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Member Since 27 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 15 2013 05:01 AM

Topics I've Started


28 March 2013 - 01:38 AM

I like Hinata, I like her progress. She started out as this quiet little kid who barely socialized with anyone. Had terrible self-esteem in a position with a lot of stress and pressure. She drew inspiration from others constantly reevaluating who she is. She slowly became stronger, mentally and physically. She sympathized and empathized with other characters and their struggles. She is a great female character that I can relate to and I love being able to relate to her. She doesn't close herself in a box, she sees what is ahead of her and works for it.

For me, jumping in to defend Naruto was a great example of her strength. She knew she was nowhere near as strong as the enemy but still went in. Out of love, she jumped in there, she was declaring(not just verbally) that she was part of the war, and a comrade to Naruto, he wasn't alone.

Naruto may have been a stronger influence on Hinata but her world doesn't revolve around him. The group of people she cares for isn't limited to just Naruto. When Neji died, I'm sure she gave a cr*p load. Since Neji is like her brother.
Hinata may have only had a second to mourn for Neji when Naruto may have needed the comfort. Considering that Naruto is what makes the war even remotely fair, she was protecting Naruto and everyone else that relied on him. This was a war that meant that their lives belong to each other. (everyone to everyone, back to back)

I disagree with how she is perceived as selfish or annoying or in the way, etc. Everyone of those characters have selfish aspects to their characters, showing a bit doesn't make her terrible.
Though honestly I feel she gets all the hate because she is the opposition to the Naru/Saku pairing, other than her actions and motivations for doing things.

What do you gals/guys think?

Moriarty's Web

27 March 2013 - 10:25 PM

"In a world of locked rooms, the man with the key is king."