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Member Since 28 Jan 2008
Offline Last Active Dec 27 2014 08:46 AM

#668676 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Zodd on 22 November 2014 - 07:55 AM

Can we stop with the abuse kitten. Sakura routinely hits Naruto for "stepping out of line". Would you say anything if their genders were reversed? To be honest you guys are just coming off as a bunch of hypocrites. Or do you truly think it's impossible for woman to abuse men?


Yes, women can abuse men.


Sakura routinely hit Naruto,... but it was conveyed as comedy.  He may appear beat up for a few scenes, but next panels he is all recovered and they act like nothing happened.  


A man beating on a woman is at times used as comedy as well, ( Think of Family Guy, or American Dad), but it makes it clear it's comedy.  Comedy gets dark, that's fine also!  But there are limits, and even these shows know this and are very careful and make sure it apparent that it's comedy.


However Sasuke's relationship with Sakura was not comedic at all, not an ounce of it.  That is what is so unsettling about it.


We can continue to split hairs and also state in general Sasuke's relationship with most people in the manga was VERY unhealthy.  Odd how this character never received retribution.  But when you allow popularity polls to write your stories this is what you get.  


The fact we were given several times where he made attempts on Sakura's life is very disturbing.  I have no qualms with a writer writing his or her story in such a way, and that is fine.  However, when what we see as a good character (Sakura) still falling for some one that has done all this to her...it starts to get worrisome.  Generally abusive kitten in stories get what is coming to them, in one form or another, or at least it is settled in some way. But this was not done whatsoever. 


Now, I believe SasukexSakura could absolutely positively worked if done correctly.  It would be an easier pill to swallow.  Unfortunately for us, it was rushed and done in a very kitten manner. A simple sorry does not erase all of what Sakura has been through for Sasuke.  Naruto at least got to throw fists with Sasuke.  Sakura however was reduced to her former self, and even questioned why he is even apologizing.  It is appalling that Sakura, a girl that risked her life and nearly died by his hands on several occasions, deems his apology as unnecessary.  You think she will at least take a verbal apology for the physical and mental abuse she had to endure, but she could not even take that.


Attempt to justify all you want about the abuse Naruto received from Sakura, but you and me both know that said "abuse" is nothing compared to Sakura's relationship with Sasuke. 

#658387 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Zodd on 12 November 2014 - 09:23 AM

Kishi's assistant just tweeted this.Makes me cringe



He's probably is reacting so shocked because he is wondering what is Sakura doing outside of the house.

#651307 Did Kishi really mess up or was it planned?

Posted by Zodd on 08 November 2014 - 03:49 PM

@bolded Do people really still believe this? LOL


He said it himself.  Do you have an interview where he said separately?  Do you believe he logs on these forums and reads our posts and thought, "time to sink this ship?"


C'mon now. Naruto popping open his mac, and Kishimoto says he relates to Naruto, sees himself in Naruto?  At that moment it became official that the series is not in Kishimoto's hands any more to me. 

#651302 Did Kishi really mess up or was it planned?

Posted by Zodd on 08 November 2014 - 03:44 PM

Why shouldn't you be thinking about a stupid ending of your favorite series?


It's only been two days at most.  


No, I do not think Kishimoto wanted to intentionally hurt NarutoxSakura or the fandom.  Fandom is an abstract concept to many writers, they really do not learn about it until they log onto a computer!  And Kishimoto does not even know how to use a computer! The big man said it himself too. 


NaruSaku moments...that was his love child, with the amount of parallels and foreshadowing he did? No way he was spitting on it.  However the panels with Sasuke insulting Sakura, making her feel bad, and with Naruto ignoring Hinata up until the end.  Oh, no mere coincidence.  We literally got zoomed in of Sakura feeling bad after Sasuke insults her, and Naruto's reaction.  Haha.


The ending seemed not ideally planned. Just as he planned to end it around Pain Arc, but was denied. Just as he was denied delaying Sasuke's return.. just as he..the list goes on. Again, as I stated before, it is entirely plausible this is the ending he was forced to do.  SJ are not angels, they really kitten with people's stories.  That's also a fact.  


Please do not hate this man, dislike him yes, but do not hate him.


