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Member Since 19 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 06 2007 09:13 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Akatsaki captures Naruto

18 June 2006 - 07:27 PM

I don't see any of the original good guys dying here. Sai...I see him more dying from Orochimaru's group. Itachi...most likely die from Sasuke. Sasuke won't be involved with this Akusaki event. And neither will Orochimaru. Mostly likely a Akusaki member....so I'm saying Kisame.

In Topic: H&E Upgrade on 21/06/2006

18 June 2006 - 06:53 PM

Ooohhh...I've been gone without internet a little over two weeks...on vacation and to Girls State. Now I'm back only to have H&E temporary close in a couple of days.... :shamefulcry0js: .....How long will the upgrading take?

In Topic: Love Triangles

01 June 2006 - 07:23 PM

Yea Sakura would totally kill Naruto sweatdrop.gif ...and Ero-sennin nosebleed8rx.gif ..and Kiba omfg.gif ...and Kakashi headscratch.gif ...and well the list goes on :shamefulcry0js: ninja.gif sleepy.gif . But "want his money back" doesn't neccessarily refer to money it could be..........................lol biggrin.gif Jiraiya going on a diet then.....he'll then make Tsuanda go on one :blink: .

As for the winner.................it doesn't matter as long as getting there is twice the fun.

In Topic: Love Triangles

28 May 2006 - 12:45 AM

[QUOTE]Yeeah I never got that either. But man that bet is steep! -low whistle- But I think that Tsunade's bet is the worst. -shivers- Anyway the only time Tsunade ever wins, is when something bad will happen. oh btw Memories, I love your signiture.

Yea maybe that means she won't win this or if she does win Naruto will end up having to be nurse to health by Sakura falling back in love with her and she him. sleep.gif The Jiraiya will want his money back. biggrin.gif

Thank you NaruSaku fan for the compliment. Ilike yours alot too(but don't tell anybody a_plotting.gif ....sshhhhh!!! ninja.gif )

In Topic: Love Triangles

27 May 2006 - 02:23 AM

I never understood why Tsunada was such a lousy gambler. I mean she smart and wise being one of the three legendary senin and a medical ninja and now the Fifth....Maybe she just dosen't have alot of common sense and/or luck....but she's going to be smart about this to show Jiraiya up.

And your welcome MonkeysTotallyRock...also thank you for the compliment in another post on my signature (I'm putting it here b/c otherwise I'll forget sleepy.gif wacko.gif :o ).