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Member Since 18 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Mar 14 2015 06:15 AM

About Me

Hello, I am Joshin Batra, I like most forms of Seafood, but I don't like sushi or octupus, or anything else that has tentacles or is still raw, and when they're both, I no longer consider it to be food.
I am a Narusaku true believer, but before Sakura started being slightly nice to Naruto, I was admittedly a NaruHina fan, but I am not one anymore, I have converted.
The only Pairings I seem to be capable of actually seeing happening are
NaruSaku *No duh*
Iruka/Shizune *I don't know the formal pairing name for them*
Jiriaya/Tsunade *Again, I don't know the formal pairing name for this pair either*
Pain/Konan *same as before*
and lastly, NejiTen
if you don't like those pairings, then don't judge my fanfictions on the pairings, but on how they are written, I would appreciate that
I am also looking for things to do, so if you DO like one of these pairing, send me a message and tell me what pairing you would like to see, and give me an idea of how you want to story to go, I WILL NOT WRITE LEMONS, I will make a sexual reference every once and a while, but no actual scenes, I, first of all, am not very experianced at that sort of thing, but also am not able to thing in that sort of way, so if I tried, it would come out horrible
My favorite character from the series is Tobi, the old version of him, the goofy playful Tobi
Also, I prefer to make stories where Naruto becomes evil for at least a small amount of time, so I plan on making multiple stories that have him do just that in the future
Lastly, I would like to say that all of my fanfictions, if they hae any chance of being able to make a reference to Naruto or Sakura, will most likely make a reference to the whole NaruSaku relationship, so expect most of my stories, if not all of them, to have at least SOME reference to that pairing.

Now, interests... hmm... I like music, and pretty much can't live without it, I'm into music by Disturbed, but can listen to pretty much everything, as long as it's made well, I am an athiest, and will never have a religon, that's just who I am, I tend to play video games more often then not, but also enjoy writing stories. I am not special in anyway, I am normal, simple, and dull.
I prefer cold climates to hot or even warm climates for that matter, which is ironic considering I live in a desert, I won't tell you where I live, last thing I need is fellow authors bangin on my door to say hello and talk about plans for stories, also, this is the internet, and weird people live here, I also consider myself to be a dark and evil person, I say this because some of my favorite games have to do with mass murder of the human race.

that's all I'm gonna say about me, Read my stories and tell me what you think about them

Community Stats

  • Group Fresh Meat
  • Active Posts 0
  • Profile Views 2,241
  • Member Title Fresh Meat
  • Age Age Unknown
  • Birthday Birthday Unknown
  • Gender
    Male Male
  • Location
    Inbetween a big rock and the ground
  • Interests
    Intrests... hmm... I like music, and pretty much can't live without it, I'm into music by Disturbed, but can listen to pretty much everything, as long as it's made well, I am an athiest, and will never have a religon, that's just who I am, I tend to play video games more often then not, but also enjoy writing stories. I am not special in anyway, I am normal, simple, and dull.<br />I prefer cold climates to hot or even warm climates for that matter, which is ironic considering I live in a desert, I won't tell you where I live, last thing I need is fellow authors bangin on my door to say hello and talk about plans for stories, also, this is the internet, and weird people live here, I also consider myself to be a dark and evil person, I say this because some of my favorite games have to do with mass murder of the human race.<br /><br />that's all I'm gonna say about me, Read my stories and tell me what you think about them

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