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Melancholy Vixen

Member Since 18 Oct 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 26 2009 10:42 PM

Topics I've Started

Guitar Legend Les Paul is dead

14 August 2009 - 02:45 AM

He was 94.

As a major guitar and Les Paul fan, this is absolutely awful. I can't believe he's gone. It was actually a hope of mine to maybe meet him in person, but... he's gone... at least it's with old age, though... man, that guy was huge. He founded my all-time favorite Les Paul guitars, all of which sound and look simply amazing... I would never, ever choose any brand over the them.

RIP, Les Paul. It was an honor.

Vixen's Corner

28 July 2009 - 06:25 AM

Hmm. Yes. If I'm going to make a blog, I want to make it decent.


I'm 15 (16 in August), am a sorta off-beat girl with lots of interests... mostly music. I LOVE guitar and rock! I do play my share of video games, but I'm nowhere near hardcore. I tend to use cheat codes on my first run. :teehee:

Most of the things I "blog" about are usually rants about people or things to get my mind of things... I went through a lot of stress before summer break, but now I'm doing much better! Hopefully I get get off my meds~ I start Community College this fall during my Junior year (Engineering and English), and I'm looking forward to it. Not to mention being able to spend more time with my boyfriend. <3 I luff him. We've been best friends since the 3rd grade. Never fought, never disagreed, or anything of the like.


Now for today's little rant.


You think you're so smart, don't you? You have a way with words like a lawyer, but you don't have the spine to back them up. Face it, you'd fold in an instant when you're put up against a challenge for real. You're weak and your bark is empty. Just remember, I am not afraid of you.

I've learned to grow up. I've gotten out of that stupid, childish behavior... I left your pathetic, poorly run anime club to join another. I want to be with my real friends, who know when to draw the line at maturity. They were there all along and I was to blind to see them. You're immature, depressing, and irresponsible. My only regret is not getting away from your poison sooner. You dim every room you walk into.

Have fun with your life. I know you didn't sign up for college classes. Lemme guess, you didn't remember to? Didn't want to try? Well guess what, life doesn't work like that. Things aren't handed to you. Grow up and go get them yourself. That's what I did, and now I have a best friend and boyfriend who loves me for who I am, and plenty of people who will listen to me, regardless of any personal bias towards you. They listen to me. Not the whiny little teenager you made me, but the person I am now.

The one who's growing the hell up and leaving you in the dust.

Mein Doodles

09 May 2009 - 04:46 AM

Ah... Just thought I'd go ahead and add stuff I've drawn. Nothing too fancy; these are mostly just practice-doodles I draw instead of paying attention in class. XD These can also be found on my DeviantArt page here.

Came out alright considering I haven't drawn them in, like, forevar. --Click here to view--

This character was a girl in an old roleplay I did. She's the daughter of a werewolf, but somehow became a vampire. She was my favorite. x3
Werevamprofl --Click here to view--

And eyes. I like drawing eyes.
I really do. --Click here to view--