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Member Since 07 Jun 2007
Offline Last Active Jan 08 2009 05:46 AM

Topics I've Started


12 June 2008 - 10:43 PM

Well, I sat down and wrote this out of nowhere today. I guess I've just been playing too much Knights of the Old Republic lately. But if somebody would sit down and read/critique this, that would be awesome. The story LSF/GSF (Lightside Female/ Greyside Female) Revan, with flashbacks to her time as a Sith, LSF/GSF Exile. I don't even know if there are going to BE pairings yet, much less what they'll be if I have them.

Thin Stretched Bonds

29 September 2007 - 08:31 PM

Hey, well, for those of you reading The Kekkei Genkai Curse, I finally updated. If you read the a/n, you understand why it took me so long. But anways, I wrote a poem (or at least, that's what I'm calling it) in my "spare time" (a.ka. 4th period math thru Seventh Period Study Hall sweatdrop.gif ). Light NaruSaku, but it mostly focuses on Team Seven Friendship. It's not the best thing I've ever done, and ff.net's dumb formatting wouldn't let me seperate each stanza, despite the fact I've done it a million times. Still, I'd like it if some on could give me a little advice on how to improve the quality or just plain comment. Here's the link:


I need help with my story "The Kekkei Genkai Curse"

28 June 2007 - 11:59 PM

Okay, I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this, and I'm sorry if someone has to move it like they did the last post I started....

I need help finding a new ending for my story, "The Kekkei Genkai Curse"


Okay, the summary for the fic that I have listed, is:

Sakura!” Tsunade’s eyes grew hard, though on the inside she was trembling like a newborn kitten, “the fact that you’re…” “Dying?” offered the younger kunoichi, a sad, wry smile on her face.”NaruSaku other minor pairings

Please read, if you get the chance, and help me come up with a new way to save her, preferably WITH OUT using the Kyuubi (too many people have guessed at that!