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Member Since 17 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 15 2008 10:47 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Hidden Village Of Konoha

05 July 2006 - 01:52 AM

Ryu casually walked into the bar and sat down next to Genji. "So what's on the agenda this time?"

In Topic: Hidden Village Of Konoha

29 June 2006 - 04:14 AM

Ryu walked back to his apartment muttering the whole time about people not being able to take a joke. He sighed in frustration but then smiled as he went back over the few memories he got back of his past. Oh was he going to have fun on the next mission.

In Topic: Hidden Village Of Konoha

25 June 2006 - 01:59 AM

Ryu slowly woke up groggily. As soon as he opened his eyes he closed them just as quickly, the light was way too much. It didn't help any that his head was pounding. "What the Hell happened to me?" he asked himself rhetorically.

Suddenly he bolted upright into a sitting position, "Damnit! I missed an entire mission! Where is everybody?"

Ryu quickly got up and started to charge out of the hospital room he found himself in, but was stopped by a medi-nin. After much struggling the medi-nins managed to restrain Ryu in his bed; very tightly too. He was left with nothing else to do but lay there and wait for his teammates to return to Konoha.

In Topic: Hidden Village Of Konoha

24 June 2006 - 05:19 PM

Toromo Akira finished dressing by slipping on his gloves and adjusting his newly earned Jounin vest. He then sped out of his apartment and made way for the main square of Konoha and left a message on the bulletin board for his new students: "Make your way to Training Ground 11 now. Don't be late!" He smiled to himself as he poofed away.

In Topic: Hidden Village Of Konoha

05 June 2006 - 06:17 PM

"Hmph, hide it my ass. I know exactly what I'm gonna do! Muahahahaha!" Ryu lazily walked to the town square of Konoha and made a life sized rpelica of Sayuri; anatomically correct as well. Although Ryu's idea of anatomically correct was a flat chest and the sword shoved up between her leges. The dummy's face had a look of pure ecstasy on it. He calmly strode towards the main gates while laughing to himself and completely ignoring the strange looks the townspeople were giving him.