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Member Since 18 Aug 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 18 2007 01:46 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Fanfiction.Net Writers Unite! XD

15 September 2007 - 03:24 PM

Hiya, Hymir here.

Well, I started reading fanfiction like ten years ago or so, reading Pokémon fanfics (habit that I kept until the series eventually killed my interest for it), but I donnot consider this as my initiation at the Fanfiction world, no; I leave that spot to the very first English written Fanfic I read, that was a Card Captor Sakura fic, which I loved by the way, and that moment made me truly enter the world of fanfiction.

And so, I jumped from series to series, not settling on any of them. Still, I keep the special feeling that every series has left on me. Roughly, I can tell which series have made me stay in this world, and which have made me lose interest in it (a dark time it was, indeed), but that all changed on the moment I first watched Naruto. Suddenly, three years of hiatus have faded away, just like that; but that is not the end of it, no.

When I first started watching Naruto, I was a little skeptical about fanfiction, and all was for one simple reason... I started being a NaruHina supporter (though I never was a SasuSaku supporter, thank God)*goosebumps*. But then, after abut one month of this condition, I started reading the manga, saw the movie, and saw the entire first season as well. Fortunately, that made me change my opinion on pairings and I switched to NaruSaku, that in my opinion, has been the best pairing I've seen in anime since SakuraXSyaoran (from CCS), or SousukeXKaname (from FMP), or even better than those mentioned.

That's when I started writing, in the moment I discovered this pairing and it's special charm. Tough I haven't finished my story (which is called 'Winter', and which I don't plan to finish in quite a good period of time), I've started already other projects, though they are not found anywhere... yet. But when the come out, I'll tell you. Oh, and If you are already readin my fic, I apologize beorehand for being late on updating, but the inspiration comes (at least in me) every once in a while, tat way I don't ruin the pace of my story. And if you haven't read it, I encourage thee to do R&R, so I can improve all-around (which I think I have since the first chapter until now).

And so they say, the rest is history.

In Topic: Fanfiction Reviewing Organization

15 September 2007 - 02:31 PM

Ok then, I really appreciate your comments and suggestion guys, so, we may add something more to the terms I proposed.

-Like category rating (rating separately grammar, plot, creativity, length, among other things)

-And I want to say that I will not prpose the organization to have a member limit (again, in order for this to work, and to grow as well).

-And yes, it may happen that we have a 'story leakage' once in a while, but this can be reversed by simply having a large crew, that way, it will be most odd for a story to escape our 'gazing eye' XD.

-And maybe we could have some sort of 'Headquarters' thing to carry out a report on which story has been reviewed, updated, etc. To facilitate the process to our members, and not to fall in constant errors that may lead us to fade away. But for this particular matter, we would need someone who made a website, and I'm not very good at it (the website creating process), so now, I leave an open request for those who want to do this website creating task. I plead that if it is done, that person (or group of people) inform us in this thread, so we can start working on it.

-And about your doubt Jwolf0, I leave that to the consideration of each of the panel members. I hope that clears your question.

As always, I'm open to suggestions.

For your time, thanks.

In Topic: Fanfiction Authors Slacking?

15 September 2007 - 06:42 AM

Great, dude.

Say, why don't we (fo starters) make a post here teling all this stuff to the others, to see if the idea is well-taken. And if it is, to start recruiting people for the project.

If we pull the strings in the right way (it is only a metaphore), we could make something big out of this, and I mean it, I truly do.

So I'll make the post, and we'll tell the others. I'm sure this will work (I guess...).

In Topic: Fanfiction Authors Slacking?

10 September 2007 - 06:55 AM

Yup, I agree with most of your quotations, fellas. Specially in the "99% is crap"; but I'll let you analyze this: There are tons over tons of fics and ficlets, that just aren't even worthy of the time (as much as I hate to say that, is true). But within those tons of lousy fics, you will find that, indeed 99% is crap, but the remaining 1% is actually good, and of that 1%, between 10 and 30% of it is pure gold. That would leave us with about 0.1 and 0.3% of really good fics, which, translated to numbers, will leave us dozens, if not hundreds of good stories out there. Thus, I don't worry too much about running out of material to read, or inspiration (of sorts).

See, another problem that the fanfic community has (unfortunately for good authors) is the lack of good, encouraging, yet constructive and intelligent reviews, which is, as far as I can see (and correct me if I'm wrong) a huge factor that could easily explain why good authors drop out on writing or just lose interest on it. And believe me, I've seen very good plots being dropped aside and left alone rotting just because the author looses interest, and I don't blame them actually, because the lack of reviews just dries your will to write, as well as your inspiration source, sometimes (I have a friend that suffered that, now he limits himself to draw and make amv's for youtube, sadly).

And that is how I explain (again, it is just my opinion) the lack of interest among good authors.

But again, between all the crap, there are pieces of pure gold, that could actually enter into the category of "literary gold", for the content, author's story-telling skills and other factors.

The thing is that you just have to dig around. And sooner or later, you will run into one of this golden nuggets; and when you do, encourage that author and help him/her to keep up, that way we could contrarest the talent leakage that this community suffers. Who knows, maybe in the future, that author that started writing fanfics could be the next Literature Nobel prize (maybe I went too far, but this is just an example XD).

See ya, if you agree with me, let me know. In a previous post (sorry that I don't know the name of the person who posted it) someone proposed the creation of professional reviewers (as I understood) and I thought that was actually a good idea. If we (the part of the community scandilized by this good fanfic decrease rate) formed some sort of reviewing organization that granted some kind of prestige by giving thumbs up, it could encourage authors to improve by themselves, just to be mentioned and reviewed by this organization. Iknow it sounds a little bit fishy, but I think it is not such a lousy idea. So I ask you what do you think of it.

In Topic: Fanfiction.Net Writers Unite! XD

03 September 2007 - 06:57 AM

Nice idea, I'm gonna give you the link to my profile, as well as a link to my story.

First things first.
Hymir's profile

And then...

R&R please!!!