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Member Since 15 Sep 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 23 2007 09:53 PM

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In Topic: Kishimoto Bad At Developing Female Characters?

23 September 2007 - 09:51 PM

QUOTE (narutokage @ Sep 23 2007, 12:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't disagree with you, but I think Sakura is almost the same way as Naruto in part 2. Developed early on and then not focussed on that much, though Naruto had more panel time than Sakura but in terms of doing things I would say they are about the same.

You think that? Naruto has done more than Sakura, in my opinion. That's kind of..a given. The main characters always do the most things. Whether it be Ichigo from Bleach of Usagi from Sailor Moon, in every manga I've read, it's like that including Naruto.

In Topic: Kishimoto Bad At Developing Female Characters?

21 September 2007 - 02:11 AM

Yes. Even Sakura-chan as the lead female hasn't done much. For most of Part 1 she was just...there. In Part 2, she's finally done something but has still been pushed out of the picture.

As for Ino whom I really like, I hate the way she's portrayed as being so superficial. When we saw her and Sakura's childhood, she was someone who didn't care about Sakura's appearances and who would rather keep friendship than create a rift between her and Sakura. After that, she was never really portrayed in that light, in my opinion.

Hinata had ONE fight, that's all she did. I don't know why people are acting like she's the queen of the manga but she needs to be developed more before she can be paired up with anyone.

Tenten (even though Kishimoto-san likes her character design more than Sakura, Ino, or Hinata) has had ZERO development. It's just sad.

Tsunade was developed well in my opinion.

Kurenai and Anko have received almost none but still more thatn Tenten.

And...Temari...well,he fought. (I don't feel like saying anything else about the matter.)

In Topic: Pocky's sketch thread

15 September 2007 - 08:24 PM


You're freakin' awesome! i wish I had l337 skillz like yours. OMGZ!

In Topic: Fanfiction.Net Writers Unite! XD

15 September 2007 - 04:19 PM

Are you talking about a ff.net member? Or something else? Well, I have an account but I forgot it. I only read Bleach fanfiction basicallly, specifically IchiRuki (but their characters are messed up so often!).

In Topic: SasuSaku vs. NaruHina?

15 September 2007 - 04:09 PM

I can stand SasuSaku. I absolutely despise NaruHina but not the most. I dislike IchiHime the most out of all and I like Orihime. I mean, in Part 1, at least Sakura was part of his "family." Sakura meant something to him just as Naruto did too. In NaruHina, Hinata's just lumped with all the other people outside of Team 7, Jiraiya, and a few others. That's the main reason I don't like it. Hinata hasn't even said she had romantic feelings for Naruto! Seriously...