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Member Since 14 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active Aug 31 2024 07:54 PM

#928163 for the older members here

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 10 December 2016 - 06:51 AM

(older referring to length of time youve been on this site, not age. although they probably are not mutually exclusive now that i think about it. also theres mentions of suicide in this post so be careful)


uh hey. its ya boi kona/ashtyn. i suddenly remembered this site i spent a lot of my teen years on and came back on to take a look around see whats different. i see a lot of usernames i dont recognize (either they are new or i just forgot them, i have an awful memory). which is weird to think about, cuz there was a time where i knew almost everyone who regularly posted here, and i would chat with a few of you all day after school. i really cared about yall, and theres a part of me who still does, despite not talking to yall in literal years. like...i have a lot of history with this site. i looked at my profile and thru my posts and...well


other people who have been here a while (esp those who have been here for like 15 years or whatever, i mean PHEW i only joined in 09), do u ever look back on ur old posts on here and it just brings about this really weird response in you? nothing quite captures the way ur life was back then the way ur old posts on a website you frequented does imo. when i joined this website i was 13. i was a good kid and only lurked this site until the rules said i could join lol. that was a year after my depression and suicide ideation started, which just got worse as my teen years went on. and GEE does it show. im 20 now. when i look at my posts i just see the reflection of a mentally ill, closeted lesbian living in an oppressively religious household. i just see such an intensely angry person. even tho i often was cheerful in my posts, especially in the early days, i can still see a darker, more upsetting side to them. im not even sure if anyone else who reads them could see that! i just know the state of mind i was in when i made them.


i went thru something similar when i looked thru my old ff.net account. if u look at the description you can see my particular reaction to that! the words are basically the same- i was dealing with a lotta shi- i forgot you cant curse on here. um. i was dealing with a lotta schnitzel when i wrote them so i did away with them so i wouldnt have to look at them again. thing is tho i cant really do the same here. my first reaction was to delete my account and see if that took care of that. but then i realized how much i didnt want to. yeah, my posts reflected anger, but they also reflected love when i interacted with some o yall, yall know who u are. i dont want to get rid of that. besides, that sad little girl will always be a part of me, whether i want to or not. becoming an adult recovering from ptsd formed in ur childhood meant that even tho memory repression can be a normal coping mechanism, it can also be running away from things instead of coming to terms with them (which ofc should be done when ur ready for it to be done)


so uh. heres to adulthood being the revenge for childhood.


also this went in a whole different direction than i thought it would so! the discussion question i intended to propose was: older members, do u ever see ur older posts and it triggers a similar response that it did to me, whether its a happy, negative, or whatever one?

#833779 Show Yourself V3.0!

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 30 May 2015 - 06:43 PM

waddup yall. long time no see.





#833769 post your voice

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 30 May 2015 - 06:28 PM



heres me telling a joke about a frog seeking a loan

#707128 #illridewithyou

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 16 December 2014 - 12:19 PM

My heart goes out to all the Muslim people terrified to go out and about because of Islamiphobic terrorists. It's awesome to see people trying to end that.

#701186 Top 5 Hottest Girls in Attack on TItan?

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 11 December 2014 - 08:59 PM

This titan is pure waifu material.





#679923 Ferguson

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 30 November 2014 - 07:57 PM

Sigh I remember when I used to believe that.... 


But then I realized that the Civil Rights Movement became nothing short of a fraud manufactured by the American government to blind racism while making themselves look like they were on the right side of history. When Malcolm X led most of the Civil Rights Movement, I personally believe it stayed more true to itself. Even if I don't agree with him when he starts spitting the "white devil" nonsense. 


And at the end of the day Martin Luther King Jr. was still killed by our government. Go figure. 


Also, one of the main reasons why minorities, especially blacks, do not vote is because they already know that nobody is really on their side. Not even black politicians. The whole two-party system that America created is a cover-up honestly. Both democrats and republicans still share the same underlying goals, and helping the black community progress is not one of them. But, I don't want to speak for everyone because these are kind of my personal beliefs, yet they're shared by the people around me.  


