#780874 Naruto Storm 4

Posted by SasuIno.NaruSaku on 16 March 2015 - 06:06 PM in Gamer Lounge

I hate naruhina!! Stupid underdeveloped fanboy fantasy...

For real tho . Foolish , Senile , Selfish , Fanfiction wanting fans wanted this crappy ending becuase their pairings are trash  . 

#780872 Naruto Storm 4

Posted by SasuIno.NaruSaku on 16 March 2015 - 06:04 PM in Gamer Lounge

I only want the Storm 4 and a PS4 just so that I could main the new Sasuke's , also a few other characters , other than that I could give a damn about the game .

#780864 Naruto Storm 4

Posted by SasuIno.NaruSaku on 16 March 2015 - 05:56 PM in Naruto General

Is Anyone excited for Naruto Storm 4 ? I am I can't wait to main the two new Sasuke's . What about you guys , share your opinions . 

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#780863 Was naruto the manga doomed the moment it became a series?

Posted by SasuIno.NaruSaku on 16 March 2015 - 05:53 PM in Naruto General

After the Pain Arc Yes it was inevitable . 

#780860 What Do You Guys Think About SasuIno , SasuKarin and SasuSaku ?

Posted by SasuIno.NaruSaku on 16 March 2015 - 05:46 PM in Naruto General

Sasuke should have ended up alone. SS is the most disgusting ship I've ever seen. SK isn't as bad, but it's still terribly disgusting. The only difference is that Karin stands up for herself, while Sakura is a weak doormat

It's the sad truth .

#780858 What Do You Guys Think About SasuIno , SasuKarin and SasuSaku ?

Posted by SasuIno.NaruSaku on 16 March 2015 - 05:44 PM in Naruto General

SasuIno: Every bit as shallow as SasuSaku without the negative drama. Maybe has a chance but I wouldn't bet on it. The least offensive and most normal choice out of all these options at least.


SasuSaku: the Bane of every relationship I've ever seen. Represents ALL THAT IS WRONG with physical, mental and emotional abuse in a relationship and the moral of that pairing is "If the guy is hot and you lust after him enough that is all you need in for love". Pity and lust. Excuse me while I flip over some tables now.....................................


Okay where was I? Oh right


SaskuKarin. Okay, admit it. you COULD see some potential for this one right until the duck-butt head stabbed her and discarded her like trash. Even after that She crawls right back to him after he gives a very deadpan and unfeeling sorry. Now to quote our dear ramenanmitsu with this proverb "if sorry was enough would we ever need police?" (to paraphrase) Sorry is all it takes for her to get drooling all over him again? If anyone had any self-respect, why would they EVER forgive and forget someone trying to kill them? same story as above. Revolting beyond all imagining that we need ten gallons of brain bleach at least, though again it was not always like that. 

I agree with all these keys points , SasuIno is my favorite pairing I just wished their was effort put in their relationship like NaruSaku or I just prefer Sasuke to be alone like Jiraiya .

#780857 What Do You Guys Think About SasuIno , SasuKarin and SasuSaku ?

Posted by SasuIno.NaruSaku on 16 March 2015 - 05:40 PM in Naruto General

sasuke should have ended up alone. 

I wished this actually happened  :th_yeah: but SasuSaku fans ruined it  :mad:

#780039 What Do You Guys Think About SasuIno , SasuKarin and SasuSaku ?

Posted by SasuIno.NaruSaku on 15 March 2015 - 06:25 PM in Naruto General

What Do You Guys Think About SasuIno and SasuSaku ? I curious about others opinions that's all . Oh and If any of you guys have NaruSaku and SasuIno fanpages follow me on Instagram @SasuIno.NaruSaku

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#780034 Do you regret being a fan of Naruto?

Posted by SasuIno.NaruSaku on 15 March 2015 - 06:13 PM in Naruto General

Yes and No . There's plenty of things I actually enjoyed . There's also things I'd disliked . What I really liked was Sasuke's development in the beginning of part II , Itachi's development was another one . What I mainly didn't like was Hinata still having feelings for a guy that ignored her more than half her life . Sakura still loving a guy who rejected , belittled , and attempted to kill her multiple times . Personally I'd prefer Sasuke either alone like Jiraiya , dead or with Ino . SasuSaku disgusts me , Same with NaruHina no development love only needs to be one-sided and 5 minutes of a genjustu .