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Lucky Star

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In Topic: Let's talk about Sexism

26 June 2014 - 05:22 PM

When it comes to fictional women, I prefer this quote;

"Screw writing “strong” women.  Write interesting women.  Write well-rounded women.  Write complicated women.  Write a woman who kicks ass, write a woman who cowers in a corner.  Write a woman who’s desperate for a husband.  Write a woman who doesn’t need a man.  Write women who cry, women who rant, women who are shy, women who don’t take no kitten, women who need validation and women who don’t care what anybody thinks.  THEY ARE ALL OKAY, and all those things could exist in THE SAME WOMAN.  Women shouldn’t be valued because we are strong, or kick-ass, but because we are people.  So don’t focus on writing characters who are strong.  Write characters who are people."

from this post by madlori


I've heard that the show Orange Is the New Black is feministic show which empowers women. I haven't watched it, but I plan to.

That's one of my favorite quotes!

Orange is the New Black is amazing not only for the interesting well written female characters and relationships (and the plot too) but the diversity of all women such as women of color, queer women and trans women. And it's also really funny.


And "not all men" bingo seems to be very accurate for this thread unfortunately smh

In Topic: Let's talk about Sexism

26 June 2014 - 03:09 PM

Puella Madoka is basically an entire female cast....and an utterly depressing story but no relevant males whatsoever (except Kyubey but that...thing doesn't really have a "gender").  FMA has female characters that are badasses themselves (actually most of the named characters are badasses), Magical Girl Nanoha is pretty much what happens when you blend Gundam and the Magical Girl genre together, with an implicitly (possibly?) lesbian main couple.  Not to say about Black Lagoon, where EVERYONE, male and female, are badasses.  There's plenty of anime out there where males aren't always the main useful characters.


Of course, as I am a male, and by default a "pig," I probably wouldn't know a well-written female if it smashed me in the face

Being a well written character doesn't equal being a "badass"


But essentially yes, there are plenty of animes/manga that have a well written female characters, strong female relationships etc. despite the unfortunate complicated cultural issues in Japan.(i'd also include basically every Miyazaki film and shingeki no kyojin) But that's the point. Some don't feel entirely comfortable with many of the excuses people make for certain shounen manga...


Also thanks for that classic "not all men" slogan in the last line, it was really effective!!! (sarcasm)

In Topic: Let's talk about Sexism

26 June 2014 - 06:59 AM

I never post on this site but some of these responses...wow. 


About the video...no one is arguing men should be treated that way and I'm not sure where the conclusion came from that those who feel they are oppressed  wish the complete opposite to happen. The fact is, the video is a reality that women face daily (a very westro centric view ofc) and it's wrong yet it's still prominent and embedded in our society and how we think because of the structural, cultural mechanisms of misogyny.


I'm not really understanding your point (and many people on this thread tbh) but misandry and reverse racism don't exist at all.

In Topic: Pandora Hearts

18 August 2013 - 10:07 PM

I read it recently and I'm thoroughly impressed by it; can't wait for the next chapter to be translated.


Are there any fellow fans of the series here? :happy:

Are you kidding?! *points to profile pic* Pandora Hearts is amazing! Gil is my favorite but I really love the rest of the main cast too (Oz, Alice, Break, Sharon)



Yeah :D It's a pity that it only come out once per month / 2 / 3 months...But hey quality beats quantity any day. I'm feeling kind of scared for Break.. He's already so old.. he might die anytime soon T-T

Me too :( The new chapter was supposed to come out today. I really hope Break will be okay but Jun's track record makes me doubt it.