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Member Since 10 Dec 2007
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In Topic: Naruto 469

30 October 2009 - 03:52 AM

You know, i'm a NaruSaku supporter since lil'kid, but i just don´t buy it.

Sakura is totaly lying, from the real reason why she went there to the way she did it, i´ts all b*s*t...

My reasons to say this:

As all of us saw, the reason why she left konoha in the first place was not conffessing or anything... it was to tell Naruto that Sasuke is now "officially" an enemy to all of his old friends.... We saw this on her conversation with Shikamaru. So why the first thing she does is confessing to him like that, without even looking at his eyes...

Also, when she said to shikamaru "the fool is in love with me" back then i thought "well she's just ashamed to tell her feelings to this guys", but now she goes and confess publicaly :/
Now i think she was more like: "i can handle it, she's in love with me so i have a solution"... even called the guy a fool.

Take a look at pages:

10 - Not looking at naruto eyes / Looking away
12 - Closed eyes
13 - The worst of all... now she make a stop beforesaying all the "wonderfull qualities naruto has", and looks down in what seems to me a sad face (i mean the 4th panel)
16 - When naruto finaly get realy mad at her, she looks at his eyes
17 - Again not looking at his eyes, again look at his eyes when he is taking her mask off

Now, for the other characters, here's how i unbderstand

Lee - Well... no one evr said he is the smartest kid with a bandana... totaly buying it
Kiba - Got it right away... i kinda felt like he didn´t like too mutch when Sakura said "i'll do the talking"... it's confirmed now...
Kakashi - whatever it is he always knows better than everybody, so i wont analyse him...
Yamato - Got the lie! He is angry becouse he saw Naruto emo all these days, don´t want to see the boy get worse.
Sai - Kinda like, "Did i messed up?"

And Naruto, i'm proud for this kid. He is proving everyday that he is getting adult! He was almost believing there, almost very happy... but then he started making questions to get her lie... smart move! Naruto sould just reject Sakura right now... With harsh words i dare say >(. I think naruto is getting to became a realy nice guy. Look at the difference between him and Lee for instance... it's like he's ages ahead. Thins is the Thumbs Up for this chapter.

The pages 14 and 15 are the only ones i can say, maybe, will prove-me wrong... Sakura felt comfort while hugging Naruto, it's a good sign. I think that what Sakura feel for Naruto right now is respect , admiration, and safety... she feels like he is a safe port for her, always taking care for her and everybody else, always worried about the ninja world getting better and stuff... But it is not love right now. I agree that she is going to that direction step by step since Part 2 started, but this is not it, and the next chapter will prove my point, i'm pretty shure.

Well... what can i say... i hope all this mess can get right and we can see some NaruSaku in this Manga some day.

Now, about the rest of the chapter.... i don't really care. I read this manga for the romance. cool.gif