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#887595 Do Narusaku fans feel a smidgen of vindication with Kishi's revalation ab...

Posted by TerrorKing on 16 November 2015 - 05:03 PM

If NS had been canon but everything else about the ending had been exactly the same, yes I would have been upset. I care more about the dignity of individual characters then i do about my OTP becoming canon.

#887396 Do Narusaku fans feel a smidgen of vindication with Kishi's revalation ab...

Posted by TerrorKing on 15 November 2015 - 06:15 PM

He is right, let it go already. It's been almost one year already if I recall correctly.


The people in this fandom are copying what nh and ss fandoms were doing for the past years and that means flaming, contesting and crying because of every little and not-so important detail. m-muh kishimoto's waifu said she isn't happy with nh&ss


THAT doesn't matter to the story, she has no right to tell him what to do; wife or not.  

Being angry and upset is not the same as "flaming, contesting and crying". The ones who engage in that kind of stuff either gets called out or ignored. It's true that pairings aren't really important to the overall story. That's not the only thing the anti fandom talks about. We also discuss how the characters themselves were butchered, how the themes don't make any sense or how the story seems to support some rather questionable ethics and morals.   


It's not just that Kishi's wife apparently wanted NS to become canon, but because of the way Kishi tried to appease her by saying that she was really based on Hinata, when in fact she has more in common with Sakura. Apparently, he didn't even care that she was able to call his bluff. She wasn't trying to tell him what to do. She was just offering an opinion. which she has every right to.  


And that's really what it all comes down to. Kishi has every right to do what he wants with his story and everyone else has every right to tell him that his story sucks. You're not immune from criticism, even if you are a highly succesful mangaka. 

#886605 The One Year Anniversary

Posted by TerrorKing on 10 November 2015 - 10:37 PM

Hard to believe that it's been a year now.  To think that there was a time when I still considered the Naruto series to be good. It all seems so distant now.

#885706 What would happen if they retconned the ending?

Posted by TerrorKing on 05 November 2015 - 01:38 PM

What would happen is that it would further divide the fandom (If that's even possible at this point). The fans who supported the ending would most likely leave and there is no guarantee that the ones who left the series would come back. 


Besides, merely changing the end pairings won't solve all the other problems that the ending brought about. It would just be the same kitten with different pairings. 


Keep in mind that I'm not against changing the ending, if it's done correctly. However I don't think Kishi would be able to pull it off without making things much worse. 

#883802 Did you expect NH and SS to happen before the ending came out?

Posted by TerrorKing on 25 October 2015 - 01:24 PM

I was open to it, but I did not expect it. 615 was a wasted opportunity for NH. All it showed was that Hinata was very much in love with Naruto and that Naruto didn't feel anything special for Hinata beyond friendship. Then later on we got 631 with the girlfriend comment and overall it felt like Kishi was reaffirming what the true canon pairings were. I'm aware that Kishi later stated that 615 was in fact supposed to bring Naruto and Hinata closer together and that NS was merely a red herring, but that kitten doesn't count because that's not what was shown in the actual story. Show, don't tell.


As for SS, the final chapters basically just showed us why SS wouldn't work. Sasuke even said that he wasn't interested in Sakura at all and that he didn't understand why she was interested in him. That was in 693, seven chapters before the ending. 


If Kishi's intention was to show us that NH and SS would be canon, then he did a pretty poor job.  :zaru:

#883740 I'm not a troll I just don't want NS to happen now

Posted by TerrorKing on 25 October 2015 - 12:58 AM

I've never bought into the idea that NS would suddenly become canon, not after The Last was released in cinemas. 


I personally don't see any problem with Kishi potentially going back and revising the ending, as long as it's done right. However that's also the problem, because Kishi is just not a very good writer. On top of that, he seems to be very weak willed and easily persuaded by popular opinion. 


So yeah, as bad as the ending is, there's a high possibility that changing it would only make things worse. 

#882836 Kishi Shonen Jump interview

Posted by TerrorKing on 19 October 2015 - 05:00 PM

What kind of writer listens to his fans ideas rather than his own? 

A bad writer or one with a very weak vision for his story. 

#882829 Kishi Shonen Jump interview

Posted by TerrorKing on 19 October 2015 - 04:14 PM

It's one thing to take advice from your editor or SP or even the higher-ups in shueisha, but listening to your fans opinons and actually using them as the basis for your story rather than your own ideas...


Kishi just reached a whole new level of fail... 

#882102 new kishimoto inteview about ships

Posted by TerrorKing on 15 October 2015 - 01:25 AM


*PFFFFFFFT* HOW IS stalking someone from afar and never having said one word to the person you like supporting them? Ah wait i forgot this here is CRAZY LAND!!!!!!!! :zaru:

Yeah. It's such a superficial way to look at human relationships and romantic love. It's not enough to simply do something. You also have to do it well.  


He's not wrong when he said that Hinata is the first to support and acknowledge him even before iruka. But all she all of that she do in the shadow.

Oh and for someone who always watch and support naruto, it seem like she always in the dark about naruto feeling to sakura and the importance of sasuke.

True. For someone's who supposed to know Naruto oh so well, she sure seems oblivious to his feelings and needs.



