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#971703 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by ultranx on 10 March 2019 - 03:31 AM

don't know if anyone saw this yet, but a youtuber finally came out and called boruto trash xD

#970411 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ultranx on 12 January 2019 - 10:06 PM

offtopic comment but I know how much we talk about sword art online from time to time, sword art online alicization opening 2 and ending 2 came out, and not only do they possibly surpass all the other sword art online openings and endings, but they'll probably be in the rankings for best anime opening and anime ending of 2019. the ending sounds alot like aimer's gundam songs, especially the ones in gundam unicorn. also my birthday was yesterday, I'm 28 now. hope everyone's been doing well.

#969790 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ultranx on 17 December 2018 - 12:09 AM

from what I hear of the broly movie from the youtubers that saw it at the hollywood premiere, people say its done so well, the saiyan history, the broly backstory, the fighting, its their favorite anime movie of all time, pretty sure its probably gonna make the boruto movie look bad xD plus I hear the fighting is the best out of all the dragon ball movies.

#969297 The Last Reviews...fake?

Posted by ultranx on 15 November 2018 - 06:36 PM

So, I remember the whole ordeal when the Last came out, and Yahoo Japan rated it as a 2.8 out of 5 or something. That did seem pretty damning, but I noticed how many (particularly the reviewer on Kotaku) denounced them as fakes set up by NS fans in the US.


Any truth to it?


I suppose it's possible, but I'm skeptical. You can't just simply type in some sentence in english and translate it to Japanese by google translate. The written Japanese alphabet is complex, and it has more in common with the rules of Egyptian hieroglyphics than the rules of any western alphabet. You get it wrong, it's not just a misspelling, You could change the entire word.


To see if this had any merit, I went ahead to see if I could do it myself (had I succeeded, I would have given the movie a 3, leaving a note saying this is just a test or something). But immediately it asked for a Japanese zip-code, and I gave up from there. I SUPPOSE I could have just used my California zip, but I don't know what kind of rules/structures the Japanese have for their zip-codes, and I wouldn't know how to find out. To me, that just sounds like a lot of work for trolls.


I also discovered something else. This is more happening in South Korea, but given the history and similarities between the two, I feel there is a good chance it could be happening in Japan too: Astroturfing. This is a practice where a company will post good reviews on various forums for it's products to entice people to buy it. Given that the reviews for the Last have twice the normal amount of reviews of the other Naruto films on Yahoo Jp (I looked), and how I heard how short many of the five-star reviews were, it's certainly a possibility.


This claim also becomes a little bit more suspicious to me when everyone who has seen the movie but is not super into the pairing/pairings think the Last is bad (to put it kindly). 


So, does anyone have any opinions for or against this idea?

none of them are fake most likely, kotaku is one of those biased media sites that will attack fanbases over not liking a movie, we've already seen this with ghostbusters and starwars. we are now currently in an age where news sites and movie makers no longer listen to fans and will verbally attack them on social media just for not liking their movies.

#969295 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ultranx on 15 November 2018 - 06:27 PM

I suppose we have to remember that we're in the minority in the west. Other than this website, it seems like everyone on the internet hates Sakura more than anything in the world and they support Hinata simply because she's not Sakura.


Maybe I looked too closely at the characters and lost the ability to relate with the average fan. Maybe the real mass appeal was ninjas and fighting, and anything that impeded that got looked at with scorn. Sakura was often put in positions where she was either a liability in the fight or far outclassed by the other fighters. If you combine that with her bratty fangirl attitude at the start you can see why more casual viewers would hate her.


And then I have to ask myself, did anyone consider the ending to be good? If 100 random fans read the final chapter, how many would have thought it was a good end to the series? Would that number have been higher or lower if we got a NaruSaku end?


Honestly I think it would have been lower. Even if it was better writing, even if it was truer to the characters, even if it led to a better sequel series, it still would have been utterly rejected by the masses. Ultimately Naruto is just a product, and Jump is a business.


