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Naruto 504 Spoilers

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#1 Codus N

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Posted 28 July 2010 - 01:51 PM

Spoiler script --Click here to view--
Against Kushina's begging, Minato begins the Shikifuujin.

Kushina doesn't want Naruto burdened.

Only I have to die, Minato, you should be there to see Naturo grow up.

You shouldn't become the sacrifice for me

ミナト 里を捨てること 国を捨てること それは子供捨てることと一緒
Minato, Casting aside your Village, Casting aside you country--That's the same as throwing away your child! (This Japanese needs better punctuation... I'm not sure if the names at the start of the sentences are part, or who's talking... )

国が崩壊した君ならわかるだろ それに俺達家族は『忍』だ!
The country will collapse, You should know. Besides, our family, We're Ninjas!

母である君には勝てない これは君のためじゃない ナルトのためにやるんだ!
This isn't for you. I'm doing this for Naturo.

The Deathgod is already behind Minato

ミナト 息子のためなら死んだっていい… それは父親でも出来る役目だ
Minato: If it's for our son, dying is fine. That's my duty as a father.

三代目 九尾と睨めっこ
3rd: Let's keep an eye on the 9b

三代目結界を張り 外に九尾がでないようにする
The 3rds barrier stretches? so that the 9b can't get outside.

From Minato's stomach, the death god's hand extends

The 9b has a dangerous feeling.. (Pictures would be a help for this...)

ミナト 封印
Minato: The seal?

The 9b suffers/complains

Minato is on his last breaths as well.

三代目 全部封印しきれてないと感じる
3rd: The seal feels like it's not all sealed off (?)

ミナト 八卦封印の準備
Minato prepares the 8 trigram seal

九尾 あんなガキに封印されるのか~~~納得できない様子
9b: You're sealing me in that brat?~~~9b is unable to understand these circumstances.

クシナ 息絶え絶え
Kushina's not breathing anymore

九尾 力こめて ナルトを狙う
The 9b's power is being aimed at Naruto (Part of the sealing tech?)

九尾の手が ミナトを貫通
The 9b's claws pierce Minato

そこにクシナが飛び込み ナルトに九尾の手が届かないように。。。
Kushina dives out in order to get Naruto out of the 9b's reach...

ミナト これは父親でも出来るって~~~
Minato: This is what a father can do

クシナ 母親ならなおさらよ~~~  夫婦喧嘩で私が負けたのはじめてね
Kushina: and all the more, If I'm the mother (not sure how to write it in English...)~~ This is the first time I've lost a marital fight, eh?

ミナト ありがとうクシナ
Thank you, Kushina

ミナト ガマ寅を口寄せ 鍵を渡し ジライヤに蔵入りして
The tiger seal's necromancy? key, deliver it to Jiraiya to store.

三代目 やっと状況把握
3rd Finally understands the situation.

The key disappears

The Shinagami take's it's sword.

More Spoiler Script --Click here to view--
Minato: Do the 8Trigram seal. I want to put a little bit of my chikara in Naruto
as well, as we can't meet now. Now, The we want to say to to Naruto let's leave them behind. (Hard to say in English without sounding strange)

Soundly sleeping Naruto

クシナ 好き嫌いしないでいっぱい食べなさい おふろには毎日入ること
Kushina: Don't be a picky eater, and bathe every day

Don't stay up too late,

Get plenty of sleep

友達を作りなさい たくさんじゃなくていいから
Make some friends, even if not too many.

勉強や忍術しっかりやりなさい 不得意な物があっても落ちこまないで
Steadily do your studies and ninjutsu study. Don't worry about your weak points.

アカデミーでは先生を敬いなさい 忍の三禁 お金の貸し借りには注意して
Respect your academy professors, The three banned Ninja laws (??) Be careful borrowing and lending money,

お酒は20になってから 女、母さんは女だからわからないけど この世は男と女しかいないから 母さんのよ うな女を見つけなさい  
No booze until you're 20. Girls and Mothers are women, so you don't understand them, but in this age, there's just men and women, so find a mother like figure. (I think she's saying because he won't have a mother, he won't understand women, thus he should find a mother like figure...)

