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Member Since 24 Oct 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 27 2009 10:38 PM

Topics I've Started

Why do people think NaruSasu (Naruto and Sasuke) are a cute couple?

25 October 2009 - 09:36 PM

Why do people think that Naruto and Sasuke are a cute couple? I don't understand it! I mean I just think it's wrong! What do you guys think?

Never Understanding

25 October 2009 - 07:02 PM

"Never understanding... Never understanding why he hates me so much. I love him and he completely hates me... My Sasuke... I try to reach out to him, but he only seems to get further and further out of my grasp. Everyday when I wake up, I feel like I lose him even more. Sauske, if you only knew how strong my feelings were..."


"Sakura..." said a voice.

"Huh?" I said.

I scanned the area with my emerald eyes, trying to find him....

"Sasuke?! Are you here?! Where are you?!" I called, running in darkness.

"Sakura..." the voice called out again.

"Where are you?! I can see you!"

"I stopped and looked around again, but just then I heard an evil laugh, my heart stopped. I knew that laugh..."

"Are you looking for Sasuke?" said a voice behind me.

I turned and there I faced Orochimaru... I backed away, unsure of what to do.

"Where's Sasuke?!" I screamed.

He chuckled again.

"Sasuke belongs to me now hindrance..." he answered.

"No! No! Sasuke would never go to you! Never!"

"Is that so? Oh Sasuke."

I heard footsteps coming behind me. I looked back and saw Sasuke coming up to me.

"Oh! Sasuke! Your alright!" I exclaimed, running up to him. "Come let's get out of here!"

Sasuke stood still, looking down.

"Hey did you hear me?" I asked. "Come on let's go home! I wanna go home!"

Sasuke continued to be silent.


I began to panic, I looked at him and then Orochimaru.

"What have you done to him?!"

"He's mine!" he snarled. "I told you! Sasuke only does what I say! And no one else!"

I turned back to Sasuke and took his hand.

"NO! You won't take him from me!"

I tried to run with him, but Sasuke grabbed a hold of my wrist.


"I looked back and saw that Sasuke wasn't the same! He was now transformed, into a horrible looking monster. Having wings growing from his back, his hair was long and a grayish blue. His pupils were red with his sharingan, but it wasn't like the one I've seen before. The rest of his eyes were black. His whole body was a ugly light brown. It was all to horrible for me to bear. Orochimaru chuckled."

"I told you Sasuke belonged to me! You should've have accepted that!"

I didn't realize it but I was crying, tears flowed down my cheeks as I tried to get away.

"Let go of me Sasuke! This isn't you!" I screamed.

"Kill her Sasuke." Orchimaru ordered, starting to walk away. "There is no use for a nuisance like her..."

"Yes Lord Orchimaru..." Sasuke said, in monsterious voice.


"But he didn't stop. I began to hear that chirping sound. He was doing chidori!"





I sprang up in my bed, breathing hard, sweating all over, tears flowing from my eyes.

"Huh, huh..."

I looked around and saw I was in my bedroom and was daylight out.

"It was, it was just a dream!" I panted.

"I soon caught my breath and looked down sadly. That was the third time I had that nightmare in the past week."

"HEY SAKURA!!!" I heard a voice holler.


"I got up and went out to my window. It was Naruto, I knew it was him by that big mouth of his. I opened the window."

"What?!" I yelled back.

"Whoa, you don't look so good. You have bad dream or something?" he asked.

"Oh well, kinda." I said, putting my pink hair behind my ears.

"Wow it must've been some heck of a bad dream."

I tilted my head.

"What is it Naruto?" I asked changing the subject.

"Oh right Kakashi - Sensei says to meet him at Ichirauku Ramen Shop! He says he has something big to announce!" he informed me.


"So come on get ready! Get dressed! I'll see you there bedhead!" he called, as he took off.

"SHUT - UP!" I called, watching him.

He just laughed.

"Huh... Naruto... What was I going to do with him...? Naruto was a sweet young man, that had a crush me. And the weird about it, I kinda felt weird when I was around him... I even got butterflies sometimes, very weird!"

"Well I guess I should get ready then." I said.

"I walked away from the window and headed for my closet. I thought about my dream, I wondered if Sasuke really was Orochimaru's..."

So what do you think so far? It get into some NaruSaku action soon!