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Unknown Entity

Member Since 31 May 2005
Offline Last Active Aug 31 2010 05:40 AM

Topics I've Started

Highschool of the Dead

12 July 2010 - 07:31 PM

Back in the summer preview thread, this anime seemed to be getting a lot of attention (I didn't realize so many people knew of this before... or maybe they didn't and the preview caught their eye) so I figured I'd start a topic on it now that there are 2 episodes out.

It seems it was hyped up to oblivion before its release across the otaku realm (the combination of zombies, gigantic breasts, and fanservice galore is just too much for an otaku to handle), and I think it did a pretty good job delivering as best it could. Madhouse's animation has been superb and consistent. They've also done well to effectively portray the atmosphere of a zombie outbreak. Nothing to really complain about the studio in charge except for maybe how they cut a few scenes from the first episode that I think really helped to develop the relationship between Takashi and Rei. But they only have 12-13 episodes to work with, so there's no avoiding them having to cut stuff.

I'm just wondering what they'll do for the ending. Since the manga isn't anywhere close to finishing, and they only have that 13 episode limit, it's either going to be an anime-original ending or stopping at a certain point and leaving it open-ended.

I'm actually hoping they'll be able to pull off a decent anime-original ending.

I also didn't like Kohta's character in the manga, but his voice actor (Nobuyuki Hiyama) might just win me over.

Official MMA Thread

13 June 2010 - 04:34 AM

I have a feeling that this topic won't get too much attention, and may very well disappear in the forum. Who knows though...

Just finished watching UFC 115. Pretty good event. My thoughts on it:

Franklin broke his arm and still kept on fighting. Hardcore. Kind of sad to see Liddell get knocked out (especially in the first round) in, most likely, his last fight.

Pat Barry was the overwhelming favorite going into the fight with Cro Crop. It's a shame he's an idiot. Knocked Cro Crop on his ass 2 times in the first round and just let the guy get back up. Deserved to lose that fight. What an idiot. Oh, and this is MMA, not kickboxing. He's too one-dimensional, has no ground game to speak of.

Running Linux on Vista

23 September 2009 - 03:10 AM

I've been meaning to do this for awhile, but don't know how to go about doing it.

I want to run Linux (ubuntu more specifically) on my Windows screen as if it was a program... allowing me to work in both a Linux environment and a Windows environment at the same time (and share (certain) files between them).

Any help would be great.