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Member Since 27 May 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 10 2018 11:43 PM

#863850 happy friendship day

Posted by Iwantbuns on 03 August 2015 - 12:12 AM


That was incredibly cute.

#848976 The Basics

Posted by Iwantbuns on 25 June 2015 - 10:13 PM

I like writing poetry. I feel like it expresses my thoughts in a unique way... What motivates me is food. i.e. lemons

#847224 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Iwantbuns on 22 June 2015 - 05:46 PM

Monday  and let not forget about the fanon:




That is so adorable <3

#847217 Jurassic World

Posted by Iwantbuns on 22 June 2015 - 05:31 PM

Yoo I died when I watched this movie. It was crazy awesome! I used to have this dinosaur obsession, and I was sooo excited for this movie... and once I watched it bam. It was awesome awesome awesome. Seriously I can go fancrazy over dinosaurs for hours. 


I was probably the loudest in that theater xD 


The aunt character pissed me off, and when she got together with that awesome dude at the end... I was so annoyed. Like she doesn't get him at all. Honestly she was very selfish in the whole thing. I just didn't feel it was very fitting for her to get a happy ending, compared to that poor dude that kept getting NOT what he wanted. He was so pathetic it was actually kind of funny... but at the end it was just sad.


Also a bunch of my friends were complaining about how the guns didn't affect the dinosaurs... and I think they're just crazy. Dinosaurs beat guns any day imo. They're whole body structure is friggen huge, and deadly... 


The ending fight between those dinosaurs was epiiic! >w< And when that lady got tossed around and eaten was just hilarious.



#812112 Why DO we like Narusaku?

Posted by Iwantbuns on 28 April 2015 - 05:23 AM

Personally, I never really care about pairings in general (quite low on my list of priorities for anime, even for romance genres)

Like Bryon though, if there is to be a pairing(s), then what I care about is that there is consistent, mutual development on the part of each person both individually and romantically.


With Sakura AND Hinata, both of them started out with shallow crushes, "loving" them based much more on what they saw in front of them, but not much deeper than that (of course, extremist NH fans try to make out Hinata's crush as "different" somehow). The only difference was that Sakura was loud about her crush while Hinata was silent about her own.

However, as the story continued, Sakura actually grew and developed as both an individual character and with her relationship to Naruto. As mentioned many times, she went from someone who bashed Naruto without knowing him, to learning and understanding him bit by bit and seeing he's nothing like what she thought, and the same when it came to Sasuke; that he wasn't the person she thought or wanted him to be and that everything she wanted from Sasuke she was finding more and more in Naruto. She found herself not just wanting to help him attain his dream of becoming Hokage, but also wanting to protect him from harm on a much more personal level than simply because of being a comrade and fellow shinobi of Konoha hence why she tried to get him to let go of his promise to her of "saving" Sasuke, because, in part to Shikamaru and Sai's words to her, she realized how much pain trying to keep that promise was causing him and she didn't want to see him continue to get hurt (both physically and emotionally) over it, especially given, as said, Sasuke was not the person she thought and clearly didn't want to be saved. But when Naruto refused to let it go, she tried to take the matter into her own hands by trying to kill Sasuke herself in order to lift the burden off Naruto's shoulders. While she may not have been able to do it (which extremist NH lovers try to say is "proof" that she truly loves Sasuke and not Naruto), the fact that she even made the attempt speaks volumes.

Yes, she's not perfect and is flawed, but that's what also makes her far more realistic and relatable to viewers. She and Naruto have not had, do not, and would not have a perfect relationship. There would be ups and downs, disagreements and arguments like any relationship would have which, again, makes it realistic and relatable.

And as brought up countless times, there's the constant symbolism (Hinata tripping and pretty much giving up, despite having some, if barely any, Kurama chakra left whereas Sakura had none left, but fought like hell to get to Naruto and save his life with her bare hands) and parallels made throughout the story too. For Kishi to try to actually blame the fan base as "misreading" all of that is a huge insult and is really one of the main reasons much of the fan base hates him now. An author trying to blame the fan base rather than take responsibility for his own mistakes...it's like a commanding officer making a poor strategic decision that results in not only a huge failure, but the deaths of many soldiers along the way, but rather than admit he was wrong about the decision and taking responsibility, he places all the blame on the soldiers for doing a poor job or something.

