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Member Since 08 Apr 2010
Offline Last Active Dec 20 2012 08:30 PM

Topics I've Started

NaruSaku, Cliché?

09 May 2010 - 08:24 PM

Okay. This weekend, I got home and got to do something with my brother. Well, today he kept me nagging to watch with him another Disney Movie(the keyword, another), Starstruck. Well, to say the least....the movie was ok, but it clicks once again the 'all Disney Movie' love cliché. In the start, girl hates boy, boy is starting to like the girl, the girl falls for boy and they get together. This propelled me to post this question...
I understood from what I have read in the previous weeks, mainly from chiardha's posts, that Naruto, like almost all shonnen mangas, shows the usual love entaglement and that Naruto was probably fated from the start to be with Sakura. But do you think that their love may be a cliché?
Maybe this question was adressed before, but I am just curious smile.gif

Naruto Shippuden 156

15 April 2010 - 12:47 PM

So what do you think guys?

In my opinion it is a good episode but still, we are nearing the Naruto vs Pain battle...which it will be epic seeing the last few episodes.

Now, stay tuned for 'Neji Chronicles' wink.gif


08 April 2010 - 11:09 AM

Hey all...
My name is Julian,19 years old from Romania.
I am a big NaruSaku fan(as most of the other members).
I have killed myself weter to register or not in the past month and well right now I just snapped laugh.gif

That's all for now...