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aKa Dmanz

Member Since 03 Sep 2007
Offline Last Active Private

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

06 December 2007 - 04:14 AM

Hmm... 7/10... that guy is wierd...

If that is Asuka... then 10/10... if not 9.9/10

In Topic: Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

05 December 2007 - 06:47 PM

Lets see....

Avatar 7/10 Inuyasha was decent, when i was a freshman in high school XD + props for the skittles.

Sig 8/10 Thats one kick ass bunny... I assume he is training for rabbit season.

In Topic: Funny LiveChat Moments

12 September 2007 - 05:22 AM

What happens when all the women leave...

User Recompense has entered this room.
[Recompense] greetings all
[Makunouchi] I would have sex with recompense anytime....
[Makunouchi] oh he is here;
[Recompense] ...
[Recompense] O.O
[Dmanz] oh yea...
[rickp2006] HAHAHA
[Makunouchi] yeah...
[Makunouchi] Hello Reco
[Recompense] O.O
[Makunouchi] haha
[Dmanz] dude... a night alone with Recomp...
[rickp2006] whoa, this is getting weird
[Recompense] ...
[rickp2006] recomp i feel sorry for you
[Makunouchi] all our dreams
[Makunouchi] ;p
User Recompense has logged out.
User Recompense has entered this room.
[Recompense] lets try this again
[rickp2006] lol
[Makunouchi] Hiya babe
[Dmanz] **** me
[Makunouchi] HAHA
[rickp2006] HAHAHAHAHA
[Recompense] O.O
[Makunouchi] We just cant resist that...BOD
[Recompense] is it a sausage fest?
[krazedkyubbi] what did i walk in on
[Makunouchi] hahahahah
[krazedkyubbi] :hg::hg:hg:
[Dmanz] Hot Bod... i want i want your bod
[Recompense] did i seriously just walk in on a sausage fest?
[rickp2006] they have converted to yaoi

In Topic: Funny LiveChat Moments

04 September 2007 - 05:57 PM

HG was certainly... frightening but honestly i thought trying to keep up with what krisk to be worse (she killed my internet!!!)

Also, i have seen worse video abuse on 4chan such as rick roll and meatspin ( i am never showing anyone that video out of common decency)... and then there are the wow forums where people make as much sense as the current US government.