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Member Since 07 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active Aug 04 2010 09:21 PM

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Strange Picture in Flashback of 169

18 July 2010 - 03:17 AM

Weird Picture Description --Click here to view--
Did anybody notice something strange about the set of pictures used for the black and white montage after the part the Naruto stuck the metal bar into his hand? They were all things we had seen before, starting from Jiraiya getting killed all the way to the present of Pein lecturing Naruto about peace. All except for the last picture, which is something we had never seen before.

Attached File  Sakura_Death_Theory.jpg   50.31KB   244 downloads

More Explanation --Click here to view--
From what I see in the picture, I see an Anbu holding a dead girl. But I don't believe that they would include a random picture like this in a scene that is showing huge events that have happened already, I feel like this is a huge event foreshadowing the future. The more I examine the picture, the more I believe that the two people are Naruto and Sakura, not that I like it at all. In terms of the girl, everything from the clothes to the hair length matches her, but the guy is more difficult to prove. The only thing I can think of is the wrapping on his right thigh, which is a wrapping that Naruto also wears. Also the fact that the Anbu has a big scroll he is carrying on his back.

Of course, I don't want to believe this is what is going to happen, just the simple flow of how the pictures went from past to present, to possibly future worked out very well, and also everything I mentioned above. I really just want to hear what everyone thinks of this, because I don't believe its just random.

Naruto Shippuuden Ending 10-NaruSaku Proof!

14 August 2009 - 03:40 AM

I just want to say sorry ahead of time if this has already been discussed but I didn't see it.

I was watching today's Naruto, and the ending came on and like always I watched that too. If anyone is familiar with the 10th ending it's the one where they are all on the beach.
Well at one point I noticed that Sakura bends down to pick up her hat, writes something in the sand and runs off, and at the end of the vid they show what she wrote being washed away.
Curious as to what she wrote, I searched and found this youtube vid.
Naruto Shippuuden 10th Ending Narusaku Proof
I think this is awesome, and I hope to god that the maker of this vid. was right.
Just wana hear what you guys think, and show you if you haven't seen this.