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#848508 Boruto - the movie

Posted by BecauseYouLetRinDie on 25 June 2015 - 07:48 AM

Oh yeah Boruto's sister, himalayas, I totally forgot about her.



Seriously though, poor himawari she doesn't deserve that. First she gets little to no panel time like her mom, seems to be irrelevant to the whole story/plot, she is overshadowed by her brother Bolt who is a spoiled brat, and THEN she gets her cake thrown on the ground on her birthday. She has more reasons to be angry and rebellious than bolt at this point. lol


Also why do they keep showing Sasuke missing an arm and then in the trailer we see Sasuke rescuing Bolt and he clearly has two arms...

#845028 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.8

Posted by BecauseYouLetRinDie on 18 June 2015 - 10:10 AM

I also like how someone mentioned that Sarada was going to pull a sasuke and leave the village. She was just like ''well I guess I'mma just go be on my own now, live in the wilderness maybe become a rouge ninja do a little soul searching''

She is definitely Sasuke's daughter.  :hm:

#841541 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by BecauseYouLetRinDie on 11 June 2015 - 08:02 AM




Tbh people are saying sarada shouldn't feel this way because Sakura has cared for her for 12 years BUT sarada feels betrayed with the fact that she feels her mother has been lying to her this whole time( about actually being her mother and about her birth etc) AND also it doesn't help that her father has never been there for her, so I think her actions are justifiable. I don't blame her for getting so pissed. I would be pissed to. People also need to remember she's a pre-teen so of course she's going to be overly emotional and rebellious.

#831996 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.5

Posted by BecauseYouLetRinDie on 28 May 2015 - 07:55 AM

wtf where did chouchou get those consomme chips, did she pull it out of her ass like damn she's carrying a bag everywhere she goes now

#827342 Naruto Gaiden-Chapter 700.4

Posted by BecauseYouLetRinDie on 21 May 2015 - 08:20 AM



It's funny, because they're blaming us now, even if we're no longer a threat. Like that breaking up poll, for example. And these chapters with SS trolling happened because "we were salty and noisy, so Kishimoto didn't have a choice". 

are they still blaming the Narusaku fandom? lol why are they so fixated on blaming everything on them, narusaku pairing fandom shouldn't even be a concern or bother to them anymore, if they want to put the blame on people then it should be towards the anti's or people who hate the series, let the narusaku fans live in their fanon, jeez they aren't hurting anybody or pointing swords at the other fandoms face.  :hehehe:


And the breakup poll was not just narusaku fans, it was naruto fans plus people in general who didn't like naruhina and sasusaku together because of various reasons.

#827330 Naruto Gaiden-Chapter 700.4

Posted by BecauseYouLetRinDie on 21 May 2015 - 08:02 AM

Next chapter, perhaps salad will get kidnap and the enemy will explain his plan for some reason. Climax in chapter 8 & 9.

I hate the fact that the girls always have to be damsels in distress. I wanted Salad to fight her own battles not have to depend on Bolt saving her like Naruto did with Sakura all the time. Why doesn't Kishimoto try new developments instead of sticking with the same dynamics of part1 Naruto, this generation should be different not a carbon copy of the past. 

#827327 Naruto Gaiden-Chapter 700.4

Posted by BecauseYouLetRinDie on 21 May 2015 - 07:58 AM

I can't believe Sasuke couldn't recognize his own daughter though. What an idiot. Both him and Naruto are dumb asses no wonder they are best friends.

#827261 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by BecauseYouLetRinDie on 21 May 2015 - 06:57 AM

l actually hated Naruto this chapter. lt felt like him trying really hard to sound and act like a hero but something is off. l can't take him seriously anymore, it just feels fake and forced and if anything it makes me sad because it could have been different and it'd have been so easy too... Instead we've got that empty shell of a character that imitates the kid we once knew and loved,.

Hm , idk I viewed it differently . This is the first chapter that i've felt like that was the old Naruto. He was very much in character and of course he has matured so he's not going to be total goofball but this seemed like the old Naruto that I remember, not forced at all. His attitude has seemed off/ forced in the chapters prior to this one.

#818296 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by BecauseYouLetRinDie on 07 May 2015 - 06:12 AM

Okay so this chapter proves that Sasuke has been in contact with the village, and he probably HAS been in contact with Sakura just not with Sarada, and i'm guessing that is because of some sort of safety reason? The documents of Sarada's birth are not available because it keeps her identity safe, so orochimaru/ villain can't get to her.