There is no ways to forget this. It happened.  Embrace it for it's badness, and in time it will bother you no more.  Deny that it bothers you and eventually it will drive you mad.

#651146 fans in japan are trying to report kishi

Posted by Zodd on 08 November 2014 - 01:41 PM

I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to agree with shadow_Uzamaki on this.


Protests happen for big reasons, and not something as trivial as a "bad" ending of a story.  I do not care if severe cases exist, that does not make it okay.


Hurting some one or wanting to hurt them because you do not like their story is not acceptable.  People who seek to commit suicide over their favorite characters dying need serious help.  Those wanting to see bad things happen to the writer and the staff need serious help.


People are free to voice their discontent, there is a plethora of mediums that allow such.  Yes, write Kishimoto a letter, a thoughtful one after you properly purchase the two offending chapters you illegally read.  Write a review, or hell, perhaps learn from this travesty and do not make the same mistake with your stories.


There will be no riots, there will be displeased fans, but no riots.  Not the first time, not the last time.  Life goes on.  I cannot stand people for burning their merchandise and throwing things away because ultimately the story did not go the way they wanted it.  Yes, that what is coming down to.  The story did not go the way some one hoped and now it's gloves off, time to beat some writer's ass!  It sucks, and it blows, and it sucks, but it was not our story to tell. We have to accept that.  Write a rotten tomato review for the new movie, post a blog, whatever, and move on. If you think things are really bad I can imagine the travesty Kishimoto feels, next to the wave of relief that he's finally out this crazy ass market where fans want to lynch and torch his ass. 

#651125 Bolt+Himawari Appreciation Thread

Posted by Zodd on 08 November 2014 - 01:28 PM

The girl looks like complete kitten, and her outfit complements her like flies upon the kitten.


The boy, his hairstyle appears glued on his head too, but he's more tolerable and cuter.


I'm going to be pissed if Hinata's daughter is basically going to be a civilian. 


Salada looks the BEST.  She looks really good in fact.  Rest as kitten as they can be.  

#650936 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Zodd on 08 November 2014 - 10:20 AM

It will take me a while to move on.


You'll be surprised how easily you'll get over it. Trust me.

#650902 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Zodd on 08 November 2014 - 09:37 AM

I have this feeling that Kishi was trying to make is see how much more mature Naruto had become by having him be not all that joking and having him not tolerate his sons mishaps at all, but really - being mature doesn't mean you have to be as stiff as a board and a workaholic.


Older Naruto goes against the young Naruto's nindo quite a bit.  The point when Naruto whipped out laptop next to a bottle of what I perceived as whiskey and old ramen cups was hilarious and this cemented this was no longer Kishimoto's story to tell.  


Thank god.


Let his assistant handle that train wreck.  

#634781 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Zodd on 05 November 2014 - 04:56 AM

Only when the last two chapters are released will I admit my defeat.

#630502 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Zodd on 04 November 2014 - 07:19 AM

That argument is laughably void. His sh*tty writing in romance has nothing to do with it being a shonen, if you were at all familiar with other shonens youd realiz they actually were handled a lot better even by mangakas who hate romance compared to Kishi who lovs romance problem is he's obsessing and Sakura's feelings for Sasuke for so long NS loses a lot of credit here


It has plenty to deal with it being a shonen.  As a shonen the main focus is the action, and not romance. A media's targeted audience very much influences what it will be about and its limitations.


The shonen I have read and aware of do not focus on romance, and some go as far as to randomly throw characters together just for the sake of it with little build up between the two.  


You may be confusing shoujos with shonens. 


Kishimoto's work has a lot of romance for a shonen, in my opinion his effort and attempt to work with the limitations perhaps imposed on him have earned much respect from me.  It's not the best, but he utilized creative devices and dynamics with his romance subplot.


Naruto obsessed over Sasuke too, so at this point what you are trying to get at this completely moot.  Both of these characters in our own standards should be considered crazy.  Let's be honest, Naruto and Sasuke's relationship in our standard should be considered homosexual as well. 


You sound like you are expecting too much from a Shonen.  

#627534 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Zodd on 03 November 2014 - 06:15 AM

fingers crossed


Think of the broad scheme of things.


And if NaruSaku doesn't happen by some sort of freak accident...in about six months tops you'll be over it.   No biggie.  Let's be more fearful of being wrong on things that are more important, not over mangas or movies. 

