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Member Since 20 Jun 2012
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Shadow WolfTheClover

Where is you? This chapter (631) is something you will definitely love. :D
May 24 2013 04:07 AM


Ohhh, I see. Yay! :huggles back: While you're here, wanna move this convo back to PM?
Thankee. ^_^ Yours is awesome, too. Soul Eater FTW!
Nov 01 2012 01:21 AM


to a caring guy. I'm fine with both, although I do prefer Snily because I felt like Snape really deserved a chance. Would you like to move this to a PM? :> I'm finding the chars count a bit annoying.
Nov 01 2012 01:18 AM


Sorry, this is a rather late response. :sweat:
I agree. At least Ginny managed to play some role in the storyline, in contrast to Hinata, who appears about 10 times in the span of 600+ chapters. :| I honestly can't say anything about any Lily pairing, as I felt like I wasn't given enough background to judge anything. I didn't really understand how James changed from being a big bu
Nov 01 2012 01:16 AM


Also I love the new sig :)
Oct 29 2012 04:48 AM


I'm still alive and noooooo I'd never get bored of you :huggles:. I kinda got caught up in school work and family stuff and god idek! But I'm back (^-^)!
Oct 29 2012 04:47 AM


I just realized I kept saying Severus. How odd...usually I use Snape :P
Oct 23 2012 07:29 PM


NH would be exactly like that for me, except maybe even worse since Ginny and Harry interacted a little more and actually knew certain things about the other. Like Harry even went to her home many times because of Ron so. And ohhhhhh. I like them :) Jily. Severus and Lily is cute too, but I prefer Jilly even though Severus really loved her obviously.
Oct 23 2012 07:28 PM


Yeah, exactly, it literally went from introduction in Book 2 to..."the beast in Harry's chest". Dafuq? If Kishi just HAPPENED to make NH canon, it would probably look something like that. .__.
Romione you kinda see coming, but Ron is really just...not the marrying type, like you said. His attitude just doesn't fit. Oh, and Jily's apparently the name for James/Lily.
Oct 21 2012 09:31 AM


Ahh oh well. What can you do? :P And I don't like Hinny at all. It was always so random to me the way it happened. I tolerate Romione, but I don't see Ron as the marrying type. Jily is...who again?
Oct 20 2012 04:32 AM