And, be careful of Jiraiya Sensei ;P

ナルト これから苦しいこと つらいこと 沢山ある (Who uses the kanji for takusan, really? lol)
Naruto, from here on out, there will be a lot of painful, heartbreak.

自分をちゃんと持って 夢をかなえようとする自信をもって!!
Always hold yourself high, and chase after your dreams with confidence.

もっと×4 本当に 色んなこと一緒に教えてあげたい 
I really wish I could teach you many other things as well.

もっと一緒にいたい  愛してるよ
I wish I could be with you longer, I love you

Minato, Please forgive me

ミナト ううん。いいんだ ナルト… 父さんの言葉は 口うるさい母さんと同じかな
Minato: It's alright. Naruto... Your fathers words... I wonder if they're the same as the mother with the annoying mouth

8 Trigram Seal!

Here's where the reminiscence ends.

From here on out is Naruto's soul/heart world.

Crying Kushina

ナルトを器にしてしまったこと 一緒に生きてあげれなかった 愛情を注いであげれなかった
Making Naruto into a container (Spoken with regret), Together we couldn't live together... Naruto wasn't given love [as a child]

ナルト 謝らないで~ 父ちゃんも母ちゃんも恨んだことなんてない~~
Naruto: Don't appologize.. I don't feel bitter or anything towards Father, and Mother.

正直親の愛情はわかんなかった 両親ともいなかったから でも今は分かる…
I didn't know the love from true parents, as both mine were gone... but now I understand.

I was given my own life, for my own sake (strange in English again...)

Naruto, with a AWE~~SOME good happy face

オレの器にも愛情が入ってるって分かったから! だから俺も幸せだ!!
I understand my container was filled with love. Thus, I'm happy as well.

Father, Mother, and Child are happy.

Kushina begins to fade away.

(ミナト 聞いてる? 私達の想い ちゃんと届いてたよ)
Minato are you listening, please pay attention to our feelings

ナルト、私を母にしてくれてありがとう 私達のもとに生まれてくれて
Naruto, thank you for having me as your mother, When we gave birth to naruto,
we embraced Naruto.

Truly, Thank you

Kushina disappears

Different translator, but this one points toward NS (not sure which one is more accurate) --Click here to view--
Kushina: Don't be too picky, and eat a lot! Take a bath every day! Don't stay up too late, and sleep a lot! Make friends; it's okay if you don't make a whole lot of them. Don't skive on studying and ninjutsu. Even if you have any weak points, don't get depressed over them! Respect your teachers at the academy. Look out for the three Ninja taboos and be careful when borrowing and lending money. Only start drinking sake when you're 20. As for women, you mum here's a girl too so I don't really know, but this world has only men and women, so go and find a woman like your mum! And beware of Jiraiya-sensei
Naruto, from here on out, there's going to be lots of painful and difficult times. But keep a hold on yourself, and have the confidence that you'll be able to realise your dreams!!
There are really so many, many, many, many things I want to teach you.
I want to spend more time with you. I love you.
Minato, sorry I hogged all the time available.


Edited by Newkerz, 28 July 2010 - 01:52 PM.


The family that couldn't be.

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#2 Ulgamoth


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Posted 28 July 2010 - 02:01 PM

YES, that was great and I'm kinda happy the Flashback is over...

Deep in the jungle camouflaged by all the fallen leaves
A hand holds up the sky while shamefully I make my plea
The alter's callin' but my legs won't seem to stand
Guess I'm a coward scared to face the man I am

#3 Dreamer


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Posted 28 July 2010 - 02:05 PM

It's going to be heart breaking sad.gif but i'm glad it had a good ending with Naruto's statement. smile.gif

Edited by Uzumakikage, 28 July 2010 - 05:55 PM.