Well I'm an author myself. I have been criticized about how bad a writer i'm am because i have terrible grammar even worse than a kindergarten. What is worse. An author having slopping writing with good story telling, characters and no misleads. Or an author that does not even know his own story, the things that come out of his mouth,  being disrespectful towards his fans and lies straight through his teeth?  :sweat:

I'd say the latter is worse. Bad grammar might make a good story a little hard to read, plus it can be fixed. Bad storytelling is just bad storytelling and nothing can change that, not even good grammar.  :P

#881915 new kishimoto inteview about ships

Posted by TerrorKing on 14 October 2015 - 03:48 PM

It still don't explain the half ass work he did for pairing. Not only that but why on earth he kept pushing other pairings that weren't going to be canon anyway. I do appreciate the certain staff members of SP. No wonder that director don't show up often if not anymore.

It just further proves that there was always a war going on in SP between the Hinata faction and the sane faction. In the end, the Hinata faction won. :zaru:  


But you're right. This really doesn't explain anything. I guess Kishi is just an kitten. He knows that the NH and SS fanbase will maintain their faith in their pairings no matter what and so all he needs to do is to bait the NS, SK and SNS fanbase with fake hints and there you go. Profit!


Why spend 15 years developing every pairing except the ones you apparently "intended" since the beginning or middle or whatever? Are you really that determined to troll a large part of your fanbase? Also let's not forget all the contradictory interviews and statements you made following the ending. Doesn't seem planned to me. 

#881895 new kishimoto inteview about ships

Posted by TerrorKing on 14 October 2015 - 03:26 PM

Naruto and Hinata's bond now pre-dates Naruto and Iruka's bond.  :zaru:


Naruto: Tales of how Hinata is awesome and sweet and everyone should totally love her unconditionally and everything about the story makes perfect sense because I said so. 

#880050 If Naruto: The Last didn't exist, would Naru/Hina be more swallowable?

Posted by TerrorKing on 04 October 2015 - 08:13 PM

NH would still be a severely underdeveloped pairing who seemingly became canon because of BS reasons. 


It would imply that Naruto moved on from Sakura, which is still kitten, but it's still better than turning him into a lair and a scumbag. 

#879908 Behold The Man Who Didn't Understand Love.

Posted by TerrorKing on 03 October 2015 - 11:25 PM

Yeah that's something else that bugs me, why couldn't they make in such a way that Naruto acts like a man?

Ok they wanted to make NH canon but why couldn't they try to at least make it believable? Of course no matter what they did it still would've been garbage but at least it would've been believable garbage.


For example instead of jumping forward two years for no reason, why not use those two years to develop their pairing in order to make the fans swallow it easier. Or show that Naruto finally meet his match with Sakura in terms of never giving up because Sakura will never give up her love for Sasuke, and Naruto will never give up his love for her. But just like in part 1 Naruto puts aside his own feelings and steps aside and let's Sakura have her happiness. And then he just slowly falls for Hinata.

Yeah it's not great but at least it would be somewhat believable. Or he just discovers that Hinata is the better option. Or anything for that matter.


Instead they made sure to ignore and get as far away as possible from the manga. And telling lies and contradictions that anyone with a brain that read the manga know that those things never happened or are plausible in that universe.

It's because there's this notion that if Naruto's love for Hinata isn't his first and only love, then it's somehow tainted and not as good. That's why there's this whole subplot about Hinata being upset about Kushina's scarf, because she thinks that Naruto is already taken. That's also why they erased Naruto's love for Sakura and turned it into a rivalry game, because otherwise it would make Hinata seem like a silver medal.


Now in order for NS to work, Sakura would first have had to overcome her love for Sasuke. Does this make Naruto a silver medal? Yeah, but so what? Sometimes things just don't work out like that? It's not about whether someone is your first love or your second love or your third love. It's about whether it's good love. Does it make you happy? Does it make you a better person? In regards to SS, the answer is no. When you look at Sakura's development over the course of the series, it's pretty apparent that her love for Sasuke did nothing but bring her sadness. Furthermore it appealed to her worst qualities, making her come off as childish, subservient and insecure.


What I'm trying to say is, had NS become canon, Naruto would have been Sakura's silver medal but only in terms of sucession. However when it comes to making her happy and a better a person, Naruto would have definitely been Sakura's gold medal.


In a way it's ironic with the way NH was handled in TL. Yes, Hinata got to be Naruto's "gold medal" and "first love" but it only ended up making him a worse person.      

#879328 Behold The Man Who Didn't Understand Love.

Posted by TerrorKing on 30 September 2015 - 09:50 PM

Well because it a big rip off from Goku who thought marriage was food as well, but here is the thing with Goku it was funny since he lived in the wild all on his own and had never seen a girl at all.


What NH fans try to do is use this for their pairing as well saying Kishi loved DBZ so much that he wanted to use that as well, since Goku is like Naruto and Chi-chi is like Hinata and yes sadly many still try to use this time and time again, I mean it has gotten to the point where they are now saying that Bolt and Sarada are like Gohan and Videl.

Saying that Naruto never knew what love was is nothing more than a convenient way to wipe the slate clean thus opening the door for him to fall in love with Hinata. Naruto is a completely different character with completely different circumstances. 

#879324 Behold The Man Who Didn't Understand Love.

Posted by TerrorKing on 30 September 2015 - 09:26 PM

Ironic that the character who helped spawn the term "Talk No Jutsu" now doesn't even know the difference between love and food.