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Member Since 25 Oct 2006
Offline Last Active Dec 25 2006 07:16 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Kiss or Confession?

01 December 2006 - 08:12 AM

I'm actually not sure Kishimoto would do either a kiss or a confession. Especially in this current arc that seems to be how many akatsuki members can we kill and replace with wierd orange spiraly guys. Naruto just seems like the type of character who would mess up a kiss or confession type of moment, chapter 297 anyone?

I'm more of the opinion that Naruto and Sakura are really just one awkward moment from walking away from something holding hands and blushing at each other. Making a kiss or putting it into words more of a secondary thing.

In Topic: Sasuke's other goal

27 November 2006 - 10:07 PM

I have to say that I think he's in a bit of a Catch-22. If we take Sai's bingo book to be official for all of Konoha and not just Roots then Sasuke is a missing-nin, meaning he's lost his honor in Konoha. On the other hand he's also too emotionally stunted after all this time to even think about having kids.

So unless he's expecting some sort of open arm welcome from the people of Konoha after he kills Itachi he can't restore his clan's honor. And all the women who were attracted to him in part one have either moved on (Sakura) or seem to have plain forgotten about him (Ino). Poor guy.

In Topic: Avatar: The Last Airbender

18 November 2006 - 01:38 AM

I do love this show and oh how I can't wait for the third season. Is it bad though that I tend to root for Azula?

In Topic: A NaruSaku manifesto

09 November 2006 - 06:32 PM

I don't have to be in class for another hour and I can ditch biology tomorrow, I vow to finish this by the end of tomorrow or I will do 500 laps around Konoha on my hands!

Ha, there will be no laps around Konoha for this reader as of 5:45 mountain standard. That was a fantastic read and should in fact be introductory reading for this place, some part of a membership packet or something like that.

In Topic: SasuSaku dying?

08 November 2006 - 09:17 PM

I suppose as a convert from naruhina I feel somewhat obligated to certainly not defend them but make sure that they are dissected properly.

I certainly can't speak for part 2 since by then I'd come to my senses and started waving my NaruSaku flag. But as far as part 1 goes it's not so much the sheer mass of interaction between them, even when I had my NaruHina flag I laughed at the people who tried to make it sound like they nearly lived together.

Instead it's more an idea of quality over quantity, Naruto had at that point never really opened up to anyone that we knew and here he was doing it to Hinata. Which in my then gullible mind, along with the minds of alot of other people translated to, Hinata can get through the layers to the real Naruto, and being able to do that is what makes a stable relationship.

Fortunately or unfortunately, I'm now on the fortunately side, Naruto never really dug through Hinata's layers. And then came Sakura who managed to do what Hinata had done only it was a mutual diving through the layers.

I hope this brief insight into the mind of a one-time NaruHina fan helps, even if I wonder from time to time what the heck I was thinking back then.