#4 Gravenimage


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Posted 28 July 2010 - 02:44 PM

Just as I thought a predictable chapter and another tear jerking chapter. I'm not in a good mood my PC battery charger has died and I won't be able to read the manga or update my fics it sucks. mad.gif

Lone Wolf of the Grave

#5 ciardha


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Posted 28 July 2010 - 03:00 PM

QUOTE (Newkerz @ Jul 28 2010, 09:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Different translator, but this one points toward NS (not sure which one is more accurate) --Click here to view--
Kushina: Don't be too picky, and eat a lot! Take a bath every day! Don't stay up too late, and sleep a lot! Make friends; it's okay if you don't make a whole lot of them. Don't skive on studying and ninjutsu. Even if you have any weak points, don't get depressed over them! Respect your teachers at the academy. Look out for the three Ninja taboos and be careful when borrowing and lending money. Only start drinking sake when you're 20. As for women, you mum here's a girl too so I don't really know, but this world has only men and women, so go and find a woman like your mum! And beware of Jiraiya-sensei
Naruto, from here on out, there's going to be lots of painful and difficult times. But keep a hold on yourself, and have the confidence that you'll be able to realise your dreams!!
There are really so many, many, many, many things I want to teach you.
I want to spend more time with you. I love you.
Minato, sorry I hogged all the time available.


This one is more accurate, Kushina point blank says "find a girl like your mother". So, as always from Kishimoto, more support for narusaku. Heh, I got a laugh about her comment about Jiraiya- she doesn't want her son to be a pervert like Jiraiya. Interesting how Minato set things up, Minato had only a tiny part of himself there, but he could see at least part of what happened to Naruto. More of Kushina was sealed in Naruto, but she couldn't see anything that had happened to him.
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#6 Gravenimage


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Posted 28 July 2010 - 03:12 PM

QUOTE (ciardha @ Jul 28 2010, 07:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This one is more accurate, Kushina point blank says "find a girl like your mother". So, as always from Kishimoto, more support for narusaku. Heh, I got a laugh about her comment about Jiraiya- she doesn't want her son to be a pervert like Jiraiya. Interesting how Minato set things up, Minato had only a tiny part of himself there, but he could see at least part of what happened to Naruto. More of Kushina was sealed in Naruto, but she couldn't see anything that had happened to him.

Wow if this is true Kushina basically told Naruto to find a woman like her, now who do we know that it's identical to Kushina??? fu.png

I will say Hinata nope just kidding don't get angry with me 111189.gif. But seriously you don't have to be a genius to figure it out who is the girl. kruemelmonsteryn0.gif

Edited by Gravenimage, 28 July 2010 - 03:18 PM.


Lone Wolf of the Grave

#7 Codus N

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Posted 28 July 2010 - 03:13 PM

Yeah, Kushina not being able to know what Naruto's seeing & feeling makes some sense. Otherwise, she'd probably have Naruto begging for mercy from the pain she gave to him for creating Oiroke no Jutsu by now. tongue.gif Not only that, I think Naruto DID pick up some perverted antics from Jiraiya. So, well, that means that expectation of hers went down the drain. tongue.gif

So, anyone wanna bet if MS might butcher the trans??? we're going have to wait for boyakist from MH to tell the truth......

Edited by Newkerz, 28 July 2010 - 03:14 PM.


The family that couldn't be.

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#8 Gravenimage


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Posted 28 July 2010 - 03:17 PM

QUOTE (Newkerz @ Jul 28 2010, 08:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, Kushina not being able to know what Naruto's seeing & feeling makes some sense. Otherwise, she'd probably have Naruto begging for mercy from the pain she gave to him for creating Oiroke no Jutsu by now. tongue.gif Not only that, I think Naruto DID pick up some perverted antics from Jiraiya. So, well, that means that expectation of hers went down the drain. tongue.gif

So, anyone wanna bet if MS might butcher the trans??? we're going have to wait for boyakist from MH to tell the truth......

Yeah I can see it now the part where Kushina tells him to find himself a woman like her.

"Naruto find a woman who is shy, quiet, insecure but most importantly make sure she's from the Hyuga clan fu.png."

Lone Wolf of the Grave

#9 alexander


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Posted 28 July 2010 - 05:12 PM

Find a girl like Kushina? Hum, let's see, she would need to be agressive, get angry if someone insulted her, be bossy toward her love interests, have a somewhat tomboyish behavior, I wonder, there is any person with this traits? fu.png

Oh Kishimoto, you can make some nice references even if Sakura is not around. @Ciardha, I wonder what the fandom is going to say to cover this up. heheelq7.png


#10 crazyefra


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Posted 28 July 2010 - 05:52 PM

omfg.gif holy crap!!! that just shows that kishi wants NS but how this fandom *cough*NH/SS fans*cough* is, they would do anything to change the translation to make it sound like something else.

