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Member Since 19 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 06 2007 09:13 PM

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I heard a rumor...

22 April 2006 - 06:49 AM

This maybe the wrong forum to make a thread about this, but I don't know where else to ask this. I heard a rumor on the internet about Naruto and Sakura...about them being siblings :o mad.gif ...and their was some kind of episode that gave them this idea.

Could someone explan this to me? Where did they get this idea from.

Symbols for what might happen?

20 April 2006 - 01:37 AM

Hey this is my first post here besides that greetings one in the ninja academy and I haven't had time to really look around wacko.gif so I worry if what I'm goin to say has already been said. I should warn you this is going to turn into a Naru/Saku thread wub.gif .

Okay first I want to state that Naruto can get with anyone he wants to as long as it makes him happy and that the two of them love each other th_glomp.gif . That could be with Sakura, Hinata, Yuki(movie 1), or anyone else. As long as Naruto dosen't end up dead or single, then I think I would have to hurt somone :devil: :o biggrin.gif smile.gif sad.gif :shamefulcry0js: .

But really I believe Naruto and Sakura would be the best couple. There are many reasons for this. But I want to know particulary about this one. Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru look and act alot like our Naruto, Sakura, and Saskae. Jiraiya looked and acted like Naruto as a child(ep 80), Tsunada acted like Sakura, Orrochimaru was like Saskae. Also both Jiraya/Naruto have an a rivalry with Saskae/Orochimaru.
Now in the present Naruto trains under Jiraiya, Sakura under Tsunade, and Saskae under Orochimaru. Orchimaru had left Jiraiya and Tsunada. Saskae left Naruto and Sakura. Sakura like Saskae first. Tsunada like that guy that died first.
Jiraiya secretly like Tsunada(its so obvious they have that love/hate relationship). Naruto likes Sakura. Sakura is growing to like Naruto. There are other things I would like to say but they are spoilers and I can't say them.

So what do you think? Has this been said? If so, where, 'cause I would like to read it. and I would like some comments both good and bad to see what people think about this .