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#759843 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Kakashi-Sensei on 16 February 2015 - 05:37 PM

Honnestly Sakura ( or Kishi depending on how you see it ) completely deserve the hating related to SasuSaku...


I mean what's the message there, friendzone the guy who care for you and is always there for you and keep loving the bad guy, who abuse you, treat you like kittene, say you are nothing for him, oh and has tried to kill you twice + killed you in a genjustu


that's a nice love story

#759237 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Kakashi-Sensei on 15 February 2015 - 07:05 AM

There is not a single thing original about the last.


Hinata was turned into Sakura, Naruto was turned into a tsundere, SP rehashed Shion's movie, Hinata and Naruto's combo was just like SasuNaru's, Sakura was reduced to her 12 year old SP version, of pushing for NH, so that she could be with Sasuke, and every other character was just there for props.


Every time I think of this movie, it's just makes me want to pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration. How could anyone kitten up this bad? God, I hope this series crashes and burns completely with part 3.

I just saw the movie and it was so sad... Like all the development between Naruto and Sakura relationship never existed... Sakura was pushing Naruto to Hinata like it was her mission, saying that Naruto dosen't know anything about love and bla bla bla. Makes me wanna puke. What about her confession to Naruto ? POAL ? All the time they spent together ? I guess that's all irellevant

And the kiss at the end, i couldn't watch, so much kitten  :sick:


The movie didin't answer the questions that we had after chapter 698, like what happen to Orochimaru, Karin, Yamato, the rest of team taka...This movie is just 98 % Naruto and Hinata crap relation , 1 % action with a bad villain and no suspense , 0,00000000000000000000001 % Sasuke, just ridiculous 

#633968 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Kakashi-Sensei on 05 November 2014 - 03:15 AM

NaruHina's girl : Mom , there's that guy im liking but he dosen't give me much attention, how could i get with him ?


Hinata : Just hide behind trees, faint when he talks to you, forget every word you know only say his name+Kun, and wait couple of years until the girl he like's friendzone him, you will get him eventualy


Naruto : ohh that's so romantic

#590209 Chapter 693

Posted by Kakashi-Sensei on 27 September 2014 - 04:00 PM


#589398 Chapter 693

Posted by Kakashi-Sensei on 26 September 2014 - 06:28 PM

so...how it will be?


Naruto defeats Sasuke and bring back him to the village, forcing him to stay at village, forcng him to love Sakura and everything will be happy ending? LOL


As you can see, the story doesn't have any sense... whethever the result of this battle will be, how the things can be set up here hereafter?


"Oh my god, thanks Naruto, you fulfiled your promise! And you sasuke, thanks for loving me now!"



Hahahah epic ending :P


But now that you bring this, it make me realise that pretty much every pairing are messed up right now


If SasuSaku is the ending pairing like you said, that would be so ankward.

Sasuke : Hey Sakura, I never give a kittene about you but Naruto force me to stay so.... I guess ill need a kitten to restore my clan so be ready

Sakura : ohh Sasuke I love you so much ! Thanks for keeping your promise Naruto !

Naruto : lol sure...


If NaruSaku Happens 

Sakura : Hey Naruto... you couldn't bring back Sasuke to me, but I might as well have a boyfriend so... you down ?

Naruto : Yeah !!

Sakura : Silver medal isint that bad....



NaruHina, pretty much the same as NaruSaku. Naruto couldn't get Sakura so might as well take Hinata.



That's some good romance Kishi, good job !

#554910 Naruto 687

Posted by Kakashi-Sensei on 30 July 2014 - 01:12 PM

Interesting !!


#552226 Naruto 686

Posted by Kakashi-Sensei on 24 July 2014 - 02:38 PM

It feels bad to see everyone saying SasuSaku is canon now and that NaruSaku had is chance but now it's gone in all social media and NF forum... I want to prove them wrong but with the recent chapters and covers they have the upper hand in arguments :confused:

#547894 Naruto 685

Posted by Kakashi-Sensei on 16 July 2014 - 11:48 PM

I just hope that this is not the start of many other SS moments in the incoming chapters... I can live with one moment its been months if not years that SS didin't get a real moment like that, but if it continues i will really start to doubt about Kishimoto's intention for the final pairings...


One thing for sure is that the time when Sasuke acted like a douchebag in front of Sakura is over from now on, since she saved his ass from the Kaguya's dimension !

#525207 Naruto: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.

Posted by Kakashi-Sensei on 29 April 2014 - 04:38 PM

Cool topic serioulsy i like it ! let me try this


The good

1. The Naruto series part 1 ( Not shippuden ). Simply because the story wasen't base with Naruto finding Sasuke. They were alot of characters spotlight, diversity in the missions/action ( Zabuza arc, Chunnin exam, Orochimaru invasion ) and the final arc was by far my favorite arc of all time in Naruto. The 1on1 fight with Neji, Chooji ( Both should have died in my opinion ), Kiba, Lee and Naruto was great.