I would just really like to know Kishimoto's thoughts on what happened. It's frustrating even years later not having answers to all these questions and Naruto's continued relevance even if diminished serves only to remind me of the way Jump butchered a decade long story so they could keep it going just a little bit longer.

we're not really a minority in the west, there's plenty of fans like us who supported sakura and hated the ending,there wouldn't be such a huge backlash otherwise. the key thing here is all these so called "majority" fans were ones who pirated the series and treated what they read in fanfics as canon and were just more vocal than us, having the bigger youtubers and everything. heck when the last was first in the works they were spamming the movie pages begging for naruhina to become canon, before the ending even happened.

#968611 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ultranx on 30 September 2018 - 02:41 AM


I ain't putting no stock in it and I still ain't buying the game. But I have to admit, I do like where this is going. It's like them admitting NaruSaku is the real deal.

in the form of the naruto version of dbz dokkan battle lol

#968423 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ultranx on 23 September 2018 - 04:20 AM


Well Misa Amane is there so they clearly didn't set the bar very high for what they consider a heroine to be..

I'm surprised alexis from yugioh gx, and especially akiza from  yugioh 5ds, aren't there. both were more heroine than anzu/tea, especially akiza being a psychic duelist and one of the crimson dragon signers with one of the 5 main dragon synchros. arguably one of the best dragon synchros too, considering black rose dragon's effect to destroy all cards on the field

#968263 The Official Pokemon Thread

Posted by ultranx on 16 September 2018 - 01:44 AM


No worries good to know you are fine. Last year was me, this year you we are ok.

Sorry bud if there is a poke girl from the past wins the Ash XD. If there is no Sun here but the there is a Hau and well it seems that ship will be the Alola ship.

she and hau were pretty close in the games too, so I see what you mean there xD

#968004 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ultranx on 07 September 2018 - 07:51 PM

Well just came from Game stop and there is already a pre-owned shinobi strikers. The lady that work their saw that I was looking at something else, and was wondering if I was going to buy something or just window shopping (without actually saying it.) I brought up shinobi strikers already has pre-owned, I mistaken-ed the Road for Boruto box case for another shinobi strikers, and she mentioned that the previously owned shinobi strikers is her colleague's. Turns out another girl that works their wanted to play it with her co workers and was only able to convince one other person to buy it. The guy played it for three hours then returned it.

I smell a flop of a game xD

#967939 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ultranx on 05 September 2018 - 02:51 AM

It looks more like they are hiding her then they are putting her next to Naruto instead of Sasuke.


Busted as its overflown to the point it breaks or no one is there? Oh. Sorry the latter. Wait they took audio from 4 to save money? Well, that probably help it save money but looking at it overall I see it as an average game that will have people play it for a month or two then forget about it because better games will have come out by that point. Not that their much to the game since it relies on people wanting to play it to work since its solely multiplayer from what I understand. So it will eventually be an embarrassing flop in a few months.

yeah, people all over youtube refuse to buy it, I hear the beta even was  garbage to the point they refused to buy it that early on, busted servers and all. and yet they still released a busted game xD

#967933 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ultranx on 05 September 2018 - 12:52 AM

Pretty much. Her parents were yet another parallel to NS. Sakura's mother was the stern authoritative figure in the family that still enjoyed her husband's joke, while her father was the unfunny goof ball that in another world where he had more ambition became hokage instead of Minato.


Oh right that came out yesterday didn't it? Because that poster is bland, and you know this is a crap game? For pete's sake they didn't even match them up properly. Sakura should be fighting Salad, and Sasuke should be fighting Cups. Yes I know they want her to be the next Sasuke instead of the next Sakura, but they color match up doesn't work here. Also they tried to hide her as much as possible didn't they? -Edit: hell if they really wanted the buyer to feel important they should have the OC stand-in face off against Sasuke, and have Cups face Kakashi.-


OK about 2000 people are watching streams of it on twitch -lower than Smite- at the moment. To be honest I like Smite but it is what I consider a baseline for streaming views on twitch. A game has to be doing better then that to be successful.