#627475 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Zodd on 03 November 2014 - 05:07 AM

Its just kind of suspicious that Hinata would even be brought up as a choice. We never see Naruto think about her in a romantic context. Concerning the love story this is surprisingly direct as well. Its like if RTN was advertised like "Who will Sakura date in the movie? Lee or Naruto?"


I'm still a bit confused.  Based on what also LadyGT said I'm guessing that there is something official that asked the question about who will Naruto get with.


So basically,... we have a future movie, which is depicting all these NarutoxHinata moments.  Despite this.. such a question is even still uttered by one of them?  Despite the movie attempting to seem as if it points to NaruHina, they still ask such a question? 




It's official. NarutoxSakura will become canon.

#624486 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Zodd on 01 November 2014 - 10:36 AM

I don't know if it is as sad expression as POAL but he suer as hell doesn't look happy here




If the things which are bad in real life doesn't matter in fiction, then why do people think that if Sasuke has tried to kill Sakura, Sakura should try to move on. According to you in fiction anything is legit as long as it is not trying to kill the other person right??


Sakura should have moved on from Sasuke but she didn't (540,693) because of some misplaced sense of love I think.

Naruto should have moved on from Sakura but he didn't because Sakura does care about him.

Hinata should have moved on from Naruto but didn't because Naruto is nice to her and everyone else as well.

Sakura should have moved on but still pines for Sasuke so why should Naruto become the second guy after Sauke rejected her. I believe Naruto deserves better than being a second guy for anyone, and even if NH will make Hinata a silver medal for Naruto, atleast Naruto can be trusted to only chose the person when he has for sure developed feelings, unlike Sakura who goes ahead to do a fake confession to save him from a burden and then fails on taking care of that burden.



Kishimoto has messed up the pairing, whether you agree or not by trying ot keep the shipping wars on, and no matter which pairing happens it will not be completely justified to me atleast.


Why didn't kishimoto made his pairing like Mashima does it. The pairings are so clear and the moments are all positive NaLu, Gruvia,Gajevy or like in FMA- Edward+Winry


If kishi wanted wars it was right till the part 1 but atleast in part 2 he should have completely resolved Sakura's feelings but she is still like "I Love You" Sasuke-kun, thinks about him if someone talks about her love, fails to strike a blow when the reason for her fake confession to Naruto was to save him from his burden. And these are also the moments which makes me think that whether NS happening will be justified for Naruto or he will just be second guy to Sasuke for Sakura because Sasuke just doesn't reciprocate.

I'm befuddled that you continue to drive it home about this "silver medal" concept.


At this point there really is no reason to offer a counter, because so many times you have shot people down.  Yet you still continue to bring it up over and over and even put it in your signature.  


Are you seeking closure or proper justification?  I do not think we can provide that to you friend, we have all offered our reasoning.


Just accept that Kishimoto is not the best at writing romance or female characters, from there you would have an easier time swallowing the pill. 

#621613 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Zodd on 31 October 2014 - 04:07 AM

How does an author/creator of a story that has established several parallels and various foreshadowing hints forget something as big as Naruto's promise to Sakura and Naruto's apparent intention to confess to her?


That simply does not make any sense.

#616110 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Zodd on 27 October 2014 - 07:11 PM


I dont know why you keep telling me to calm down, iam pretty calm. 

Iam not negativ, iam realistic.



The term "realism" is a tad warped in my opinion.


Some people use that as an excuse so when things do not turn out the way they hoped they have something to fall back on.  It's fine for example to be realistic you will not come in 1st in a competition, but at the same time you are encouraged to be optimistic and still achieve/hope for the best, otherwise you'll only make yourself more sad/disappointed. 


There's absolutely nothing wrong with some one ending up being wrong, especially about a shonen manga.  We come to this forum to speculate about our favorite pairing.  Nothing more than this.


Wrong or right, I will still like NarutoxSakura.  Trust me, it won't be the end of my appreciation for its moments of my favorite pairing even if it does not become canon. I liked this pairing before part II, where there was virtually very few NarutoxSakura shippers, and those that were around were often harassed, mocked, and persecuted on the Naruto forums.


As many have said...Let's all continue to be optimistic and look forward to the big end of Naruto!