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Member Since 23 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 15 2010 03:52 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Sakura Season

22 June 2008 - 04:19 PM

love your story, hope you update soon smile.gif

In Topic: The Great H&E Drabble Contests!

14 June 2008 - 01:10 PM

QUOTE (Sakura Blossoms @ Jun 13 2008, 03:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Great drabbles so far Simusar, AchikaMiyu, and Yoshimoto! I enjoyed reading 'em! a_dance.gif

ty ty. it's nice having inspiration to write about.

also, i finished the full fledged fic that i made my "Fight" drabble into.

In Topic: The Great H&E Drabble Contests...The Real Deal! XD

13 June 2008 - 02:42 PM

Theme: Storm
Universe: Naruto
Character(s): Sakura, Naruto(Mentioned)
Word Count: 277

The storm that raged outside the pane glass window, in all its fury, couldn’t compare to the storm that raged in her mind, and in her heart.

He had done it again, that baka. He had risked himself, for her, for the promise he had made to her. She couldn’t help but feel like that promise he made, what felt like forever ago but was really only 3 years past, was keeping him from opening up to her. She had tried, several times, to tell how she felt about him to her blond teammate. Every time she was about to say what she wanted, what she needed, to tell him, he cut her off with a frown that was quickly covered with that damn smile of his.

That smile used to bring light and warmth to her, no matter what dark pit she was trapped in, but that was before she saw it for what it was. That carefree, glowing smile was nothing but a mask, hiding the pain he had felt for his whole life. The pain of loneliness, the pain of rejection, the pain of being hated for something he didn’t do. It wasn’t his fault that the fur ball was sealed within him. She saw him break down once, when he couldn’t hold his pain inside any longer, and it broke her heart to think there was nothing she could do to help.

The storm that raged outside inside the roseate haired young woman began to quell, as she resolved herself, to stand by his side, to let him know, without words if she had to, that she would be there, with him, always.

Theme: Dance
Universe: Naruto
Character(s): Ino, Naruto
Word Count: 276

She loved to dance, her long, silky, platinum blonde hair, swaying with her movements. Fast dances, slow dances, she didn’t care, she just loved to dance, and he loved to watch her. His deep blue sapphire pools skimmed over her body as her hips swayed to the subtle beat of the music. One glance from her sky blue eyes told him, “Come to me,” without a word ever crossing her lips.

At her silent command, he rose, and walked across the hard, polished wooden floor. His hands came to rest on her delicate waist, as his forehead came down to rest against hers. Her arms wrapped lightly around his neck, her eyes looking, with all the love in her heart, up into his. They moved together, everything, and everyone else around them, lost to them, they were each others world.

For what seemed like hours, they moved subconsciously to the beat of the music, and the beat of their hearts. Slowly, she pushed herself up, tilting her head to meet his. As their lips met, his hands moved, to the small of her back, holding her against him. Just as she began to loose herself in the tender, passionate kiss, she felt a small, sharp, sudden pain on her rear. She yelped in surprise, her eyes opening to find him chuckling to himself. He had pinched her behind. Playfully she hit her hand against his chest, before reaching up, and kissing him again, softly whispering, “I love you Naruto.”

“I love you too Ino,” came the man’s reply. She loved to dance, and he loved to watch her, but they both loved dancing together even more.

In Topic: Drabble Contest Polls!

12 June 2008 - 12:06 PM

QUOTE (Sakura Blossoms @ Jun 12 2008, 04:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, you tied for 2nd Place happy.gif

And good job with all of your drabbles! :thumbs:

ty ty(also managed to be the first with a drabble for the week4 themes tongue.gif)

other note, the fic of mine that tied for second, is now one of my most popular fics(i continued it) on FF.net lol.

In Topic: The Great H&E Drabble Contests...The Real Deal! XD

12 June 2008 - 12:01 PM

Theme: Games
Universe: Marvel
Character(s): Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider
Word Count: 223

His ride was long, seeming to never end. The pain and torment he was subject to, he knew would never end. He was in Hell, literally. Johnny Blaze, the once world renown stunt cyclist, was now forever doomed to roam the wastelands of Hell. Hell wasn’t what everyone thought it was supposed to be, it wasn’t all fire and brimstone, magma and sulfur. Hell was knowing that, for the rest of eternity, you could never see your loved ones again, that because of one foolish mistake, made out of love for his dieing step-father, he was condemned to ride around forever through the deepest depths, and darkest pits of Hell.

Johnny Blaze had become the Ghost Rider that night his step father died, and try as he might, to avenge the innocent, and punish the evil, his soul was still wrapped around the finger of the Devil, Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub, Abadan. Though the serpent had many names, his lies, his deceit, and his cruel games remained the same. Every time Johnny Blaze caught a glimpse of hope, that he might be able to somehow return to the world of the living, it was snatched, cruelly, just before he could reach it, every damn time. But Johnny Blaze would not give up, for he is the Spirit of Vengeance, he is the Ghost Rider.