Honestly, I believe the best thing that peaceful protesting does is boycotting. Money can be heard. But our government just waits for everything to calm down and just acts as if nothing ever happened afterwards. I mean, the Rodney King case was over 20 years ago. It's the same thing every year. Peaceful protesting has gotten us nowhere with this specific issue. 


But I also don't want people to get hurt? Seriously, the whole Ferguson situation really frustrates me....


Yeah, that's the reason I feel so uncomfortable with voting. On one side, you got vicious racists complaining about welfare and immigrants, and on the other, you got people sending drones and bombs over east. Like, a lot of people are saying that Hillary Clinton is the best choice, but ....she's like that one person in every feminist group who insists that hijabs are tools of oppression and won't listen to women who wear hijabs about it. Errrrggggg

#673369 Retcons and abandoned subplots

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 25 November 2014 - 03:16 AM

mmmm, that's some good lookin' NaruIno right there ;3


Here's my hierarchy of pairings:


Ino x Sakura



fixed it, no need to thank me

#666583 Kishimoto on why Sakura is with Sasuke, and other horrible ideas.

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 20 November 2014 - 05:03 PM

Sakura would be a terrible person for falling out of love with a guy who is, let's face it, an abuser? kitten oooooooooff

#665065 Show Yourself V3.0!

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 19 November 2014 - 06:16 AM

Dem eyes though!  :argh: Too gorgeous for words! 


thx brah


I took some more because I'M CUTE






For the record I'm not topless, just wearing a strapless dress.

#661864 So.... What Did I Do Wrong?

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 15 November 2014 - 08:40 PM

I can't blame her. 

You showed acutally 0 interest in her as a person, what made her think you just want a girlfriend and do not really care about her. 


What made her think that: 


- You just put in a romantic movie "everyone would like" and didn't ask any further. 

- You showed no interest in her book and just went off to play video games (on a date ... man, seriously, never do that again! You go on a date to spend time with the person you desire!)


But her bringing a book could also mean that she was never really interested in you in the first place. 


There we go. Let's learn from this experience:


1. Don't leave your date.


2. Don't leave your date.


3. Don't leave your date.


4. Ask questions about her. Get to know her better. She takes out a book? Ask what it's about. Does she like it so far? Is that the type of book she usually reads? Does she read a lot? What's her favorite book? 


5. Treat her like an individual, not a means to having a girlfriend.


6. Want to put in a movie? Ask her what type of movie she likes. For all you know, she could prefer Lord of the Rings or Taken to the Notebook or PS I Love You. She's indecisive? Pull out a movie, ask, "Have you seen this one? Do you like it?" Pro-tip: Pixar is your cheat card. Most people like Pixar. Also, this may just be me, but hilariously bad movies are amazing for dates. Pull out Birdemic or The Room, be like "Oh my god, this is the worst movie I've ever seen and I love it." I'd personally be hooked.


7. Have conversations. Just... have lots of conversations. Obviously, when a movie is playing, it's acceptable to just silently watch, but when the movie is over, hey, look, you have the movie to talk about.


8. Shared snacks are weirdly comforting. Get a bowl of popcorn or chips while watching the movie.


9. Don't leave your date.


Hope that helps.

#659901 Show Yourself V3.0!

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 13 November 2014 - 06:56 PM

I took selfies because WHY NOT



#659831 So.... What Did I Do Wrong?

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 13 November 2014 - 05:59 PM

I suspect that there's some info you're forgetting to tell us here. I highly doubt that she just went off on you just based on what the original post.

#655189 Kishi speaks After Naruto’s Finale (Interview)

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 10 November 2014 - 02:43 PM

Congratulations Kishi. You can still continue to milk money out from the fandom who were satisfied at the ending. :zaru:

Does this mean that Naruto will become the ninja version of High School Musical? Everyone will be dancing and singing and twirling. 


High School Musical had a satisfying ending, so probably not.

#650601 Your Favorite Heaven and Earth Memories!~

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 08 November 2014 - 05:05 AM



For realzies though, I have to second those who said xat chat, circa 2011. God, I really needed y'all then.

#645322 Funny meme's on our condition.

Posted by KonaKonaFan on 06 November 2014 - 04:07 PM

i already put this in the chapter discussion thread, but ill put it here too