On youtube (limited to this week so I could check people playing it) the second highest viewed video of the last week is Team four star play -which from what Evil and Kagomaru said they are kittening on it- is has 66K views. A few other youtubers that play anime games are playing it and are pulling in similar if lower numbers. 


Overall have to wait a month a see if it actually sells. I see it doing OK to average at the moment. So this isn't going to be the Naruto's Boruto's Boruto's Dad's Boruto's Dad's to Hinata's Son's Xenoverse which this franchise desperately needs since the people on that made the ninja storm games are moving on to a different franchise at this point.

with how much of a mess the naruto franchise has become with the ending and gaiden and boruto, it doesn't deserve a true time traveling xenoverse story. and xenoverse, sonic forces, and  jump force will all end up being better than any xenoverse they could come up with anyway. at least xenoverse is inspired by dragon ball heroes which is inspired by dragon ball online which was worked on by the creativity of akira toriyama. not only can they not hope to make it as good as xenoverse but they  will never have any manga writers on the level of akira toriyama working on it. lets be honest, kishimoto wasn't even that great of a mangaka and just copied everything from multiple franchises to make naruto, he wasn't even close to toriyama and at least toriyama properly ended his story, and that ending is technically still standing unless they decide to go past the ending. but even if they did it would end again sooner or later, with proper closure, unlike naruto.


now if there's a series that would end up deserving a xenoverse kind of game when it finishes if it ends well, that would be my hero academia, not naruto.

#967856 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ultranx on 30 August 2018 - 05:03 AM

I still need to play Xenoverse 2, but I wanted to wait for all the DLC to drop for it and maybe get a deal for everything. I really enjoyed Xenoverse 1.

you'll definitely enjoy it when you play it then, the dlc content is much better than xenoverse 1, plus better hub world, no infinite ki spam, etc. as for story arcs, normal game story covers saiyan saga to resurrection f then final battle, then of course the secret story arcs like how xenoverse 1 had the bardock and broly story. dlc so far has covered universe 6 tournament, goku black arc, and then had a unique infinite history arc with multiple different endings. usually every 2nd dlc pack has a story arc.

#967358 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ultranx on 01 August 2018 - 06:26 AM

I agree Derock, I mean I've been off last two days feeling very ill still am as I might need to go to the hospital. Again, last time it was thanks to a bad chest infection which is back doctors will tell me tomorrow.

It's because I'm on five types of drugs for my arthritis which sadly has gotten worse. But yes I agree with what you say as I don't what to get involved.

sorry to hear that, hope you get well soon  :sad:

#967297 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ultranx on 29 July 2018 - 01:26 AM

That's why tumblr is cancer.

true, at least when fanbases are involved, but at least its not as bad as facebook, twitter, and youtube with all the censorship as of late. its gotten so bad that facebook's stocks are dropping because of them doing the mess. good thing I stay off social media lol

I still don't get why social media has become such a huge thing, I mean don't they realize they're exposing their personal information online? I was always afraid of doing that mess.

#967294 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ultranx on 28 July 2018 - 10:14 PM


Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you one of the world's biggest hypocrites. Watch as he says ones thing and does the next. Tells the world "I am not going to debate this guy because he doesn't know what he is talking about" only to waste another entire post debating over something I JUST debunked. Look how he says he doesn't want to debate versus battles by...debating versus battles. See the amazing logic of telling me I can;t take a hint all the while entirely missing the point I just wrote. Congratulations....you win....on who can't let it go first. Despite me saying that feats are pointless because fictional characters change and continue to change constantly. See as he ignores what I said about feats vs core of character and completely ignoring everything I have just said. I bet you he didn't even see that I made a Superman Q and A showcasing most of the extraordinary feats that Superman is capable of that makes Goku look like a child accidentally spilling their fiction juice on the writing carpet. Cryptic metaphors are lost in the ever imploding realm of the oblivious notions.

