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Member Since 10 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 20 2007 01:25 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: XD Kitty Productions

28 May 2007 - 08:59 PM

That ramen chef is evil!! Who would do something foul to ramen?

I like the glint in his eyes too XD

Nice job Saku! Got caught up on your work and it's fabulous, like always happy.gif

In Topic: Live Chat: OPEN

26 April 2007 - 05:30 AM

WHAAAAAT!!!???!?!?!?!?!?!?! I leave for 5 days, come back,and LC is closed T.T What happened??? Who did it??? Whoever it was, imma give them a verbal beatdown :devil:

In Topic: LiveChat: Temporarily Closed

20 March 2007 - 05:20 PM


I'm happy it's gonna re-open!! I will do my job as a member of this forum to disband any unnecessary arguements and fights XD

In Topic: LiveChat: Temporarily Closed

20 March 2007 - 04:59 AM

I hope you mods decide to re-open the LC...I mean sure, there are the occasional arguements here and there, and what took place yesterday was very disrespectful and I feel the person who started it shoul receive punishment, but I don't think the LC should be permanently closed. As people previously suggested, you could add more mods to your council. (I volunteer, BTW XD) But another suggestion is to get people who are on different time zones, therefore there can be a mod in the LC as often as possible. Here are some ppl I would personally reccomend for Mod-Status:

RandomNobody AkA RamenMan2

...And that's about it. I've never seen any of those people in an arguement...excluding myself (Once with Aethos...he was calling me ignorant and narrow-minded >.<) and Yoko...yesterday...(Dont wanna say his name) provoked her...and then went on to say the disrespectful things he did to a Kage. That's just my opinion, the real desicion is up to the council and whether or not they decide to take our advice or not...

In Topic: NaruSaku-kiss

20 March 2007 - 03:25 AM

Are you gonna post anymore picz? Because I really lked this one biggrin.gif

If you're gonna post more, kepp it upz!!