Naruto: NaruSaku, (Fem)NaruSaku, NaruSasu (as brothers, rivals, best friends), ShikaTema, NaruInoSaku, NaruHarem (excluding Hinata), MinaKushi, ChouIno, YahiKona
Fairy Tail: NatsuLucy, NatsuErza :D
Bleach: IchiRukia

Naruto: Naruto, Sakura, Shikamaru, Konan, Gaara, Kushina, Kakashi, Ino
Fairy Tail: Erza, Happy, Natsu, Grey, Lucy, Gajeel
Bleach: Ichigo, Nell, Kenpachi, Rukia, Karin, Kon

Misc.: Linkin Park, Green Day

In between Anti and Pro: --Click here to view--

Naruto: NaruSakuHina, SakuHina, NaruTayu, KibaHina, SakuKarin
Bleach: IchiHime

Naruto: Hinata, Tayuya, Karin, Itachi
Bleach: Orihime, Chad

Misc.: Yuri :D

Naruto: SasuSaku, NaruHina, NaruSasu (as gay lovers), KakaSaku, SasuAnyone, ShikaIno

Naruto: Sasuke, Madara, "fanon" Hinata (not to be confused with canon Hinata), Kabuto
Bleach: Aizen, Yamamoto

Misc.:Twilight, Yaoi, Fillers, Sakura bashing

#11 Dreamer


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Posted 28 July 2010 - 05:53 PM

QUOTE (Gravenimage @ Jul 28 2010, 10:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow if this is true Kushina basically told Naruto to find a woman like her, now who do we know that it's identical to Kushina??? fu.png

I will say Hinata nope just kidding don't get angry with me 111189.gif. But seriously you don't have to be a genius to figure it out who is the girl. kruemelmonsteryn0.gif

Hmm, Temari perhaps? fu.png I love how Kishimoto drops these hints and clues to the readers. smile.gif I can't wait to see what nine-tailed cloaked Naruto looks like and more about "that jutsu".

Edited by Uzumakikage, 28 July 2010 - 05:54 PM.

#12 Insurrection


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Posted 28 July 2010 - 06:37 PM

NF is coming up with more of both spoilers combined it looks like Kushina is telling Naruto what to do before she goes. shamefulcry0js.gif That's sad and it ends in Kushina fading away.

Also Graven, contact Tech Support if you have warranty they'll send you a new one in a couple days or so.

Edited by Insurrection, 28 July 2010 - 06:41 PM.

#13 pharix


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Posted 28 July 2010 - 06:45 PM

there was a translation that said something about being "cheated by a weird girl" lol o.O

#14 harry4e


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Posted 28 July 2010 - 06:58 PM

I liked the translation that said, stay away from wierd girls and find a girl like me' at nf. Naruto use to think Hinata was the wierd girl who faints around him...lol

I guess Naruto/Sakura has Kushina's seal of approval, Shika/Temarii also gets her seal of approval.

Can't wait to read this chapter sounds like it will be an emotional capter, would have hoped for more detailed flashback, but atleast Kishi finally gave us a glimpse at the history of the main Antagonist's heratage. sure beats all the Uchiha history lessons we got.

Now the question I have is, it sounds like the third didn't have to tell anyone about the Kyuubi being sealed inside Naruto, then why exactly did he do it? Was it him that had more faith the villagers treating Naruto llike a hero andnot Minato which we;ve been led to belieive all these years?


#15 Dreamer


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Posted 28 July 2010 - 07:02 PM

Jump is delayed this week. Maximillian is busy hunting wild boar with his bare hands. When this manly task is done, he will scan jump.Wed Jul 28 17:33:18 +0000 2010

Tweeter from MS states the SJ manga chapters maybe delayed. Don't worry, it'll be here before you know it.

#16 Derock


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Posted 28 July 2010 - 08:05 PM

QUOTE (harry4e @ Jul 28 2010, 02:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I liked the translation that said, stay away from wierd girls and find a girl like me' at nf. Naruto use to think Hinata was the wierd girl who faints around him...lol

I guess Naruto/Sakura has Kushina's seal of approval, Shika/Temarii also gets her seal of approval.

