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Member Since 15 Aug 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 02 2015 02:10 PM

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In Topic: Naruto Gaiden 700.10

02 July 2015 - 11:17 AM

I'm so confused....... I'm more confused than ever lol. We still get no explanation for the DNA match with Karin and Sarada. Even Karin was confused and stated that it was impossible since she delivered Sarada. So I guess we know now the reason why Sarada has no birth records in Konoha is because she was born when Sakura joined Sasuke and Karin on the road. But why was it kept secret? Why couldn't Sakura and Sasuke just say so in the beginning?


I knew Sarada was going to be Sakura's all along. This mama drama didn't need to happen or be stretched out throughout the whole series like it did. Not really sure the point of this was really. And I still don't understand why Sarada needs glasses. 


Also, I'm not sure if SS should be happy about all of this. It doesn't even seem like Sasuke and Sakura are in love. Sasuke doesn't show it. He can't even say anything sentimental to Sakura or use any terms of endearment. Sasuke saying "Because we had you Sarada" as his answer to how he feels about Sakura doesn't cut it for me. At this point, I'm not even sure if Sasuke and Sakura have even kissed despite having Sarada. I wouldn't be surprised Sakura was like the Virgin Mary and was just impregnated with Sarada without having no sexual intercourse with Sasuke.


And wait..... Sarada wants to become Hokage? Okay, no problem with that I guess. But I thought this was about Boruto? Why aren't we hearing about him more? Why does his appearance in this chapter have no importance at all and only used to glorify Sarada's moment of wanting to become Hokage? There's supposed to be one more chapter left right? I don't see how Boruto is going to make an impact in all of this. Guarantee this is going to be carried out in another series or the movie. They should have named the series Sarada. Everyone else seems to be reduced to supporting characters and Boruto is not even a suporting character at this point. Just a face that pops up every couple chapters. 


I hope this is over soon. I usually don't comment, but in this case I felt compelled to. So confused and... I don't know how I feel anymore. I knew this series wasn't going to be good in the first place. But this is just to hard to take in.

In Topic: The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

24 November 2014 - 08:53 PM


Can someone help me translate this? Thx!


I got this from another online translator:


Me whose ardent love of the film preview of Naruto does not cool down.
A part is acted before the next movie first day on the stage! Please come to your seeing.


I understand some of the characters and words being said in it, so I think it's somewhat true to what it's saying haha.

In Topic: The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

21 November 2014 - 03:47 PM

Why Kishi, why? Maybe because he wanted to make more money? Idk anymore... I think someone brought this up before, but I just thought it was ironic how Jiraiya and Obito fell in love with that one person whom their feelings never seemed to waiver. Naruto, whom we know as the ninja who never gives up and who is deeply in love with Sakura suddenly falls out of love with her? I don't think I can blame Naruto, I blame Kishi haha, ugh.

In Topic: The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

12 November 2014 - 05:08 PM

Love this thread!!! :) But does anybody know what's the story behind the scarf? Some people have been speculating that the scarf is supposed to be somewhat significant to NH. Something about Hinata always wanted to give Naruto a scarf since they were little and she never got the chance to give it to him. Hopefully Chatte's theory will clear up the scarf if it is supposed to be significant to the movie.

In Topic: My thoughts on the last chapters

07 November 2014 - 11:35 PM

I have to agree on that. There's just no other reason I can think of. He was probably pressured by editors or whatever. Maybe because the fan base for NaruHina is really popular and they might lose a whole chunk of audience?

Probably didn't matter which pairing he went with. One side would be devastated. But I thought that NaruSaku was more popular in Japan based by what others are saying? I can imagine their reactions...