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Member Since 15 Apr 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 30 2014 08:47 AM

#638756 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Kobayashi on 05 November 2014 - 06:26 PM

Hello to my NaruSaku fandom, It is and has been a privilege to be a part of this fandom. I have been NaruSaku fan since 2009 and proud member of Heaven and Earth fandom since 2011. I havent posted much but I was always on forum reading stuff, lurking etc. You people have always made my day with your sharp assesments in trying to figure out manga and pairings and i thank you all for that. It seems Kishi has submited to Shonen Jump HQ cause of future works and steady income of money or was seriously threatened by NH and SS fans. Japanese people can be very scary :)

When people grow older they loose their ideals, and forget whom theyve been and what made them what they are today. Kishimotos underdog Naruto hasnt achieved his dream and if we see that Naruto is based on author himself then the author himself is seriously unhappy with his life :). Also he forgot why he even became a manga artist and how this work was about him underdog rising to glory, to fall so low is uncanny.

Still NaruSaku was and till this moment is the most logical pairing of the three as it was wonderfully and steadily crafted in the earlier days of this manga and authors life. Who knows how  thretened he was so in the end those things changed his way of thinking. If that happened than he was not worthy of writing our hero Naruto who never gives up, cause his author wouldnt break down and run away from all of it like a coward which our hero was not.

As the sayng goes to all good things come and end, so the end must come for this story even if like it or not. We have cried, endured and eventually matured over the course of this manga and gathered a pretty bunch or unique people. I think we today are ready to leap into the brave new world world outside of this manga where things are a little bit more logical than this ending. and fulfill our dreams and life in our own way not dictated by some petty scared ass of a writter. And let it be known that we were proud and fell with pride, took on with our lifes unlike some NH fans who would not be able to move on with their lives if NH didnt happen. Cheers to ya all Ill be around lurking and stuff. Also chill out with a song :)