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Member Since 21 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active May 29 2013 10:37 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

20 May 2013 - 09:33 PM

Avatar - 8/10

Signature - 9/10 The image quality is awesome, but then again, he's not Vegeta happy.gif

In Topic: Naruto 630

15 May 2013 - 08:58 AM

The amount of Sakura panel time on this one is too damn high... And I sure like it!

Overall, I enjoyed the chapter, although Obito is really getting on my nerves. Geez, man up already!

In Topic: Naruto 616

17 January 2013 - 01:53 PM

I really liked this chapter, especially Team 10's time, Inoichi's and Shikaku's last words were truly touching... The color page is (just as expected) brilliantly done, although I do have some issues with Sasuke's attire huh.gif

Overall, it was nice to see that Kishimoto moved on to the battle again!!! (Just because I was gettin' tired of all that pairing drama nonsense dry.gif )

On a side note... Orochimaru did what Naruto could never do all these years. He brought Sasuke back to Konoha.

In Topic: Naruto 615

28 December 2012 - 02:47 PM

My disappointment about this chapter goes much further than shipping wars. I mean, Neji just died and we did not even get a decent reaction from his team? The least I expected was a panel for each of the remaining members of the team Gai, showing the shock / anger / anguish they were experiencing. Hell, I was expecting Lee to go ballistic over it. But no, what Kishimoto gives us is a tiny panel with all three of them!! (BTW, I only recognized Tenten by the Mickey Mouse hairstyle)

I also don't like how weak Naruto came off in this chapter. He's the main character, for God's sake!! Everyone expects him to be strong and stubborn no matter what. What, all those pep talks from Jiraiya, Minato, Gaara and Tsunade went to waste, just like that?

We know that Naruto isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. But don't try to make him dumber than he already is. Respect (at minimum) your main character, Kishimoto!

In Topic: Naruto 615

27 December 2012 - 09:35 PM

Oh my, I just went to Youtube and all I can say is CHAOS. Chaos everywhere. Has everyone gone mad?

"OH MAH GOD NH IS CANOUUUNNN!!!" ---> No, just no. Not yet, at least.

And honestly, I don't think that's going to happen. C'mon, all that NS development, all those friggin' parallels (to the point they got ridiculous), Sai's little speech, all those little hints literally EVERYWHERE going to waste? I don't think so.

And I'm not saying this because I'm partial to NaruSaku. I have nothing against Hinata (aside from the "Naruto-kun" nonsense) and honestly, I do prefer couples where the shy, dark girl wins the hero's love. But this is Naruto we are talking about. The same kid who vowed he'd get everyone's praise by becoming Hokage, the same kid who promised to get his long lost friend back from darkness, the same little (adorable) idiot who loves this same girl since chapter 3.

Yeah, I admit, in real life we can't always get what we want. But, IMHO, it'd be a failure to someone with Naruto's temperament (read "headstrong as hell") to not get the girl of his dreams, in the end.

So that's what I'm waiting for. THE END. And I'll only acknowledge defeat at the very end. wink.gif