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Member Since 22 Oct 2005
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In Topic: Final Fantasy XIII

05 March 2010 - 01:28 AM

Too many games in a 2 week span...my poor wallet should be fun

QUOTE (Smiter @ Mar 5 2010, 10:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah right, Yaka. XD

I'm definitely picking up FFXIII at work next Tuesday. The only question that remains is... PS3 or 360? arg.gif

The PS3 version is on a single disc and has no compression, while the 360 is my favourite gaming console and it does have the Achievements. I haven't heard of any exclusive features/bonuses for either console, so I'll probably pick the PS3 version. I only have 4 games on the PS3, so maybe it could do with something new!

Seems like pretty much identical game experiences on either console (graphical differences aside). There are a few "bonus features" for you on the PS3 version, though: unlockable xmb themes (6 of them - one for each character).

Nothing too exciting, but it's something smile.gif

In Topic: H&E Interrogation

23 February 2010 - 03:17 AM

1. What's your Chinese Zodiac animal?


2. What's your Astrology sign?


3. Favorite genre of music?

Alternative Rock

4. Least favorite genre of music?

Rap / Hip - hop

5. Coke or Pepsi?


6. Favorite type of weather?

Spring-like - sunny and mildly warm with a good breeze

7. Religion?


8. Race/ethnicity?


9. Goals?

Finish veterinary school and find a position as a zoo animal / large exotics vet

10. Favorite type of environment?


11. Favorite manga/anime character?

Luffy (One Piece)

12. Favorite internet meme?


13. Talent?

Photography, maybe?

14. Favorite hobby?

scuba diving / swimming, reading, watching anime / reading manga, music

15. Political party?

no affiliation

16. Favorite season?


17. Favorite animal?

all of them smile.gif (dog, I guess - Alaskan Malamute)

18. Favorite band/musician

Dave Matthews, Pearl Jam, Our Lady Peace

19. # 1 place you want to travel to?


20. Interesting place you've traveled to that no one probably knows about?

New Zealand & Australia (only Melbourne so far)

21. Interesting relations to celebrity or famous person?

3rd (or 4th) cousin once-removed on mother's side is Johnny Depp

22. Favorite website?

Google - leads anywhere

23. Favorite continent?

N. America

24. Anything interesting no one else knows about you?


25. Something else you want to share?


In Topic: One Piece discussion thread

15 February 2010 - 11:25 AM

Now all we're missing is the rest of the SH crew...
575 (from AP forums) --Click here to view--
575話 言葉なき怒り
そして今まで一部始終を見ていた?3人の伝説の囚人+一人+シリュウを連れて、黒髭海賊団登場 。

Chapter 575: Anger without words
Luffy is at a loss, Akainu takes the chance to attack him, but Marco blocks him.
Whitebeard, who was observing the situation, attacks him without saying a word.
Akainu fights back, but is taken down with two attacks. The second punch sends damage to the entire HQ, and not just Akainu.
Blackbeard pirates, who appears to have been observing the whole deal, appears with three legendary prisoners + Shiryu + another character.
Blackbeard: I'm glad I made it in time to see your death, pops.

In Topic: One Piece discussion thread

09 February 2010 - 03:47 AM

QUOTE (Vyse @ Feb 9 2010, 12:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Spoilers confirmed --Click here to view--

I'm incredibly curious as to what this rare face of Luffy's is though, as I thought I'd seen'em all. This chapter promise to be great!

seems pretty final to me (not that a Chiyo-moment is impossible)

In Topic: One Piece discussion thread

08 February 2010 - 10:22 PM


Spoilers for 574 --Click here to view--

Didn't expected Oda to go through with it.

Not 100% confirmed w/out pics (same spoiler provider as last week), but...

574話 ポートガス・D・エース 死す
それぞれの驚きの表情から始まる。ガープ「センゴク今のうちにわしを止めておけ、じゃないとサカヅキを殺し てしまう。」
赤犬「覇気使いか、面倒じゃのー」赤犬はさらにエースに追い打ちをかける、ジンベエがそれをか ばう。
エースとルフィーの回想がはいり、エース「こうなるとあんな奴でも懐かしい(ダダン)」「愛してくれてあり がとう」
(i/N02B, ID:3Paph00+0)

Chapter 574: Portgus D Ace, is dead.
The chapter starts with everyone astonished.
Garp tells Sengoku he better stop me now, or I will kill Sakazuki.
Sengoku does so. Marco and Vista attacks Akainu.
Akainu says Haki users eh? This is troublesome, and attacks Ace again. Jinbei stops the attack.
flashback of Ace and Luffy. Ace says he misses even someone like Dadan now, thanks for the love he recieved.
The vivre card burns out. Luffy is seen with exp​ression never seen before. end.