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Member Since 18 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 17 2014 11:18 AM

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What Solace did everybody take from the Ending?

11 November 2014 - 08:27 AM



I don't post much on this forum. In fact over the years from when I joined, I just came to enjoy reading and being amongst fellow NS lovers. Frankly the ending got me so distressed when I saw it, I had difficulties calming myself down. However after a few days of just ignoring, and being left out (Truthfully I kinda forgot my p/w to the site and the email i used when i registered) from my comfortable place I was forced to accept what happened. Pretty much came to terms with it.


It was only because one reason, that as much as I am a NS Fan, I am also a Naruto fan, and the thing that at least made me happy amongst all the sorrow was that atleast all of Team 7 achieved their dreams. The dreams they stated way back when in the introductions.


Naruto is much respected and is Hokage. albeit not the Sixth atleast he got there.

Sakura is Sasuke's bride - as much as I despise that. My favourite female lead at least got what she wanted.

Sasuke finally managed to avenge his clan and make his little spawn. 


Even though the deep lesson about love I was hoping to learn from Naruto and Sakura's relationship wasn't taught. At least....At least I learned that dreams are achievable no matter how high and ridiculous they are.


And that got me to be happy. I can finally look at Naruto and Sakura, at Kishimoto, at anything related to Naruto without the betrayal. And that what makes me accept and love the NarutoxSakura pairing more than before.


Which got me calm enough to remember all the stuff i needed to log back in, and honestly gave me enough balls to ask my fellow NxS brothers and sisters. What was your Solace about the end? What was the one thing you can take from the Ending that can make you think. Hey that's not so bad! Even if it something as stupid as I'm glad that Tenten hasn't been bought into questioning for having rare weapons somehow for sale. I mean seriously? what is she? some sort of black market dealer now?


But I digress. 


What is your Solace?