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Member Since 28 Jul 2012
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In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

17 February 2016 - 01:06 PM

Why would these people choose to have such a meek and subservient caricature like Hinata for a spouse? I mean do they find the concept of someone who will live and breathe only for them with no other defining traits that appealing? It sounds almost depressing how they would elect to have someone who is incapable of living for themselves or other motivating drives share that type of interpersonal relationship with them -- no ambition, no confidence, nothing. They come across as being narcissistic in a way.   

In Topic: My Final Realization Of What bothered Me About The Naruto Manga

18 January 2016 - 09:41 PM

I do know that it appears to be largely thanks to popularity that Vegeta is still active in DBZ. Unfortunately, that same benefit doesn't appear to extend to Gohan, Trunks or Piccolo. What an odd coincidence that is. Naruto in certain regards is similar.  

In Topic: New Boruto Manga?

01 January 2016 - 07:08 AM

You know I once thought some time back that Pierrot would at least have the decency to resolve Shippuden before the recent movie came out. I can see I was wrong on that account. They appear determined to prolong it for as long as they can because it's their primary source of revenue as someone else explained. It would not surprise me if this new mangaka had some kind of association with the people at the animation studio since it's their product whom most people have been following since the manga ended. 

In Topic: New Boruto Manga?

24 December 2015 - 02:00 AM

If there was any sense of an honest and even-handed justice system in this series then practically every villain to trudge onto the scene would be in chains for decades as a minimum sentence or dead. Even the ones whom you could describe as having a moral framework that overlaps the accepted notions of right and wrong have still killed, persecuted, or fought for those who seek to undermine the health and livelihood of others at one point or another. I would have no qualms with someone like Orochimaru whose crimes have absolutely no moral justification that have impacted thousands in such horrific and repugnant ways being executed. That man is a monster, pure and simple, and the fact that an elected official like Naruto who is sworn to protect the well-being of the people in Konoha and act as a role model for human decency would not only turn a blind eye to Orochimaru's actions, but openly correspond with him according to what some here have said should be grounds for impeachment and prosecution. 

In Topic: New Boruto Manga?

20 December 2015 - 03:11 PM

I feel this type of exploitation of a series that has long since descended into mediocrity from its original prime will separate those who have actually managed to escape from the shackles of Naruto and those who are still bound to it for whatever reason. It's come to a point where the production isn't even being handled by Kishi anymore. There really is no incentive, is there?