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Member Since 12 Jul 2006
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In Topic: The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

07 September 2007 - 08:56 PM

QUOTE("NaruHina fan")
and i ask it again do you think if sakura would spare second glance at naruto if sasuke was still in konoha? do you even think her view of naruto would change? and i did not see the i hate hinata sites when i said hinata is very popurlar and did not know most of them want her dead. the ones the sakura never have said anything along those lines some may but not as much as the hinata haters do. and what have hinata done to make people hate her that bad? nothing if you ask me. and hinata does not just have a crush on naruto she really loves him you can see that when she comfort him about the fight with neji. she truely cares for naruto and she has not even know him that long. she knows the pain of lonelyness and having people look down at you. i think she wants to take away all of naruto's pain and sadness so he can be truely happy she is the only one that ever seen behind naruto's mask maybe she seen it even before he told her. what do you think if hinata or sakura died like some want would happan to naruto? my self think he would not feel anything anymore he would just be a empty shell of his former self. you see how kakashi away crying over the death of his friends. naruto would with withdrawal in on his self. would have lots everyone promised to keep safe he would just become a tool the fallows orders with think about what will happen. if you want to know what i mean by withdrawaling and stop caring about anything read this
http://www.fanfictio...1/Ice_Blue_Eyes naruto is type of person that just blame him self for not saving them. like he failed sasuke but at least he was still living. and i by the way i can read people like a book something could do for a long time now.

....they use a fanfiction story as their reference :rolleyes:

In Topic: The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

06 September 2007 - 01:01 AM

Hey I found it! An Enduring Faith
The author wanted us to know that she isn't bashing NaruSaku pairing but trying to counterdebate Mizura's essay. Very possibile that it would have NaruSaku bashing despite the assurance.

In Topic: The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

02 September 2007 - 02:32 AM

She replied:

Temari thought Naruto is annoying and TenTen thought he was a jerk, and both said that they were "cute/hot" and it's not mistreatment, but Hinata was the only girl who saw through Naruto's cliche' attitude.

Temari never thought Naruto was annoying and TenTen doesn't think of him as a jerk, that was never found in the manga. Is she reading the same thing as the rest of the fandom?
Also, in SAKURA'S case it seems like a bro/sis relationship:
Naruto does something annoying, Sakura gets mad easily, and feels like she wants to beat him up, and she nags him of what not to do, sounds like a sister to me.

I don't know, that sounds more like a nagging wife to me. You know the type who feels that their husband is behaving out of line and the only way that they would follow order is to nag at them to do things. Personally they "fight" like an old marry couple to me.

Yes Hinata has issues, but Naruto's the reason why she's trying to change that, if NaruHina was canon, it will help her loose that low-confidence.
It doesn't have to be absolute true love that makes people become more confident. Being their friend, lending support, and basically encouraging a person often does the trick.

Besides do you think it would be THAT easy for Sakura to forget about Sasuke and go for Naruto just like that, after all she's been through? Naruto may still love her, but Sakura's feelings for Sasuke is interfering for NaruSaku to be canon

No it wouldn't be that easy for Sakura to "forget about Sasuke and go for Naruto". Love could never be that easy. But part of love is learning to grow and trust your partner and let them do the same for you. It might take time and the obstacles are hard but its because you took the time to nurture a relationship instead of rushing into one is what makes it worthwhile. Basically that's the relationship of Naruto and Sakura. As for Sakura's feelings for Sasuke interfering with the canonness of NaruSaku, we have to understand that feelings often change as one grows older and that people have to be open minded to the possibility that Sakura's feelings for Sasuke could have change. But then again we have to wait and see what's in store for us.

In Topic: favorite fics

24 August 2007 - 11:34 PM

I just found a really good NarutoxSlayers crossover fic, written by Irrational Pi. Not a real fan of crossovers since many of them are overdone but this one was excellent. A Different Voice
It starts out a bit too strongly, but you could actually see the improvement in the story and in his writing.

In Topic: NaruSaku fics Warnings

23 August 2007 - 04:23 PM

And NaruSaku get rid of Sasuke or Hinata by pairing them off with themselves or someone else, killing them or pissing off Naruto or Sakura.

I admit there are some NaruSaku stories where Sasuke is paired with Hinata (although, I do kinda like that pairing) or Sasuke died sometime before, during, or after the story, but I hadn't seen Hinata die in any of the NaruSaku stories. She's just too sweet to kill off.

I also rarely see a NaruSaku fic where Sasuke or Hinata pissed off Naruto or Sakura so badly that they are ignore for the rest of the story.