Of course, you still have Naruto constantly showing he loves Sakura, putting her own happiness ahead of his own, not even trying to deny her as his girlfriend to Edo-Minato.

On the other hand, Hinata never went anywhere after the Chunin Exams. In fact, they took what little strength and background they gave her back then and tossed it aside, turning her right back into that same "blank" girl we were introduced to back in Part 1 when she appears again in Shippuden, as if we're being introduced to her for the very first time again (and right when I first read that part, it made me wonder how the hell she was even able to make Chunin rank to begin with given Chunin aren't just about strength, but about leadership qualities and such). But instead of trying to actually (re-)develop Hinata into getting her out of that Part 1 mentality, truly becoming stronger and developed, and expanding her horizons, they instead regress her character into someone completely obsessed over Naruto to the point where nothing else around her matters as long as Naruto is there in some way.

Who cares what happens to Ko (her bodyguard) if I die (would most likely be executed for failing to protect me if they managed to survive) or the rest of the village? Naruto's in danger! I must throw my life away in order to make a death bed confession, resulting in Naruto becoming pissed off that someone died and nearly releasing the Kyubi and destroying everything himself (including the rest of my Clan), and if by some miracle he managed to come back from that, probably kill himself from thinking he was personally responsible for it, being too kind to blame me for it when it would be obvious to anyone!!! But at least I managed to confess! That's all that matters!

Naruto got kicked?! Oh no! I must take my attention away from the obvious enemy right in front of us to make sure he wasn't killed by that simple kick!

Neji died right in front of me and his corpse is still laying just inches away? Who cares? Naruto's hand is so big and manly!

Hanabi got kidnapped and her eyes getting ripped out? Who cares? I must finish knitting this scarf for Naruto!

If there is anyone who has not changed at all from Part 1, it's Hinata. Well, she did change, but for the worst.

And not once in the manga has Naruto ever showed any sort of reciprocation or mutual development of those "feelings" from Hinata. He still remained completely oblivious up until her confession, and even then, it was never revisited in the manga. The two of them have never had any sort of normal conversation outside of battle (what few times they start to always results in Hinata fainting or something after but a few words). They never hung out together alone (Hinata would faint anyway and nothing would happen). They never actually get to know one another, much less Hinata ever coming close to understanding Naruto's feelings on things or his pain on others and vice versa. The best one could call them in the manga are acquaintances, not even "friends" really.


Just this. *applause* Couldn't have made it clearer myself. For a long time, NaruSaku fans have been trying to say just this. Well I have. But people either ignore it, or reply back debating... But there's nothing to debate. It's been clear this whole time, and there's no way SS/NH fans/even Kishi can get around it: Sakura is the only one from the 4 characters that have actively reciprocated back their feelings. Naruto and Sasuke have showed zero feeling changes towards Hinata or Sakura. In terms of feelings, Sakura shows it right back to Naruto, whose feelings have never actively changed. 


Naruto has always romantically felt towards Sakura, but it's strongly implied to be love. Naruto has never shown romantic feelings toward Hinata. 


Sakura is shown to romantically feel towards Naruto, and her feelings for Sasuke decrease as the series goes on by becoming more and more negative.


And Sasuke has never romantically felt anything for Sakura. And Hinata may have always loved Naruto, but she was never actively a part of her life.


Really. It's just a few puzzle pieces put together and bam it's completely obvious. I don't know, maybe Kishi just wanted to get it over with, pair everyone up with everyone, and everyone's happy. 


But I mean, Kishi... They're your characters. So he must know that what he did for the characters was a complete down spiral. He must've lost interest in his manga... But even so, it's pretty selfish. Why give such a bad ending? But most importantly why is the ending completely pairing oriented? The show was never even about pairings. Even if Kishi gave a full out NaruSaku ending, I'd be confused as hell. Like I don't care who ends up with who. That's not the kind of ending we expect or want from this type of manga.