I will say it ONE....LAST....TIME.
A man who can overcome any limits vs a man who has no limits in the first place.

Goku accidentally almost destroying the universe with supposedly three punches?
Pre-crisis Superman almost destroying the fabric of reality by flying too fast

Modern Age destroying Universes fighting himself and shattering dimensions with his fist.....PURPOSELY.

Superman patching holes in reality PURPOSELY and even into more than 5th dimensions

Superman speed blitzing The Reverse Flash

Superman traveling the entire length of the universe and back in 60 days WITHOUT teleporting or some kind of instant transmission.

Superman operating at less than Nanoseconds or faster

Superman's heat vision blasting things thousands of times larger than Earth and reaching temperatures hotter than the sun

Superman fighting off and damaging Soulfire Darkseid...who had the power that even the Source could not defeat.

Superman surviving a black hole that was sucking up the universe. Yes the ENTIRE universe

And many many many many more.
I can keep showing so many pictures of Superma fighting and defeating UNIVERSE LEVEL ENTITIES ranging from the Source to Darkseid to more.

I cannot stress this enough. SUPERMAN IS AS STRONG AS HE NEEDS TO BE. Goku can never and will never be able to beat Superman. EVER. Do you get this now? Superman is MEANT to be unlimited. He is NOT meant to lose. The only way Superman can die is if he lets himself die. Goku needs dragonballs to come back to life and or a cheat hax from one of the gods.

So at the end of day...it is YOU who cannot take a hint. It is YOU who so badly wants Goku to win that you ignore everything else for victory. Goku cannot defeat Superman. He can't. Superman is not meant to lose. Same as Goku cannot defeat Saitama either because Saitama is the anti-thesis to heroes like Goku. That is the whole point. Like how squirrel girl turns characters into the straight man.


This is does not mean that Goku or Superman are boring or stupid or pointless. Goku tells the story of determination. No challenge is too big if you have enough will to over come it. Superman tells the story of how good of people we should be. How we should make choices based on the right course and not out of foolish pride or quest for power. Superman doesn't need to struggle for power because he is already as powerful as he wants to be. These two characters are legendary and we both can agree that they are the most iconic heroes of our age. Superman is going on 80 years and still going while Goku has only been going on for 30 at best.


Goku is infinity
Superman is Infinite plus 1

Does it makes sense? No, but then it doesn't have to. Nothing Goku does makes sense either, but we put up with it because we love them so much. Just as how kitten dictates that Goku, even if he were a universe buster, will still face a challenge because that is the point of his character. His entire character is meant to struggle no matter how strong he is. Meanwhile Superman is the opposite. No matter what is thrown at him, Superman will win, but the question is is what he is doing is the right things?

End of discussion.
*mic drop*


like I said 1000 times, I don't care, I dropped the discussion about goku vs superman and sonic vs flash ages ago agreeing the subject was dumb, was my last comment on the matter, then you go bringing it up again? yet I'm the one that won't let it go when I did and you brought it up? seriously? and debunking? what was there to debunk in the first place? I was never arguing whether goku could beat superman in the first place, you were, I was just saying I find the whole idea of the fight dumb, the whole point of a character with no limits vs a character that overcomes limits, because most versus debates are like that and boring and uninteresting. most versus fights end up having an character fighting a op character that secretly is op and has a bunch of haxes. that's why I find versus debates dumb. look I get it, you like superman and feel the need to argue about superman being so much better than anything in dragon ball because you hate dragon ball and hate me for liking dragon ball super, I get it already, will you give it a rest? I know goku would lose to superman, maybe not every version of superman, because not every superman's core character is having no limits, the one originally that couldn't fly wasn't like that for example. but goku loses to superman, I get it, I don't care. they'd never fight anyway, they'd probably actually be friends. I am seriously not seeing the big deal and why you keep bringing it up whenever I remotely bring up goku or superman or both in the same sentence. was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt and actually read your replies and not put them on ignore, guess I'll stick to ignore then since you want to continue treating me like some dbz fanboy sigh. and also why does it matter if one version of sonic can beat flash or one version of goku can beat superman, why do you take offense to it so much? seriously....


