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Member Since 02 May 2009
Offline Last Active Jul 16 2012 06:51 PM

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In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread!

17 February 2012 - 10:51 PM

Well most of you say that the “look” that Sakura had when she said “Hinata loves Naruto” proves that she already has intimate feelings for him. Why, what’s up with that look? Her façade just showed sympathy to Hinata, like what Sakura would have done for Sasuke, who will do anything for Naruto. But Naruto never actually knew or appreciated.

façade: noun, a front or outer appearance, esp a deceptive one. Sakura's expression is fake in that? Really? You can't seriously be arguing that kruemelmonsteryn0.gif

lso, when you say they have so much character development over the course of Shipuuden, it just showed their brother-sister care and love for each other (i.e. Naruto’s comeback in 450) that didn’t had the chance to develop in Part 1. Sakura really cares for Naruto and understands what he feels. She worries for him like a big sister to her little brother. Hell, if your teammate beat the Akatsuki leader and indirectly restored the life of those who died, wouldn't you hug that certain teammate too?? And hinata WAS smiling in the background right?? which meant that she had full trust and hell, her smile wasn't a SAD smile right?? it's just a normal "thank-god-you're-safe" smile

That is not what my sister looks like when asking me how she looks. As for Hinata, it is completely within her character to be happy when Naruto is happy. This includes when another girl is showing affection towards him. Also, what does "trust" have to do with anything? Just because Hinata has put her feelings out on the table doesn't mean Naruto can't still show interest in someone else. And please don't bring up a "development" argument if you're arguing for NH, it just makes you look like an idiot facepalm.png

And these reasons weigh much more than NaruSaku, since we only saw their character development. In Part I, the care that had developed within Sasuke towards Sakura (and Naruto) showed he cared for them and if he had already cut those bonds, why can we see into his eyes that he can't even kill them? He could have attacked Sakura after he had pwnd Yamato, but no, he didn't. Despite that icy facade of him, lays an interior that nor only cares for Naruto, but so much for Sakura as well.

You do realize that Sasuke has tried to kill Sakura, right? It amuses me to no end that SS fans seem to always conveniently forget that sweatdrop.gif
Sasuke cares for Naruto? Well, he sure has a funny way of showing it.....

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread!

09 February 2012 - 01:11 AM

QUOTE (Phantom_999 @ Feb 8 2012, 05:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey guys what's up? read the new chapter? Okay so Here's what I think. Just don't regard those Hinata and Sakura moments in the new chapter as romantic. they were meant to be portrayed as comradeship, not romance. We'll start actual, factual discussions when the REAL romance scenes/conversations ensue. For now I'm speculating that Hinata is just in a Naruto/ Sasuke state of mind with her always trying to catch up to Naruto like he was with Sasuke, no biggie. Sakura is saying she wants to protect him this time because he always bears the burden by himself so she is going to lessen for him it with all their comrades. It doesn't need to be romantic indication, it's not even the proper time for it yet so lets just see it as character development until Kishi actually pulls out the BIG ROMANCE magic okay? yes.gif

You just pretty much said what I was thinking. At first, I thought Kishi might be trying to build up a little suspense in terms of the romance department but not only does Sakura kinda pull some of the "romantic" part out of it with her thought train, saying that everyone will be with Naruto and not just her, but also I really don't think Hinata is niave enough to think that all she has to do to be with Naruto romantically is catch up to him in terms of strength. I wish I could address the entire NH fanbase that's out there screaming "CANON!" now when I say this but let's not forget that these are Hinata's thoughts, which are in no way reflective of Naruto's feelings. Just because you think "I want to marry so-and-so" doesn't mean it's going to happen.

On a side note, saw this from an NH fan and it made me laugh.gif
I hope your right.....I just pray it's not her. I think all the NH fans shouldn't be too....excited because I just feel like Kishi might be trolling. We never got to see how Naruto feels about Hinata, which worries me.

Kishimoto doesn't troll.