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Member Since 09 Feb 2005
Offline Last Active Mar 02 2010 06:24 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: H&E Interrogation

20 February 2010 - 11:54 AM

All about me! --Click here to view--
1. What's your Chinese Zodiac animal? Tiger

2. What's your Astrology sign? Vergo

3. Favorite genre of music? J pop

4. Least favorite genre of music? Rap

5. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi

6. Favorite type of weather? Rainy

7. Religion? none

8. Race/ethnicity? I'm all colors!

9. Goals? To be a police research analyst

10. Favorite type of environment? (i.e., Beach, mountain, forest, etc.) national parks

11. Favorite manga/anime character? Shikamaru, Wolfram

12. Favorite internet meme? none

13. Talent? um....my bones break easily T_T

14. Favorite hobby? gaming, learning japanese

15. Political party? none

16. Favorite season? fall

17. Favorite animal? cow

18. Favorite band/musician KAT-TUN

19. # 1 place you want to travel to? well it was japan but I have been so I guess the next stop is London

20. Interesting place you've traveled to that no one probably knows about? um no where really lol BANFF!

21. Interesting relations to celebrity or famous person? hahah I only wish!

22. Favorite website? facebook?

23. Favorite continent? North America

24. Anything interesting no one else knows about you? um I can write with both hands!

25. Something else you want to share? not really (I love you kame!!)

In Topic: Who do you think will Hinata end up with?

20 February 2010 - 10:53 AM

*wonders in randomly*
naruto duh!! *shotx3*
but honestly I think Kiba would be awesome lol or shika! *snort* >>
*wonders off*

In Topic: What Are You Doing Right Now?

28 November 2009 - 10:19 AM

Visiting all the old naruto fourms I use to be a part of and posting >> lol I am board!!