2. The fights ! On the anime it gave me chills.

- Sakura and Chiyo vs Sasori

- Team Shikamaru and Kakashi vs Hidan n Kakazu

- Pain vs Naruto

- Itachi vs Sasuke


The Bad

1.Naruto shippuden. Focusing only into team 7 and finding Sasuke is odd. The other cool characthers didin't had much developpement.


2. Most part of the 4th greath war + Edo tensei spammed everywhere. I dont know, but seeing all the cool characters comming back like it's nothing kind of loose the meaning of death. Also, this arc as gone for too long, i dont know how many years we are in to it but i feel like it's time to change.


3. Sasuke's character. He is good at the begining, wants to kill everyone at some point, and now wants to become Hokage ? Maybe he's bipolar or something...


The Ugly

1. The reincarnation thing. For me Naruto was always the '' reject, idiot, non talented guy '' who had to work more then the others to be accepted and respected. With hard work he succeed to become really strong and he became a hero by deafeating Pain. Now we learn that it was destined to be that way, because one of the six path son himself reincarned into him ? Ankward...

#522062 Naruto 672

Posted by Kakashi-Sensei on 09 April 2014 - 03:26 PM

I find it pretty weird that Naruto just woke up, with Obito, the one who started the war, founded akatsuki, killed his friends, on his left saving him and Sakura with litteraly her hand in his chest grabbing his hearth on his right, oh and not to mention he is on the Kamui world and dosen't know sh**t about where he is, but he seem's to don't care about all that and went straight foward to the action without saying a word...

#513864 Naruto 663

Posted by Kakashi-Sensei on 07 February 2014 - 12:19 AM



i'm still waiting for the hinata edits. c'mon nh fans don't disappoint me.



Here you go my friend



#482518 Is Sakura older than Naruto?

Posted by Kakashi-Sensei on 21 July 2013 - 03:02 AM

Personally, I would think that Naruto is older because he failed the exam 3 times before, and that him being moved up a grade is unlikely bc he was a terrible ninja in the beginning [hence the failing 3 times part]. But the bottom line is that there isn't any concrete evidence to show whether she is or isn't.

Agreed with you I pretty much said the same on the top.


But like one guy said earlier, we have canon fact that Sasuke his older then Naruto , and he can't have failed the test 3 times since he was the best ninja in the acadamy...

#482022 Naruto 639

Posted by Kakashi-Sensei on 18 July 2013 - 05:31 PM

Kun is mostly used for males. It is also used by grown-ups for kids, someone with a lower status than you or if a girl wants to flirt with a boy.


Or a male friend, but if you're close friends you stay away from suffix. Chan is an exception.


This doesn't count in every manga ofc, but in Kishi's mind I think this is what it means. But remember, in OP Sanji uses San with Nami and Chan with Robin. Still he loves them both equally. :3

Oh alright then , now that i think of it I never saw a girl call with the Kun suffix so your right :P


On an other note , I dont think that the canon couples use suffix for there lovers , Minato and Kushina didin't use one , same for Asuma and Kurenai and I dont think Dan and Tsunade use any of it too. So i guess the fact that Sakura didin't use suffix for Naruto is not that bad after all.

#481043 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Kakashi-Sensei on 13 July 2013 - 06:11 AM

The only way i could be worried is if Kishi makes Rin parallel to Hinata. I mean , if Hinata is the one to wake up Obito and he is like '' Oh she reminds me of Rin'' 


However, i don't think that Kishi is planning to do something like that. If someone have to be consider a parallel to Rin i hope it would be Sakura.


In fact, SasuSaku is the only other pairing that could be an obstacle for NaruSaku. I think Sakura cleary have some feelings left for Sasuke, and we will not see NaruSaku canon unless she resolve those feelings. 

#480767 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Kakashi-Sensei on 11 July 2013 - 12:28 AM

You know, KibaHina has been alluded to on several different occasions. It's a peculiar coincidence that Kiba would resemble Naruto so much, not just in personality or physical appearance, but now he's beginning to incorporate some of Naruto's abilities into his fighting style. Could this be an indication that Hinata will eventually redirect her romantic sentiments towards Kiba? It's also fairly apparent that Kiba values Hinata's feelings deeply since the Chunin Exams where he requested that she surrender if her opponent is Neji, understanding the animosity that the Branch House maintains towards the Main House. 


Is there a reason to suspect that Hinata may eventually choose Kiba as her significant other? 

I think the major aspect of Hinata's love for Naruto is his nindo , the fact that he never give up inspire her. I don't think she feels the same about Kiba, since he don't have the same nindo then Naruto