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Infinity Drive

Member Since 09 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active May 21 2008 05:36 AM

Topics I've Started

Elemental Gaiden, Uzumaki Naruto mongatari

16 February 2008 - 12:53 PM

now, in accordance to this english forum, all this story is in ENGLISH.

i was influenced by jiraiya's parting words, and the manga, erementar gerad, or elemental gelade to you.

Rather than Naruto being exiled and such,and suddenly gaining power, we get to see Naruto and Sakura grow and mature over the course of years in the massive conflict now know as the war against Akatsuki, dragging in all the Elemental Countries and the lesser countries.

I must also admit i don't like Sasuke, and the convenient plot device of Itachi wanting his eyes gives me the opportunity to allow dear Sasuke-kun to earn his stripes the hard way, without the sharingan.

Elemental Gaiden, the tale of Uzumaki Naruto (and Haruno Sakura).........(and Uchiha Sasuke...)

Note, the prologue occurs exactly one year after the story begins, on the anniversary of jiraiya's gallant finish.

so chapt 1 is the prologue, reading the cumulation of the war, and the beginnings of the attempted final assault on Rain, and chapt 2 is the real beginning, starting where jiraiya duels pein, Naruto's team meets tobi, and itachi and sasuke fight over the sharingan.

Also, requesting beta reads.

No Photoshop, No problem.

11 February 2008 - 11:46 AM

Well, with no photoshop and no tablet, I've done my best.

Please tell me what you think of it.

Supplementary picture to Elemental Gaiden, Page 2.

story link:
Elemental Gaiden

Uchiha Rivalry



request beta tester

09 February 2008 - 04:09 PM

wei guys.
Nice place you got here.

I was Wondering if there anyone with a better standard of english than me?
probably so. this is a english board after all.

Need a beta reader for chapts of elemental gaiden.
please read all posted chapters on ff.net prior to beta reading new chaptiers. Plot will vary from vanilla considerable and will diverge from time of Jiraiya's demise.

readers should point out
-inaccuracies between the chaptiers.
-spelling mistakes
-unessessary japanese (whole point is to improve english after all)
-out of characterness
-mary xus
-gary stews
-homosexuality crap

Elemental Gaiden, The Tale of Uzumaki Naruto

thanks. to read, tell me and i will send to ye email or something.