#711786 Hello!

Posted by Iwantbuns on 20 December 2014 - 08:21 PM

I personally don't like babies... but welcome to heaven and earth :P

#701575 I know...

Posted by Iwantbuns on 12 December 2014 - 12:57 AM

Welcome to Heaven and Earth~ And your meme is spot on. The destruction of all these capable and developed characters is truly tragic...  :confused: I honestly don't care if NH is canon or not, just the way it went about was absolutely horrible. I actually shipped NaruHina up until Part 2 when Sakura became more intriguing. Her development I mean. It just showed so much potential of her falling for Naruto, and I just thought that would be perfect. For Naruto to get his happy ending. For Sakura to get her happy ending, after so much heartbreak. For Hinata to become a better kunoichi, and still look up to Naruto. For Sasuke to finally be left alone, yet in peace with his friends and family.


I think we're all pretty upset with how it ended up. Naruto was one of my most favorite shows. NaruHina romance wasn't the reason why I watch it. It never was for anyone. So why does Kishi expect us all to just, accept it, and love it... He should've expected a lot of people to dislike it. More than half the fans Japan. The rational fans from other places in the world. Just why NaruHina? As a person who formerly shipped this, I think anyone can see the major flaws that go with that pairing. A shame Kishi of all people didn't see it in his own manga...


Anyways I hope you enjoy it here! It's a very nice forum :)

#701538 Dr. FeelGood

Posted by Iwantbuns on 12 December 2014 - 12:34 AM

I think this is very nice ^^

#701537 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Iwantbuns on 12 December 2014 - 12:33 AM

So is it true that Naruto’s voice actor for 15 years, Junko Takeuchi, refused to voice Naruto’s current son Bolt  (after back when Road to Ninja aired she offered to do so if Naruto ever had a son) because the ending was so shocking to her? I just read that somewhere on tumblr...

#688728 wht the heck!!! xDD

Posted by Iwantbuns on 06 December 2014 - 01:58 AM

I think I'm dead XD Gaara's Ariel because he has red hair lmfao

#677187 Win-chan's Ramblings

Posted by Iwantbuns on 28 November 2014 - 06:58 AM

Supernatural <3 I like your interests :P

#674709 One Last Rant

Posted by Iwantbuns on 26 November 2014 - 03:59 AM

Oh that's nice. People can talk and blame Naruto about not having guts for not confessing and moving on, but it is completely not okay to blame Sakura.


I damn well know kishi was at fault, but if someone says Naruto is at fault for not confessing, then I think definitely Sakura should be blamed very much for the reason Naruto didn't confess.


NS not happening the blame goes

1. KISHI (anything happening or not happening, he is to be blamed)

2. Sakura (according to the story she is the one who couldn't stop loving Sasuke, did a fake confession to Naruto)

3. No one else.


Even kishi said in his interview about that Sakura still loving Sasuke because her loving Naruto would make her a terrible woman( seriously what nonsense kishimoto), but this sentence justifies that Naruto only moved on after he was convinced that their is no chance for him now to gain Sakura's love.

This sentence clearly tells us that SS happening lead to NH happening, thus Naruto moved on only after he was sure that he is just a third wheel between them now in kittening way can make that stupid girl love him.


Neither Naruto or Sakura are to blame. Kishi is to blame, because he bent them both up by making Sakura go against the development she got in terms of her feelings and her personality, and making Naruto go against his very own ideals and dreams.


Kishi decided he could just flip a switch and make Naruto stop loving Sakura, and make Sakura turn right back into Part 1 Sakura. The Sakura we all know would never blush and ask to go with Sasuke because


- it was shown she didn't trust him

- it was shown she felt negatively towards him, whether or not it's love

- she would never turn her back on Naruto again and become selfish and completely disregard all her teammates and their safety and their trust

- it was shown that in terms of Naruto she is very selfless

- it was shown that while her feelings for Sasuke faltered, her feelings for Naruto grew more positively and stronger


Kishi completely bent Sakura up. And due to that, Naruto had to step back. Thus making him turn toward Hinata.