I'm guessing they know Orochimaru is after Sasuke so that's why he is the one who is away, and he doesn't want to be near Sarada because it will put her in danger, or make her want to be with/chase after him, which backfired. Sarada is going to end up getting captured by said villain and end up getting rescued by Sasuke and Naruto. Dad will explain to her that she is his and sakura's kid, blah blah. go back to village intro to bolt movie /chuunin exams


idk just my thoughts

#810497 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by BecauseYouLetRinDie on 26 April 2015 - 03:07 AM

Boooo this support for salad. Don't do it, people. Don't fall into Kishi's trap. More bias Uchiha garbage. Booooo salad.

No I have to disagree. I dislike Sasuke as much as the next guy but Sarada is literally the only thing good that came out of that stupid ass relationship that is Sasusaku. So naaah I'm going to keep liking Salad, She's not as emo and cocky as Sasuke and doesn't act like a prick, doesn't put up with all the ninja bs and stupid crap, boruto being part of that stupid crap, so I can see why she is kind of rude towards him. She's the only reason I'm keeping up with the manga tbh. (but then again it's only been one chapter, so I'm HOPING Kishi doesn't screw her up)

#806651 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by BecauseYouLetRinDie on 23 April 2015 - 07:59 AM

I'm kind of laughing at how gullible ss fans are though, they really are upset about this. What did they expect? It's sasuke-angsty-uchiha, they thought SS family was going to be some shoujo peaches and cream dango family or something? That's f**cked up though, Sasuke left his pregnant wife and child alone and Sakura had to raise Sarada all by herself.

It's funny though..Sasuke comes back and he's going to find his house destroyed, Sakura on her death bed, and his child hating his guts. LOL

#806603 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by BecauseYouLetRinDie on 23 April 2015 - 07:30 AM

WAit isn't it kind of strange how a lot of anti's or um I guess neutral naruto fans were saying that,

-The real Naruto doesn't spend time with his kid 

-Sasuke never met Sarada and he was never home

-Sarada looked like karin 

-Karin was sarada's mother

-Sakura was just taking care of Sarada because karin died

and then we get this chapter which is basically what the anti's were saying...


I doubt Karin is Sarada's mother, this is just to stir up drama but if Karin DOES turn out to be Sarada's mom I'm definitely going to keep up with this manga. That's such an interesting concept and definitely breaks many boundaries in a shonen. 


**Salad is also an interesting character, she doesn't seem like a kitten yet she seems really calm and just tired with all the kitten. I like her. 

#715937 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by BecauseYouLetRinDie on 26 December 2014 - 04:47 AM

Well going with what we know I can assume she never confessed because she deduced correctly that Naruto only loved her because he was just trying to one up Sasuke. Once she found out that to be true all her feelings for him were gone.

 LOL if this is indeed the case, that Naruto actually never loved sakura romantically but only to compete with Sasuke then...Hinata can have Naruto. It wasn't enough to make Sasuke look like an kitten, they had to make Naruto, the main character who was never shown to have such ill intentions with people, an kitten as well. It's not even about Narusaku anymore. It's about Naruto as the main character, the hero of the story. They butchered him.

#715931 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by BecauseYouLetRinDie on 26 December 2014 - 04:34 AM

There is NO way Kishimoto or SP would state that Sakura had feelings for Naruto even after 698. If kishimoto said that he is the biggest idiot and hypocrite. So if it's true then why didn't Sakura just confess her feelings to Naruto??? Because she felt sorry for Hinata and unworthy? Because Naruto never confessed??Doesn't make sense. The only way Kishimoto can redeem himself is by saying SP made him go with Naruhina and Sasusaku in the end.  If he did actually say Sakura had romantic interest for Naruto...ugh no words. Just no words. What would have been the point of all of these unwanted pairings? 

#709658 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by BecauseYouLetRinDie on 19 December 2014 - 01:28 AM

There will be Bolt, Bolt shippuden, Bolt part 3, Bolt 'The Finale'(or so we think), Bolt with his offspring , then Bolts son/daughter will be named some sort of flower type name in honor of himawari sacrificing herself for Boltxsalad, and then we will have bolts offspring story and the cycle continues. Forever...and ever...and SP will laugh at how naive the fanbase is.