I posted about sonic vs flash july 10th, that same day we dropped the subject, you brought it up 3 weeks later starting the discussion again, it is now july 28th, almost august, and started bringing up goku vs superman, and I'm the one that won't let things go? seriously? who's the hypocrite?



do you seriously think I want to waste my time talking about something I dropped almost a month ago?



seriously I have a rough day at my workplace and I come home to this crap?  I have a jerk new worker at work who is lazy and makes me do all the work he's supposed to do so I get off work late, have sonic youtubers calling me delusional for liking sonic forces, and now I have you calling me a hypocrite and acting like I care about goku vs superman when I do not, all in the same day making me in a rotten mood today? seriously I like superman, but if you keep acting like this I think I will grow to hate superman, I can't stand being harassed about stuff like this in fanbases, I didn't want to try sonic boom rise of lyric because I sucked at ratchet and clank and the ones wanting the game harassed me for it, then it comes out and is bad and I hated boom ever since, for its fanbase. is that what you want to happen? someone who likes superman like you to grow to hate him because of his fans harassing him?


seriously why is it you and me can't just get along? I try over and over again to get along with you, we used to back before the naruto ending, yet ever since we talked about goku vs superman you always bring it up to me and act like I'm a dbz fanboy and don't get along with me. I am seriously trying here and have had a rotten day, but I am still trying to be nice here.


maybe there's another series we both like and we can agree on something? and we can talk about that instead of hating each other?

I get into arguments with my best friends all the time because we have different things we like but we have stuff we both like too, like we both like sonic, megaman, pokemon, and dragon ball. I don't like shooters but my friends do  and they understand that I have different preferences. its the same here, you like versus debates, I do not, we both like superman, you moreso than me and we disagree on certain things, but we both used to like naruto and I'm sure we both like something else? can't we just agree to disagree and get along over something else instead of arguing over this stuff?


I always thought you were one of the coolest users on this site with the coolest posts whenever naruto was involved, and when you and bryon_konoha_ninja were harassed on tumblr by pro enders  I made a tumblr account just to give them a piece of my mind. heck I even watched some of your narusaku podcasts.  yet ever since we talked about goku vs superman the first time its like you hate my guts. 


look if I was a jerk when we first ever talked about it years ago when the death battles happened I apologize alright? I have mild autism and wasn't as mature back then as I am now. now I honestly don't care about versus battles anymore, not like I did back then. I'm not like you, part of autism is you mature slower than other people, you can be 23 and still be a teenager mentally, or in my brother's case with more severe autism, a child mentally. it takes longer than normal people for autistic people to mature.

I'm 27 and more mature than I was back then, especially ever since I ended up in the hospital last year. yet still don't know everything I need to know to live on my own yet. I am seriously trying to get along with you here.


literally all I'm asking is not to reply to me about anything about goku vs superman since I'm not interested. if its anything else I'm happy to talk to you if we can get along. I don't have a problem with you talking about goku vs superman here, just don't reply to me about it like I care about that topic, leave me out of the discussion, that's all I ask.


also if you weren't talking to me and only I'llnevergiveup3 I apologize, I just figured you were replying to me again since you do it every time goku vs superman is brought up and I was the one who brought up the topic of sonic vs flash in the first place. I didn't bring it up for a versus debate, I only brought up sonic vs flash as an example of why versus debates don't make sense and are dumb to me. if you like versus debates, that's fine I respect that, just leave me out of it, especially about goku vs superman.