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Member Since 02 Oct 2005
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Meta posts/essays on Sakura (and/or Narusaku)

27 April 2013 - 09:29 PM

Hi, everyone. happy.gif I haven't been to this forum in a long time because I was behind on Naruto for a year, but...I'm digressing. I'm not sure if this post is allowed, but I couldn't find a thread that I could post this question in so I decided to make a new one. Basically, I was wondering if anyone had any meta posts or essays on Sakura's character. The reason why I'm asking is because my friend recently told me, among other things, that he found Sakura to be so annoying and useless and that she was just a Tsunade wannabe (what?!?!?!)...and I wanted to respond because Sakura's probably one of my all time favorite characters in Naruto, but I'm extremely lazy so I didn't want to type up a lengthy response. Part of the reason is because I have finals coming up so I can't devote any time to writing a really awesome response and the other part is that I know there are probably good essays analyzing Sakura's character, explaining why she's so awesome, and debunking all those baseless things people say about her (i.e. "She's such a Sasuke fangirl. She's useless, weak, and such a b**** to Naruto" blahblahblah etc) in a concise matter with lots of supporting evidence from the manga so I don't really want to rehash something that's already been said and done.

In any case, I thought it'd be useful to put this thread up because while a lot of us love or like Sakura and can go on about her strengths as a character, I haven't really seen a really good post compiling all of these thoughts into one concise, well-written essay. A lot of the ones I've come across tend to be either way too TL;DR (aka 10 parts or more) that no one except a Sakura fan would want to read or are written in a really sloppy, disorganized fashion.

So yeah, does anyone have any links to really good essays they've read on Sakura's character? If not, would anyone be interested in writing one? I would write one, but I don't have a good memory in terms of remembering all of her great scenes and remembering what chapters certain scenes were from. If this is too big of a task, maybe the process of writing one will be made easier if we all chipped in our thoughts on this thread and someone can just compile it all together whether it's me or someone else who'd like to do it. I know there's already a thread discussing Sakura's character so I'm not sure if this is redundant or not, but I took a peek at it and...well, it's 20 pages of people debating some of her merits and her weaknesses as a character (and some arguments thrown in as well) and I'd kind of like to focus on what makes Sakura so awesome and why she's not anything a lot of her haters say...and on top of that, we can try to add references/support to our points by adding images/pages from the manga onto our posts in this thread.

T_T;; Sorry if this is redundant...but I've been trying to find a really good, organized, and up-to-date Sakura essay for hours on a bunch of sites and I've come up with nothing.

Also, I guess this can also apply to NaruSaku as well because the famous heronite NaruSaku manifesto, while great, is nearly seven years old and therefore, slightly out of date. Thanks, you guys! smile.gif And to the mods, sorry if this is a stupid post. >_<