The demolishing of Sakura's character, and out of characterness of Sasuke's character, and the giving up on the girl of his dreams in Naruto's character was all done purely for NaruHina to happen. Kishi wouldn't have made a whole movie based on their love, if he didn't ship them. He developed it completely wrong, but it doesn't matter to him. 


Nothing makes sense, but he decided to slyly get away with it by ruining a lot of things that were established.


NaruHina probably seemed like the most deemable pairing, where he could add kids sprouting out everywhere without spending time actually resolving things in the manga that were unresolved. It was rushed and done very poorly.


Putting down Sakura's character = NaruHina love forever and ever lulz



I am not a troll, and you just like many other people are just too much in love with Sakura to see her being wrong and start blaming Naruto for NS not happening, whereas how Naruto was their for Sakura, it is Sakura who was in turn the gutless, a**hole who chose her abuser over the person who loved her so selflessly.

No unbiased Naruto fan(the series) will in his right mind think that Naruto deserves blame for NS not becoming Canon. It is just SUPER DOOPER SAKURA LOVERS blind to her stupidity like many people here that think Sakura deserved a confession from Naruto after what she said to Sasuke in 693 and 699 and NAruto is at fault for not confessing.


Sakura did have development. Kishi wouldn't have hinted at it so much if she didn't have any. True, in the end she picked Sasuke. But in the end, nothing in the manga that lead up to that makes sense for Sakura to continue loving Sasuke. It was done randomly, and seemed like it was purely to make NaruHina stand out more.

#674430 Thank you, Sakura-Chan

Posted by Iwantbuns on 26 November 2014 - 12:16 AM

Oh shiz. This is so good wow. Can't wait to read the whole fanfic, and it's continuation <33

#670849 Why did Kishimoto play with us?

Posted by Iwantbuns on 24 November 2014 - 04:37 AM

I guess it's true. Hinata > Sakura.


I can't believe Kishi would say that Sakura would be a bad person to leave Sasuke. I'm not taking his sincerity for her character one bit. He wanted room for NaruHina, because Hinata's love was portrayed bigger and better than anyone else's. kitten development of feelings or anything. Kishi simply s**t on Sakura's character purposefully because in my perspective it's clear that Kishi hates his own heroine. If you wanted her to stay a fangirl, you shouldn't have developed her, you shouldn't have developed her feelings, and you shouldn't have made her have feelings for Naruto, and than make her use his feelings to get through to him. You shouldn't have put her love for Sasuke in a negative light, you shouldn't have shown change, you shouldn't have shown an independent and strong girl - if you didn't care about her this whole time.


Gosh. I don't care if you make Naruto and Hinata get together. I don't care if Naruto and Sasuke's bromance rules everything.


Kishi should not have done this to his heroine. Sakura had so much more potential than all those other girls. Sakura felt strongly, she experienced, and she revolved around love and selfless care. To throw that all away to Sasuke? Sasuke won't ever give her the love she's wants, and it won't make her a better person if he's the one she continues to blush around as if everything he's done to her never existed. Kishi threw her in the trash. That's exactly what he did.


What a bunch of BS. I don't think Kishi's screwed any character over like he did with Sakura. True Sasuke was slightly out of character, Naruto was slightly out of character, but Sakura just... I don't even think I can go on about this anymore. Oh Sakura.. She's miserable. She obviously is. And Kishi can't make it right. The damage on Sakura's character is so shameful. Kishi didn't have to downplay Sakura's character. But most of all he shouldn't have given her potential if he was gonna drop her down anyways.

#664969 Does the 'shocking ending' confirm NS as the OTP?

Posted by Iwantbuns on 19 November 2014 - 01:49 AM

Sure if you twist it around like that. 


But no it does not confirm NaruSaku. It will always be true that NaruSaku will always be there to tower over SS/NH though. The whole manga is proof of that.