Can't wait to read this chapter sounds like it will be an emotional capter, would have hoped for more detailed flashback, but atleast Kishi finally gave us a glimpse at the history of the main protagonist's heratage. sure beats all the Uchiha history lessons we got.

Now the question I have is, it sounds like the third didn't have to tell anyone about the Kyuubi being sealed inside Naruto, then why exactly did he do it? Was it him that had more faith the villagers treating Naruto llike a hero andnot Minato which we;ve been led to belieive all these years?

Fixed. Antagonist means villian/bad guy. (And Shika/Temari won't happen, Kishimoto said it himself, sorry fans for that pairing).

I love the Kushina speech, its like she gave him a letter... we're gonna miss you, Kushina shamefulcry0js.gif


What's Happening with the Naruto series as of now!

#17 Naruto_Sage



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Posted 28 July 2010 - 08:12 PM

ah not again


#18 Muffins?


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Posted 28 July 2010 - 08:25 PM

I'm just glad that this arc is over. For some reason this arc felt really boring to me. I did like the mother son bonding in it though, and the MinaKushi stuff was awesome. Actually let me restate that it's not a boring arc I just really want to see Ubercharged Naruto. Kishi is like here look at how awesome Naruto looks don't you want to learn what this is? Too bad heres Kushina for 5 chapters. That's my mini rant.


#19 Quinny52


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Posted 28 July 2010 - 08:40 PM

Nice to know Kushina could give some advice on life's essentials before she passed, especially in the love department (also found it funny that she apparently hogged all the time giving advice so the only thing Minato could say was 'Uhh... yeah, what your mother said'). laugh.gif

Have a feeling this one's gonna tug at the heartstrings, heartbreaking, but also heartwarming.

Quinny out.

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#20 Chivalrysae



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Posted 28 July 2010 - 09:07 PM

After some thought about his parents' sacrifice for Naruto's sake, it makes me think back to the Superman story. So I went and looked up some quotes. Here they are.

Jor-El's final words to his son before he is sent to earth. "You will travel far, my little Kal-El. But we will never leave you... even in the face of our death. The richness of our lives shall be yours. All that I have, all that I've learned, everything I feel... all this, and more, I... I bequeath you, my son. You will carry me inside you, all the days of your life. You will make my strength your own, and see my life through your eyes, as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father, and the father the son. This is all I... all I can send you, Kal-El."

Minato has left so much behind to help insure that Naruto is taken care of. He passes his Rasengan down through Jiraiya, and he has given his hopes and his dreams to Naruto. I also found some other cool father son stuff in there too. When Superman finds his father's final message reminds me of Minato's appearance to reseal the Kyuubi within Naruto. The parallel to superman's dreadful mistake, would be Naruto trying to release the seal on the Kyuubi out of his anger in the Pein battle. And so Minato uses the last of his chakra to reseal the Kyuubi once more.

"Listen carefully, my son, for we shall never speak again. If you hear me now, then you have made use of the only means left to you - the crystal source through which our communication was begun. The circle is now complete. You have made a dreadful mistake, Kal-El. You have abandoned the world for the sake of private ambition. You did this of your own free will, and in spite of all I could say to dissuade you. Now you have returned here to me for one last chance to redeem yourself. This too - finally - I have anticipated, my son. (pause) Look at me, Kal-El... Once before, when you were small, I died while giving you a chance for life. And now, even though it will exhaust the final energy left within me... Look at me, Kal-El!... The Kryptonian prophe[c]y will be at last fulfilled. The son becomes the father - the father becomes the son. Goodbye forever, Kal-El. Remember me, my son..."

And finally, a quote that relates to Minato and Jiraiya's passing of the Will of Fire onto Naruto so that he can find the Peace that they could not.

"Live as one of them, Kal-El, to discover where your strength and your power are needed. Always hold in your heart the pride of your special heritage. They can be a great people, Kal-El, they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way. For this reason above all, their capacity for good, I have sent them you... my only son. "

Hope someone else out there finds this interesting too. smile.gif

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